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     体外受精-胚胎移植技术(IVF-ET)已有30余年的发展历程,到目前为止全世界范围内经辅助生育技术(assisted reproductive technology, ART)治疗出生的子代已超过三百五十万,且出生率呈逐年增加的趋势,ART子代正成为全球人口的一个重要组成部分。有报道提示在ART子代中健康风险增加,包括自然流产、低体重、极低体重、出生缺陷、脑瘫等,原因尚不明确。关于ART操作安全性的研究已成为当前遗传学界和生殖学界的一个热门研究领域。本研究即是关于ART操作安全性研究的一个分支。
     近年来印迹缺陷,包括Beckwith-Wiedemann综合征(Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome, BWS)、Angelman综合征(Angelman Syndrome, AS)引起了人们的广泛关注。多项病例对照研究提示在ART子代中印迹缺陷风险增加。印迹基因等位基因特异性表达的破坏与人类遗传疾病、某些肿瘤及神经系统疾病相关,其亲缘特异性表达需要正常水平的DNA甲基化。印迹基因的甲基化在配子发生过程中擦除并重新建立,在种植前后维持甲基化,而ART技术在配子发生、受精及种植前后阶段操作配子和胚胎,这一时期恰恰是印迹基因甲基化重新编程的关键时期,因此可能导致印迹基因甲基化异常。另外,接受ART治疗的不育夫妇,很大比例在自然情况下并不具备孕育子代的能力,其生育能力的缺陷亦有可能会通过ART遗传给下一代,而是否与印记基因有关尚不得知。
     研究组为2008年至2009年于南方医院行ART治疗并在南方医院分娩的58例新生儿,包括异卵双胎40例,单胎18例,对照组为以同期自然妊娠分娩于南方医院的32例新生儿,包括30例单胎与2例异卵双胎,采集新生儿脐带血10-15ml (EDTA或肝素钠抗凝),记录新生儿出生体重、分娩孕周、母龄、受孕方式、有无出生缺陷及孕期监测情况等。采用荧光定量PCR技术(SYBR Green染料法)检测印记基因IGF2和H19mRNA的表达情况,数据处理采用2-⊿⊿Ct法,使用SPSS16.0软件进行统计学分析,样本均数比较使用T检验及单向方差分析(One-way ANOVA),方差不齐时使用近似F检验Welch法,两变量相关关系使用双变量相关分析(Bivariate), P<0.05为差异有统计学意义或有显著相关关系。
     1 ART组与自然妊娠组比较:ART组与自然妊娠组分娩孕周在34-40周之内,无一例新生儿有表型畸形,ART组中有19例异卵双胎为低出生体重儿(出生体重<2500g),其中16例为早产儿,对照组中有2例为低出生体重儿,其中1例为早产儿。ART组平均母龄高于自然妊娠组,而平均出生体重与分娩周数均低于自然妊娠组,差异均有统计学意义(p<0.05)。ART组IGF2基因与H19基因表达水平均高于自然妊娠组,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。ART组两印记基因表达水平的组内变异高于自然妊娠组。
     2 ART双胎组、ART单胎组与自然妊娠单胎组比较:ART双胎组与自然妊娠单胎组比较,母龄、分娩周数、出生体重、IGF2基因及H19基因表达水平之间均有有显著性差异(p<0.05); ART单胎组及ART双胎组母龄均高于自然妊娠单胎组(p<0.05);而出生体重、分娩孕周均显示ART双胎组低于ART单胎组和自然妊娠单胎组(p<0.05)。H19基因与IGF2基因表达水平均为ART双胎组高于自然妊娠单胎组(p<0.05)。ART单胎组H19基因与IGF2基因表达水平的组内变异均大于自然妊娠单胎组。
     3 IVF组、ICSI组与自然妊娠组比较:58例ART子代包括采用常规体外授精(IVF)获妊娠分娩子代33例(单胎10例+双胎23例),单精了卵胞浆内注射(ICSI)子代22例(单胎7例+双胎15例),IVF+ICSI子代3例。IVF组母龄与H19基因表达水平高于ICSI组和自然妊娠组(p<0.05), ICSI组与自然妊娠组之间不存在显著性差异(p>0.05);出生体重、分娩周数则显示IVF组和ICSI组均低于自然妊娠组(p<0.05), IGF2基因表达水平为IVF组和ICSI组均高于自然妊娠组(p<0.05)。IVF组两印记基因H19与IGF2表达水平的组内变异明显高于自然妊娠组,ICSI组IGF2基因表达水平的组内变异亦高于自然妊娠组。
     4. ICSI显微操作在常规IVF上基础上并未增加对印记基因IGF2与H19表达水平的影响。
     收集2008年至2009年于南方医院行ART治疗并在南方医院分娩的61例新生儿作为研究组,包括异卵双胎43例,单胎18例,以同期自然妊娠分娩于南方医院的30例单胎为对照组,采集新生儿脐带血10-15ml(EDTA或肝素钠抗凝),其中3例ART双胎脐血收集量仅2ml,记录新生儿出生体重、分娩孕周、母龄、受孕方式、有无出生缺陷及孕期监测情况等。采用甲基化特异性PCR (MSP)和结合重亚硫酸盐的限制性内切酶法对61例ART子代和30例自然妊娠单胎H19印记控制区(H19ICR)、KCNQ1印记控制区(KCNQ1 ICR)和IGF2甲基化差异性区域(DMR)的印记与甲基化状态进行检测,使用重亚硫酸盐测序法(BSP)验证20例H19 ICR的甲基化状态和15例KCNQ1 ICR的甲基化状态。两独立样本率的比较使用χ2检验。
     1.MSP检测到61例ART子代和30例自然妊娠子代的H19 ICR、KCNQ1 ICR及IGF2DMR的甲基化DNA链与非甲基化DNA链均存在。
     2.限制性内切酶TaqI与BstUI检测到3例ICSI双胎出现多个酶切位点的印记缺失,占总检测ART子代的比率为4.9%(3/61),与这3例双胎同胞妊娠的另3例ART子代经酶切检测均表现为H19 ICR的正常印记。病例资料显不ICSI操作缘于父方不育因素。
     3.BSP检测的20例样本中,3例ICSI双胎的H19 ICR甲基化程度<10%,处于低度甲基化状态,证实了TaqI与BstUI酶切检测到的相关位点的印记缺失;16例H19 ICR甲基化程度在34%-67%之间,1例为25%。
     4.限制性内切酶TaqI检测到16例样本出现H198271位点(基因库序列号AF125183)的C/T多态性(单核苷酸多态性,SNP), ART双胎发生率为自然妊娠单胎的2.5倍,ART子代发生率是自然妊娠子代的2.13倍,但并无统计学差异(p>0.05)。低体重儿较正常出生体重儿更易发生这种SNP,差异有统计学意义(p<0.05)。BSP证实了这种多态性的存在,并发现H198271位点的C/T多态性常和H197966位点的C/T多态性并存出现。
     5. TaqI与BstUI未检测到KCNQ1 ICR有相关酶切位点的印记缺失。
     6.BSP法检测15例样本的KCNQ1 ICR,其中有6例样本的甲基化程度>70%,包括两例自然妊娠低体重儿、1例ICSI单胎足月正常体重儿、1例ICSI早产低体重双胎和2例IVF早产低体重双胎。
     7. H19 ICR与KCNQ1 ICR甲基化程度无显著相关关系(p>0.05),但相关系数为负值。
     8. BstUI检测61例ART子代和30例自然妊娠子代的IGF2 DMR均处在正常的甲基化状态。
     1.正常表型的ART子代不伴有H19ICR、KCNQ1 ICR与IGF2 DMR印记的完全缺失。
     2.3例ICSI双胎表现出H19 ICR多个位点的印记缺失和低度甲基化状态,可能与使用父方提供的异常的精子授精有关。
     4. KCNQ1 ICR对生长发育起着一定的调控作用,当其表现为高度甲基化时对生长发育有一定的抑制作用。
     Assisted reproductive technology (ART) have been widely used over the past three decades to help infertile couples conceive. Over 3,500,000 babies have been conceived through ART woridwide, the number is growing. Recent studies on the ARTconceived population have raised concern about the possible risks of these techniques, in particular with regard to increased incidence of growth and developmental disorders. Amplified risks associated with ART has been reported, including spontaneous abortion, low or very low birthweight, small for gestational age, major malformations, cerebral palsy and so on. Study on the safety of ART has becoming to a hot-spot to genetist and researchers working on reproduction.
     Recently, imprinting disorders including Beekwith-Wiedemann Syndrome and Angelman Syndrome attract most attention with respect to the safety of ART. Although current evidence does not allow definite conclusions to be drawn,findings of different case series and case-control studies have consistently suggested an inereased risk of imprinting disorders in pregnaneies after ART.Differential expression of the Paternal and matmal alleles of imprinted genes requires regulated DNA methylation.ART procedures, including hormone-induced superovulation, in vitro fertilization and embryo culture, manipulate gametes and embryos during gametogenesis, fertilization and pre-implantation stages, which is crucial for methytation reprogramming of imprinted genes.Therefore, ART is likely to induce in appropriate methylation of imprinted genes and disrupts imprinting.On the other hand, the couples suffering infertility might spread the disabled fertility problem to their offspring by ART treatment.
     The relationship between ART procedures and expression of imprinted genes in offspring still remains unelear.Experimental evidences in animals and embryonic stem cells indicate that manipulation and invitro embryo culture may lead to disrupted genomie imprinting.However, several studies in human found no detectable alteration of imprinted gene expression, indicating that the imprints, which have been set during gametogenesis, are stabely maintained during the ART procedure.
     Till now,we can see most of studies on ART offspring are focusing on clinical case control cohort report and imprinting disorders, but few studies on imprinted genes of phenotypic normal ART offspring have been done, so more molecular biology studies are suggested to confirm the safety of ART.
     Human chromosome band 11p15.5 includes a cluster of genes that are imprinted.Dysregulation of this gene cluster is associated with the overgrowth and tumor predisposition syndrome, BWS, isolated hemihyperplasia, SRS, and transient neonatal diabetes mellitus.Here we investigate the expression levels of IGF2 and H19, which are very important in the control of fetal and postnatal growth,and test imprinting and methylation status of two important imprinting control regions at chromosome 11p15.5, which regulate the two main domains of 11p15.5, to evaluate the safety of ART.
     Part1 Expression levels of IGF2 and H19 of the offspring conceived throught assisted reproductive technology
     Objective:To explore the expression levels of IGF2 and H19 gene of ART offspring and natural conceived offspring, evaluate the growth and developmental condition and safety of ART offspring.
     Methods:A total of 58 newborns conceived by ART and 32 newborns conceived naturally from 2008 to 2009 at the Nanfang Hospital, Guangzhou, China, were chosen for our studies. Cord-blood samples (10-15 mL)were collected in EDTA tubes from the umbilical cords of the infants. Maternal weight, height, age, past and present medical history, babies'gender, birth weight (BW), record of birth (including mode and indication for delivery) and gestational age were recorded. Testing their expression levels of imprinted genes IGF2 and H19 by real-time PCR. One-way ANOVA and SPSS 16.0 were used to do satistical work.
     Results:1.A major difference between the two sample sets concerns the frequency of twin pregnancies. Due to multiple embryo transfer following ART twin pregnancies are very frequent in ART group, while only one twin pregnancy was among the samples obtained from the spontaneously conceived group (p<0.05). Accordingly, children born after ART had a slightly lower gestational age and were lighter and smaller at birth compared to the spontaneously conceived children (p<0.05). In addition, maternal age was higher in the ART groups (p<0.05)
     2. There existed significant difference between ART group and naturally conceived group with the expression levels of IGF2 (p<0.05);the difference of the expression levels of H19 was also significantly (p<0.05).which might be both due to twin pregnancy since there were no significant difference between naturally conceived singletons and ART singletons with the expression levels of IGF2 and H19 gene (p>0.05)
     3. There exsited no significant difference between IVF group and ICSI group with the expression levels of IGF2,so did fresh cycle group and frozen/thawn group (p>0.05).But as to H19 gene, the former was significant (p<0.05),the latter was not (p>0.05)
     4. The correlation between birth weight and expression levels of H19 gene was significantly (p<0.05), so was gestational age and expression levels of IGF2 gene (p<0.05).The correlation of expression levels between the two imprinted genes was significantly too (p<0.05)
     Conclusion:High twin pregnancy rate of ART is likely to result in preterm birth and low birth weight, which might has some connection with changing of expression levels of imprinted genes as well, although birth defects haven't been found in this study, we still need further study to focus on the safety of ART in the long run.
     Part2 Imprinting and methylation status of two imprinting control regions at chromosome 11p15.5 in offspring conceived through assisted technology
     Objective:To explore the imprinting and methylation status of two important control regions at human chromosome 11p15.5, evaluate the probability of abnormal imprinting and methylation happening to ART offspring.
     Methods:A total of 61 newborns conceived by ART and 30 newborns conceived naturally from 2008 to 2009 at the Nanfang Hospital, Guangzhou, China, were chosen for our studies. Cord-blood samples (10-15 mL)were collected in EDTA tubes or heparin sodium tubes from the umbilical cords of the infants. Maternal weight, height, age, past and present medical history, babies'gender, birth weight (BW), record of birth (including mode and indication for delivery) and gestational age were recorded.Methylation specific PCR(MSP) was used to detect methylated and unmethylated alleles. Combined bisulphite restriction analysis(COBRA) and bisulphite sequencing(BSP) were chosen for detecting imprinting and methylation status of the two imprinting control regions.
     Results:1 Abnormal imprinting and hypo-methylation at H19 ICR were found to happen to three dizygotic twins conceived after intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).Near upon 66%(14/22) of cases with low birth-weight were found to have a single C/T polymorphism(SNP) (H19 8271, GenBank accession no. AF125183) at H19 ICR, calculated with nearly 25%(13/43) of ART twins compared with 10%(3/30) of naturally conceived singletons and 0%(0/18) of ART singletons.There existed significant difference between cases with low birthweight and cases with normal birthweight (p<0.05)
     2.COBRA did found no cases with apparent abnormal imprinting of KCNQ1 ICR while BSP found 6 cases with low birthweight(including 2 naturally conceived singletons) and 1 ICSI singleton with normal birthweight in hyper-methylation status of KCNQ1 ICR.
     3.All of the cases showed normal imprinting at IGF2 DMR which detected by MSP and COBRA.
     Conclusion:The abnormal imprinting/methylation probably results from an imprint erasure defect in the paternal germ line and not the in vitro fertilization/ICSI procedure. Imprinting/methylation test on paternal sperm is suggested to confirm our imagination. Additional larger study is considered to determine whether the C/T SNP detected in our study is associated with growth regulation.
     Part3 Karotype of offspring conceived by assisted reproductive technology
     Objective:To investigate the karyotype of ART offsping, evaluate genetic risk of this group.
     Methords:48 ART offspring including 30 conceived through IVF,18 conceived through ICSI were recruited as study group,20 naturally conceived newborns were collected as compared group.Karyotype was detected in a standard way.
     Results:All cases had normal karyotype,including 35 male cases with 46,XY and 33 female cases with 46,XX.
     Conclusion:We consider that the children conceived by ART with no birth defects have few chances to carry abnormal karyotype, a larger number of case study is suggested to support our imagination.
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