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     3在氮、磷、钾 D-最优配比试验中以氮、磷、钾适量配比的Ⅱ-6(N:1.07;K:0.83g/盆)、Ⅱ-7(N:1.07;P:0.60g/盆)处理苗木生长最优,生长末期这两个处理苗木单株生物量分别比空白对照高142.10%,72.63%。单施氮肥的Ⅱ-2(1.8g/盆)处理在生长前期促进作用不显著,而后期则起到较为明显的促进作用。单施磷、钾肥的Ⅱ-3(1.0g/盆)、Ⅱ-4(1.42/盆)处理也分别起到一定程度的促进作用。而Ⅱ-8(N、P、K:0.64;1.0;1.4g/盆)、Ⅱ-9(N、P、K:1.8;0.35;1.4g/盆)、Ⅱ-10(N、P、K:1.8;1.0;0.50g/盆)处理氮、磷、钾总量超过苗木的需要量时,则会导致土壤溶液中离子浓度过高,从而对苗木根系造成一定的毒害作用,其中,Ⅱ-9、Ⅱ-10处理对苗木生长抑制作用更为严重。
    生卜中期叶绿素;总量含量范围为1刀4-1.77m*宫’·F WW,生长初期及生长末期都较低,含
    量范围 0.69叫刀fllgff’·FW。0-f绿素缸b值无论是在各处理间还是在苗木全年各生长各
    到二次多项式回归方程为y=0.960+1.6888 ZI-04222。+1.旧6lZ3-0.5987 Z;’+0.4221
Through fertilization experimentations in conservatory and farm, we study the growth orderliness of Fokienia hodginsii semination seedlings, and how the fertilization measures influence the configuration, physiological, biological guideline, and nutrition guidelines of the seedlings. The matrix between nutrition element and yield was also be made in the experimentation of D-best saturation Design. The nutrition diagnosis criterion of Fokienia hodginsii seedlings were made by the method of DRIS(Diagnosis and recommendation integrated system). The criterion was tested among the metaphase seedlings by the diagrammatized DRIS method and expoent DRIS method.
    1 The growth curve and order cluster methods were used and contrasted in compartmentalizing periods of seedling tallness. The result indicating that the latter method could make for a more precision partition, and this partition was accord with the seedling biological characteristic, this partition also can be regard as gist of administering measures of the seedlings. It also established the base of a series of researches during the seedling period.
    2 In the single factor experimentation of nitrogenous fertilizer under the condition of conservatory, the seedlings in the basin that fertilizer 0.65~1.30gram nitrogenous grew best. When the nitrogenous fertilizer was excessive, the growth of seedlings were retrained or reduced. In December, the weight of the two fertilization series of high yields were 1.39 gram, 1.07gram each one seedling. The yields of the two series were 3.04,2.33 times of the yield of the series that had no nitrogenous fertilizer. It showed that proper nitrogenous fertilizer can obviously accelerate the growth speed of seedlings.
    3 The seedlings of II-6 series (N: 1.07; K:0.83 gram/basin);II-7 series (N: 1.07; P:0.60 gram/basin) grew best in D-best saturation experimentation of nitrogen, phosphor, Kalium elements. The weight of every seedling of this two series in the growth telophase was higher than seedlings of no fertilizer. The II-2 series of odd nitrogenous fertilizer (l.Sgram/basin) can't obviously hasten the growth in prophase, but in the anaphase the acceleration of the growth was visible. The 11-3(1.Ogram/basin),II-4(1.4gram/basin) series of odd phosphor and kalium fertilizer, in some degree accelerated the growth of seedlings. The seedlings of 1I-8(N,P,K:0.64,1.0,1.4gram/basin),lI-9(N,P,K: 1.8,0.35,1.4gram/basin),II-10(N,P,K: 1.8,1.0,0 .50 gram/basin) series grew worse than other series. Through our research the reason is that the gross chroma of Nitrogen, phosphor and kalium in the soil exceed the tolerance of the seedlings root. Among the three series the bad infection of II-9, 11-10 series was more serious. After all, in the cultivating medium which were absent with nitrogen, phosphor, kalium element, the phosphor and kalium fertilizer can accelerate the growth speed of seedlings in the initial stages, otherwise the nitrogenous fertilizer determined the growth in the anaphase.
    4 In the farm, just as the weight of nitrogen fertilizer in the basin increasing, the
    acceleration to the seedlings changed to be restrain or poison. In the fertile nursery of north fujian province, 53.4kgN-hm-2~108.2kgN-hm-2 are suit to the Fokienia hodginsii seedlings. In the farm the series of highest yields was 2.58 gram/seedling; it was 44% higher than the blandness series.
    5 The photosynthesis, respiration, chlorophyll, root activity, NRA of ail the series' seedlings also were studied. Otherwise the variety disciplinarian of these guidelines of several growth periods was studied. At the same time the methods of measuring the activity of these guidelines was be studied. From the result of experimentation on these guidelines in all the growth stages, we knew that these guidelines of the seedlings of all the series had the same variety orderliness just as the configuration and yield guidelines. This indicated that high physiology activity inside the seedling was the basis of well growth. The good relativity between the phy
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