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Cross -Examination is an important judicial institution and evidential regulation of the Anglo-American countries, and it is one of the most characteristic institutions of the antagonistic lawsuits. We have introduced the Cross Examination institution in our country, but it hasn't play its roles. Today, our country has been going further into the reformation of the criminal procedure. So it is important for us to probe into the theoretical basis and procedural regulations. This paper has four parts, and about 45800 words.
    The part one has introduced the Cross Examination institution of the Anglo-American countries, which includes the concept, procedure, main regulations, different modes and its practical situation.
    The part two has elaborated the theoretical bases and judicial prerequisites of the Cross Examination institution. It has stated that the procedural justice, human rights guarantee, the philosophy of relativism and fair competition are the theoretical bases of the institution. It also have judicial prerequisites which are the antagonistic procedure system, the clear position of different part, the ful1 use of the lawyer's defense functions, the law practi tioners of high qualities, the appearance in court of the witness and the establishment of the preparation procedure before opening a court session. This part has elaborated the questions of the jury system and the differentiation of the type of the witnesses, too.
    The part three has elaborated the procedural merits and inner shortcomings. The author thought that the Cross Examination institution reflects the procedural democracy and justice, and it helps find the real facts of the suit and helps guarantee the human rights. The inner shortcomings of the institution are the hindrance of finding the real facts, the influence of the procedural justice
    and the impairment of efficiency.
    Part four is the heart of this paper. It has elaborated the Cross Examination institution of the criminal procedure in our country, and it has stated its reformat ion and improvement carefully. At first, this part introduced the Cross Examination institution of our criminal procedure, and it analyzed its characteristics. Secondly, this part elaborated the reasons that made the institution couldn't play its roles in the criminal lawsuit of our country, which include the check of the theoretical bases, the impediment of the macroscopic procedure and the lack of complete sets. At last, the paper has stated the reformation and improvement of the institution in our criminal procedure systematically. It spread out from seven respects which includes the guiding ideology, the selection of modes, the reformation of the macroscopic procedure, the related judicial principals and evidential rules, the improvement of the institution's procedure, the establishment of the relevant institutions and the guard of the inner shortcomings of the institution.
    As to the guiding ideology, the author thought we should accept both of the merits of the procedure mode of Anglo-American countries and the continental countries, and combine the experiences of ourselves.
    As to the mode of the institution, the author thought we should select the mode of the parties to a lawsuit play leading roles.
    As to the reformation of the macroscopic procedure, the author thought we should build up the criminal procedures which turning around the judicial procedure, and keep the neutrality of the judges, and keep the equality between the public prosecutor and defenders.
    As to the related judicial principals and evidential rules, the author thought we should drawup the principle of directness and oral and the regulation of hearsay evidence.
    As to the improvement of the institution's procedure, the paper
    discussed the way of witness's testimony and the sequence, scope, main regulations of the institution.
    As to the establishment of the relevant regulations, the author thought we should build up the institutions that the witness's appearing in court and the evidences' showing before th
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