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The utilization of solar energy has become a hotspot in the world to solve the shortage offossil energy. Among them, an important research topic is to improve light-to-electricityconversion efficiency of the semiconductor materials. Polyoxometalates (POMs) are a kind ofgood electron acceptors. They can transport photogenerated electrons in the semiconductors,which reduces the electron-hole recombination and then improves the photovoltaic response.In this paper, we prepared a series of semiconductors/POMs composite films and investigatedtheir photovoltaic performances.
     1. We fabricated the nanocomposite films of PW_(12)and TiO_2by the layer-by-layer (LbL)self-assembly method. These films were characterized by UV-vis spectroscopy, IR spectra,and atomic force microscopy. Photocurrent measurements suggested that the photocurrentresponse of the PW_(12)/TiO_2composite film was highly dependent on the deposited number oflayers. Furthermore, the PW_(12)/TiO_2composite film demonstrated the higher photocurrent andphotoelectrooxidation activity for methanol than the TiO_2film, and the power conversionefficiency of the PW_(12)/TiO_2film was improved by50%.
     2. We prepared the composite thin films of P_2W_(18)andpoly(allylaminehydrochloride)-modified CdS (CdS-PAH) by the LbL self-assembly method.The CdS-PAH/P_2W_(18)composite film displayed a ca.1.5-fold increase in the photocurrentresponse and power conversion efficiency, as compared to the single CdS-PAH film. Thisindicated that P_2W_(18)could act as electron acceptors to efficiently suppress electron holerecombination in CdS and improve the photovoltaic performance. Such a mechanism wasfurther proven by experimental data of fluorescence emission spectra and surfacephotovoltage spectroscopy.
     3. A composite film containing CuPc and SiMo_(12)was fabricated by the LbLself-assembly method. Under both solar light and visible light irradiation, the photocurrentresponse of the CuPc/SiMo_(12)film was markedly enhanced in comparison with those of theCuPc/PSS film, and the CuPc/SiMo_(12)film displayed a ca.8.7-fold increase in the powerconversion efficiency. Surface photovoltage measurements indicated that the photoinducedelectron transfer occurred between CuPc and POMs. Furthermore, the CuPc/POMs compositefilm exhibited good photoelectrocatalytic performance for the oxidation of hydrazine.
     4. We prepared the POMs(PW_(12)、P_2W_(18))/TiO_2composite films and assembled the cells.We study on the photoelectrochemical performance, the electron transport and electron–holerecombination of the different content and type POMs in TiO_2film by measurements ofelectrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), photocurrent responses and I–V curves. ThePOMs/TiO_2films at low POMs loadings (0.75%) displayed the enhanced photovoltaicperformance. The power conversion efficiency of PW_(12)(0.75%)/TiO_2film andP_2W_(18)(0.75%)/TiO_2film was2.6times and1.6times that of TiO_2film, respectively. EISmeasurements proved that introducing POMs into TiO_2film could reduce electron-holerecombination and facilitate photogenerated electron transfer, which enhanced the light-to-electricity conversion efficiency. However, the excessive content (7.5%) of POMscould almost cause a negative effect on photovoltaic performance due to electron trap fillingsites.
     5. We fabricated the DSSCs based on both the only TiO_2photoanode and the PW_(12)/TiO_2photoanode. Compared to the TiO_2photoanode, the power conversion efficiency of0.75%-PW_(12)/TiO_2photoanode was improved by33%, while the7.5%-PW_(12)/TiO_2photoanodecould cause a negative effect on photovoltaic performance. The reasons were as follows:(1)the0.75%-PW_(12)/TiO_2film could adsord more dye;(2) The incorporating of PW_(12)into TiO_2photoanode could reduce electron-hole recombination and improve electron transfer. However,electron trap filling sites were present in the7.5%-PW_(12)/TiO_2photoanode.
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