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人巨细胞病毒(Human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)为独特的β—疱疹病毒,一旦发生感染,常终身带毒。目前HCMV感染在引起先天性宫内感染的微生物中居于首位。综合国内外研究结果,活产新生儿的先天性HCMV感染率约为0.3%—2.0%。其中有症状或明显改变的占5%,主要包括:黄疸性肝炎、先天性巨结肠、小头畸形,智力发育迟缓等;有轻微症状或非典型症状改变的占5%;其余90%HCMV感染表现为无症状感染,但其中5%-15%HCMV感染患儿多在生后两年内发生神经性耳聋或不同程度的神经精神运动障碍。
     目前,关于HCMV UL/b’区基因的多态性其与发病机制的关系成为国际HCMV最活跃的研究领域。其中人们已经发现其在HCMV感染过程中发挥一定作用的基因包括UL141、UL142、UL144以UL146、UL147。
     HCMV UL141基因表达产物能够下调自然杀伤细胞(NK细胞)—激活配体CD155的表达,从而介导了HCMV感染细胞有效防止自然杀伤细胞的杀伤作用。HCMV UL142基因编码的包膜糖蛋白能够下调自然杀伤细胞激活性受体(NKG2D)的配体MHCⅠ相关分子A(MICA),从而也能够有效的防止NK细胞的杀伤作用;同时UL142编码蛋白还可以抑制NK细胞的裂解。HCMV UL144编码一种Ⅰ型跨膜糖蛋白,据推测其编码产物是一种疱疹病毒穿入介子(HveA或HveM)的类似分子,HveA是肿瘤坏死因子受体超家族成员(TNFR)之一,在人类细胞和体液免疫防御中都发挥重要作用;有关UL144不同基因型是否与HCMV感染临床预后相关尚处于争论之中。HCMV UL146、UL147基因编码产物与α-趋化因子白细胞介素(IL-8)有相同的信号肽半胱氨酸空间位置。但到目前为止,尚未发现上述哪个基因多态性与HCMV感染致病性明确相关;这使我们推测在这个区域的其他基因是否能够在HCMV致病性方面起重要作用。
     HCMV UL139、UL140和UL138基因均定位于实验室株不存在的19个ORF中,目前它们编码蛋白在理论上是存在的,但其生物学功能还不清楚,少见文献报导。本文主要研究HCMV UL139、UL140和UL138基因在低传代临床分离株中的多态性,为探讨其多态性与HCMV感染不同致病性之间的关系奠定基础;同时推测其编码蛋白的生物学功能,进而为在分子水平上揭示HCMV感染的致病机制奠定基础。
     反应体系为50μl:10×Buffer 5μl,dNTP混合物2.5μl(2.5mmol/L),rTaq酶2U,上下游引物各1μl(33pmol/μl),模板3.5μl,用双蒸水补至总反应体积50μl。
     将测序标本进行凝胶电泳后,切出目的DNA片段,应用Takara公司的PCR Fragment Recovery Kit回收。PCR扩增标本应用BigDye Terminators Cycle Sequencing Kit,采用ABI公司的3700型全自动DNA测序仪进行双向测序,测序由上海联合基因公司完成。
     一、HCMV UL139、UL140和UL138基因PCR扩增结果
     26例HCMV UL139标本以30例UL140和UL138标本经PCR扩增后全部阳性,且测序结果理想。部分序列已被GenBank收录,序列号为No.AY21 8873-AY21 8887,AY601 874-AY601 877,AY8052552,AY805259,AY805260,AY805292,AY805294,AY905263,AY905264,AY218849-AY218859AY255774-77,AY218860-218872,AY255772-73,AY601873,AY941163-65。
     二、HCMV UL139、UL140和UL138基因多态性研究
     HCMV UL139编码蛋白的氨基酸序列进化分析结果与核苷酸序列的进化树基本一致。以Toledo株为参考株,临床分离株(除G1a型)虽于序列的5′端存在多个核苷酸的插入,由于均为3或3N个核苷酸的插入,未造成移码突变,故3′端氨基酸序列基本相似。所有UL139编码蛋白的羧基端8个半胱氨酸是相对保守的。
     三、HCMV UL139、UL140和UL138编码蛋白性质功能预测
     (一)HCMV UL139编码蛋白性质功能预测
     HCMV临床分离株UL139基因预测的蛋白质重要功能区域,由于各株所属基因型的不同而略不同;分别包括4或5个糖基化位点(ASN,N-glycosylation site)位点,2-4个N相连豆寇酰化位点(MYR,N—myristoylation site)位点,3或4个酪蛋白激酶Ⅱ磷酸化位点(CKP,Casein kinase phosphorylationⅡsite)位点。上述3种重要功能区域在26份标本中均存在,而且相对保守,与Toledo株相比,没有明显改变。其中G1b型的UL139基因编码蛋白,在氨基酸位点34-44之间新增了一个独特的原核膜脂蛋白脂结合位点(Prokaryotic membrane lipoprotein lipidattachment site,ADL)重要功能位点。
     HCMV UL140编码蛋白是一个分子量约21.5KD,pI为4.73-5.04的一个酸性蛋白。蛋白二级结构预测显示,Toledo株和15株临床低传代分离株(包括黄疸、小头畸形先天性巨结肠三种疾病类型)HCMV UL140编码蛋白的二级结构基本相同。我们预测在氨基酸位点15-25,80-90130-150之间可能是HCMV UL140编码蛋白的亲水性区域。
     所有低传代临床分离株HCMV-UL140编码蛋白的重要功能位点均比较保守,包括蛋白激酶C磷酸化位点(PKC,Protein kinase C phosphorylation site)和ScAMP磷酸化位点(SPS,SulfationcAMP phosphorylation site)以ASN、MYR和CKP位点。各临床分离株HCMV-UL140编码蛋白的重要功能位点略有不同。临床分离株1M的UL140蛋白缺失了一个CKP功能位点,增加了一个PKC功能位点;临床分离株51C,缺失了一个ASN功能位点。而分离株27C、29C、2J、39J等UL140蛋白增加了一个CKP功能位点。
     HCMV UL138编码蛋白是一个分子量约19.3kD,pI 6.84的一个弱酸性蛋白。蛋白二级结构预测显示,Toledo株和19株临床低传代分离株HCMV UL138编码蛋白的二级结构基本相同。我们预测在氨基酸位点55-65,70-90105-115之间可能是HCMV UL138编码蛋白的亲水性区域。
     所有临床低传代分离株HCMV-UL138编码蛋白的重要功能位点均比较保守,包括酪氨酸激酶磷酸化位点(TKP,tyrosine kinase phosphorylation site),以PKC、MYR、CKP和SPS位点。与Toledo株相比,无新增的重要功能基团;各临床分离株(除20M株外)缺失了一个PKC位点。
     在HCMV UL139基因中,无症状的HCMV感染患儿与有症状的患儿一样分别存在于UL139的三个基因型中。不同临床表现的HCMV感染患儿在UL139基因型中的分布没有明显不同。
     1.HCMV UL139、UL140和UL138基因广泛存在于临床低传代分离株中。
     2.HCMV UL139基因呈现高度多态性,是目前发现的HCMV中变异最大的基因之一,存在多个核苷酸的插入和替换(多为错义突变)。而且这些变异形成了株特异性的基因型,表明生物进化选择有助于UL139变异各型的保留,从而使UL139基因不同基因型的变异在特定的环境中可能具有更大的适应性。
     3.我们发现HCMV UL139编码跨膜糖蛋白与人B淋巴细胞表面的分化抗原CD24存在一定区域的同源,可能参与机体在HCMV感染后的免疫反应。
     4.HCMV UL140UL138序列高度保守。
Human Cytomegalovirus(HCMV) is a ubiquitous betaherpesvirus with a wide spectrum of infectivity, as demonstrated by several cell types that can be infected in vitro and by multiple organs observed during infection in vivo.HCMV infection can cause serious diseases, particularly in immunocompromised patients and newborns. However, the mechanisms of viral pathogenesis are not known. Differences in tissue tropism, severity of clinical manifestations and ability to establish persistent or latent HCMV infections are thought to be related to genomic variability among strains.
     HCMV is a genetically complicated virus, its genome consists of 230-235 kb double-strands DNA and more than 200 predicted open reading frames (ORFs). A new region of HCMV DNA containing at least 19 ORFs( UL133-UL151) was found in the Toledo strain(EMBL,AY446871) and in several other low passage clinical isolates recently, but it was deleted in laborotary strain AD169(EMBL,X17403). The fact that AD169 shows attenuated virulence and different tropisms in endothelial cell from low passage isolates,suggests that predicted products of these new ORFs possibly determine the outcome of HCMV infection in vivo.
     The possibility that UL133-151 ORFs in the UL/b′region may provide genetic markers for HCMV pathogenesis prompted to investigate these genes in HCMV clinical isolates. UL141 might downregulate natural killer cell-activating ligand CD155, UL144 encodes a structural homologue of the herpesvirus entry mediator and both UL146 and UL147 encode viral CXC(α) chemokines. At present,the variabilities and functions of these genes are being investigated.However, the definitive associations between these genes and HCMV disease have not been established,which leaves open the possibility that other variable HCMV-encoded products in the region may play a role in viral pathogenesis.
     The genomic variabilities of HCMV UL139、UL140 and UL138 ORF and the relationship between the variabilities of these genes and different pathogenesis of congenital HCMV infection were detailedly investigated in this report.
     Materials and Methods
     1.Patients and Samples
     The study population of HCMV UL139 consisted of twenty-six infants with HCMV infection who were identified in the 2nd affiliated hospital of China Medical University. These infants aged less than 14 months with suspected congenital infection had different clinical manifestations: jaundice (J,n=15), Hirschsprung's disease (C,n=4), microcephaly (M,n=4)and asymptomatic infection (A,n=3). Nineteen low passage clinical isolates and seven urine samples from the infants were used to carry out PCR amplification. Isolates, recovered from abnormal colon tissue or urine, were passaged less than 10 times in human embryonic lung fibroblasts (HELF).
     The study population of UL140 and UL138 consisted of thirty HCMV infected infants who exhibited different clinical manifestations: jaundice (n=18), Hirschsprung's disease (n=7),microcephaly (n=5). All sample were clinical isolates.
     2.PCR Amplification
     According to the corresponding Toledo sequence, primers were designed using Primer premier 5.0 software, see Table 1.
     The PCR reaction mixture contained 1×buffer, 1.5mM MgCl_2, 0.2mM dNTPs, forward and reverse primers 150ng respectively , 0.5U of Taq polymerase,template 3.5μl in a final volume of 50μl.The conditions for amplification were 95℃for 4 min followed by 30 cycles of 95℃for 45 sec, 54℃for 1 min, 72℃for 1 min, and a final extension at 72℃for 10 min.
     3.Purification and Sequencing
     The PCR products of the appropriate size were purified for sequencing using the PCR Fragment Recovery Kit. Sequencing was carded out on both DNA strands. The sequences were analyzed on an ABI 3700 automated sequencer.
     4.Sequence Analysis
     All nucleotide and amino acid sequences were analyzed using the BioEdit 5.0,DNAClub,GeneDoc,DNAStar and Sequin software.
     1.Presence of the UL139, UL140 and UL138 ORF
     All samples gave positive amplification of HCMV UL139、UL140 and UL138. PCR products selected were sequenced successfully. The sequences have been assigned Genbank accession No. AY218873-AY218887, AY601874-AY601877, AY8052552, AY805259, AY805260, AY805292, AY805294, AY905263, AY905264, AY218860-AY218872, AY255772, AY255773, AY601873, AY941163-AY941165 and AY218849-AY218859, AY255774-AY255777.
     2. Analysis of the UL139、UL140 and UL138 DNA and Amino Acid Sequence
     (1)Analysis of the UL139 DNA and Amino Acid Sequence
     The UL139 gene sequences from HCMV infected infants ranged in length from 408 to 444 bp. Using the Toledo strain as the arbitrary reference sequence, the variants were clustered clearly into three major groups G1 (Gla、G1b、G1c), G2 (G2a、G2b) and G3. The strains in Gla showed a high level of identity to the Toledo strain. However, the strains in the other subgroups contained 12-36 nucleotide insertions and 24-49 substitutions, of which 47.8-60.7% were non-synonymous with respect to the Toledo strain.
     The non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions led to a wide spectrum of amino acid changes. Phylogenetic analysis of the UL139 putative proteins was mainly consistent with the results described for DNA. Although a relatively large number of nucleotides were inserted in the 5' half of the UL139 ORF in some strains, no frame-shift mutation occurred due to 3 or 3N nucleotide insertions. The C-terminal region and the eight cysteines of all UL139 putative protein appeared relatively conservative.
     (2)Analysis of the UL140 DNA and Amino Acid Sequence
     The UL140 ORF in clinical isolates was identical in size to that of Toledo, composed of 576 nucleotides. The identities in nucleotide were 96.8-100.0%. The UL 140 ORF was predicted to be a possible glycoprotein of 191 amino acids. Alignment of amino acid sequences showed a high level of identity from 95.4% to 100.0%.
     (3)Analysis of the UL138 DNA and Amino Acid Sequence
     The UL138 ORF in clinical isolates was identical in size to that of Toledo too, composed of 510 nucleotides and predicted to be a protein of 169 amino acids. The identities in nucleotide and amino acid sequences were 97.6%-100.0% and 98.2%- 100.0% respectively.
     3.Structure Analysis of the Predicted UL139, UL140 and UL138
     (1)Structure Analysis of the Predicted UL 139 Protein
     The UL139 putative protein was predicted to be a glycoprotein(gpUL139). All gpUL139 shared sequence homology with human CD24 mature peptide in a restricted region. The gpUL139 contained 4 or 5 N-glycosylation sites(ASN), 3 or 4 Casein kinaseⅡphosphorylation sites(CKP), 2-4 N-myristoylation sites(MYR), depending on the sequence groups which clinical strains belonged to. In addition, the sequences in the strains of Glb contained a specific attachment site of prokaryotic membrane lipoprotein lipid.
     (2)Structure Analysis of the Predicted UL 140 Protein
     The post-translational modification motifs of UL 140 putative proteins in clinical isolates were highly conserved. 2J, 39J, 27C and 29C added a CKP site in the same position. However, these isolates were derived from the infants with different clinical signs which were jaundice and Hirschsprung's disease respectively.
     (3)Structure Analysis of the Predicted UL 138 Protein
     The post-translational modification motifs of UL138 putative proteins in clinical isolates were highly conserved.
     4.Relationship Between UL139、UL140、UL138 and Signs of Congenital Infections
     The strains from infants with asymptomatic HCMV infection, as those from patients who suffered from HCMV disease,existed in three UL139 genotypes. The distribution of the strains from infants with different clinical manifestations in the UL139, UL140 and UL138 sequence groups was not apparently different.
     1. HCMV UL139, UL140 and UL138 genes were extensively present in HCMV clinical strains.
     2. HCMV UL139 gene is one of the most variable region in HCMV. A large number of nucleotide insertions and non-synonymous substitutions occurred in the UL 139 ORF. The clustered polymorphisms in the UL 139 sequence imply that selective pressures might favor retention of each subgroup.
     3. The finding that the putative gpUL139 shared sequence homology with human CD24 suggested that the UL139 putative protein might be involved in the immune response during HCMV infection.
     4. HCMV UL 138 and UL 140 genes were highly conserved.
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