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Creating the sex reading teaching means with the student originally possessed of expectation visual field for foundation, then train a student creative power to return for the aim with the ability of the development student's creation reading and construction or purchase meaning of a kind of teaching activity. This thesis has a foothold in accept esthetics theories, and combine the fulfillment that own many in the last hearses create sex reading teaching, mainly inquiry in to create theories and fulfillment problem of sex reading teaching from three aspects: Accept the related theories of esthetics namely while I sing the theories basis which creates sex reading teaching; Two is the content and the characteristics which creates sex reading teaching; Three is the strategy which creates sex reading teaching. The full text is totally divided into three part:
     The first part, accept esthetics and create sex reading teaching. This part introduced to accept "reader center theory", "expectation visual field" and" invoke structure" of esthetics three important concepts and create the content of sex reading teaching .Dint diagram accept esthetics of the related theories convert into read teaching theories. The theories which uses to accept esthetics guides reading teaching, changing by the root to value author, work but neglect the reader's reading view and teaching view in the past. Accept an esthetics respect reader, place a reader in the center position, value the creation of reader's corpus, this with create sex reading teaching read of active theories that the power returns to the student is consistent. Accepted two core concepts of esthetics to carry on to create sex reading teaching to provide theories to prop up for the teacher. He requests a teacher more of pay attention to also the effect make use of the student's "expectation visual field", better leading the student fill up textual" invoke structure", carrying on creating sex reading.
     The second part, create the characteristics of sex reading teaching. From accepting seeing of esthetics a point to set out the characteristics that the study creates sex reading teaching can generalize for: Respect corpus and expand individual, promote a cooperation, value an experience and fix attention on to create sex .Respecting the corpus emphasized the reading high school student's center position. The individual difference expanded individual concern a student to read. Promoting the cooperation fix’s attention on in enrich to expect visual field respectively. Valuing the experience emphasizes the experience creates namely, having an experience will have intelligence, detection and creation. Fix attention on to create sex to mean reading of the process substance is the process of creation, reading to create namely, here the creation said, to student individual to say, as long as is the student read him originally have no of the meaning is a creation.
     The third part, create the strategy of sex reading teaching. Creating the sex reading teaching strategy is create sex reading teaching can carry out of important factor. Include a four-part cent, namely: Establish ecosystem environment of creating the sex reading teaching; Develop to create a teacher; Make use of textual invoke structure; Make use of, expand expectation visual field.
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