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Along with the economical globalization development, the development problem of agriculture is still the major issue that various countries do not dare to adopt a casual attitude. China is a large agricultural country, the development of agriculture and rural economy is essential to the development of the economy of our country, but develops the rural economy not to be able to leave the rural specialized technology talent troop growing strong. And solve various problems of the current rural specialized technology talent's troop, the more important thing is consummates its safeguard system while stable rural specialized technology talent troop, bring about an advance in it. This paper takes“Research on Counter—measures of Technology talent in Rural China”as title, and its object is to innovates and consummates rural specialized technology talent’s safeguard counter—measures, to stimulate its development, and achieved the level that the agriculture and the rural economy development required, displays the function which the rural specialized technology's troop should display in the development of rural economy.
     This article based on our country rural specialized technology talent's present situation, according to the reality, have analyzed a great deal of problems that the present rural specialized technology talent's troop of our country exists: the brain drain is more serious, the quantity is reduced, the rural specialized technology talent is in exceedingly short supply; the specialized organization of the rural specialized technology talent is unreasonable; the region distribution of the rural specialized technology talent is extremely unreasonable; the whole quality of the rural specialized technology talent's troop is lower. Then, this article is from respects such as external environment condition, inside operating, thought and knowledge of the rural specialized technology talent's troop, etc, have the factors of a great deal of problems to make deeper level, overall analysis to the rural specialized technology talent's troop of our country. Think mainly because people's talent's idea relatively lags behind, restriction of the long-term traditional agricultural mode of production, region imbalance of economic development, talent policy not do one's best, employing mechanism imperfect, rural specialized technology talent lack appropriate workbench, etc. to be that factor lead to the fact.
     Finally, this text has expressed one's own opinion on our country rural specialized technology talent's troop’s development and the strength specific measures, the author thought will develop and strengthen the rural specialized technology talent's troop must take following measures: firstly, builds policy platform which the rural specialized technology talent troop’s develops, in which include establish correct talent's view, reform and consummate the distribution system, insist and consummate the professional technique post comment and engage system, deepen the reform of personnel system, devote more efforts to investment, establish the rural specialized technology talent's social security system, etc. Secondly, set up the rural specialized technology talent's cultivation system, mainly includes the reform of present agricultural education, develops the continuing education vigorously, supported by local agricultural universities and colleges and agricultural scientific research institutions to stress the focal point of personnel training and so on. There are also have some other measures, as sets up the primary and practicality countryside human capital team and so on.
     Generally speaking, the article makes a coarse discussion about some aspects above, in the hope of bringing some revelation to the development of the present rural specialized technology talent’s troop.
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