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The information revolution, especially the rapid development of the Internet has converted the previous large-scale standardized production to diversified, flexible (customized) one. In this process, with the technology and process innovation, as well as changes in demand brought by consumers'incomes rise, the new industries and new products have emerged continuously, which result in new problems. First, the growth and changes in consumer demand require the new product market of the industry to accelerate maturity. Second, Due to the refinement and reconstruction of production caused by penetration, diffusion and derivation of the technology, the products of the enterprise are likely to be closely related to the components or products of other enterprises. Besides, the continuous refinement of consumer demands leads to the purchase of a collection of products (including services). Therefore, the relations with other enterprises should be taken into consideration as the use of the product, sales, pricing, fees and upgrade of one enterprise would be affected by others.
     Multilateral-platform market has gradually emerged and been increasing its share in the economy. Many scholars have paid attention to this new issue. It was first approached from the perspective of network externality and then the charges of multilateral market have become an important entry point. Nevertheless, such studies usually are fragmented, and often are isolated case analysis.
     This paper is going to examine the multilateral platform market in meso level. The major players of the multilateral platform are in the same industry, so they are bound to be affected by the components, products, services of other related enterprises as well as consumers. In addition, it is necessary to analyze the product structure since the platform consumers often purchase a collection of products.
     On this premise, this paper is going to discuss the function of the platform as well as the corresponding strategies of the enterprises.
     Externally, the emerging markets need to mature from infancy. The degree of maturity of the market and the level of transaction costs, to a large extent, depend on the existing infrastructure. The infrastructure should keep up with the constant innovation and professionalization of the emerging high-tech industries. Otherwise, there would be bottlenecks because of the absence of corresponding infrastructure.
     Internally, usually only the multiple product portfolio could satisfy the consumers because of diversification and refinement of their demands, which would closely link the related manufacturers. The adoption of the platform would not only facilitate the combination and production but also reform the previous price and charge system so as to optimize the profit distribution among the enterprise in the platform. What's more, due to the long-term multi-level consumption of the product the price system based on the platform would distinguish the utilities of consumers in order to provide appropriate services and help the enterprises to share fees.
     At the macro level, technological advance and the rapid development of the market spurs the enterprise environment and consumer demand. Accordingly, the platform would undergo changes. Continuous innovation would promote complex changes in the previous product market. On one hand, with the gradual improvement of the industry infrastructure the producers and consumers would deepen their understanding of the original products. For consumers, with the improvement of product performance, they would keep on looking for the new uses of the product and put forward new demands. For producers, they would keep on improve the functions of the products but reduce their costs. Therefore, the platform system and the product structure would become mature; the transaction costs would decline; the product price would fall but its performance will improve. On the other hand, technology and innovation may also create new demands, new products, and a new platform, which might open up new markets, or divert the market share of the previous one. the original platform market share. The leading enterprise would lose its share or even be replaced if it failed to make timely adjustment.
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