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     针对鸡蛋黄的成分,先用水去除卵黄高磷蛋白以外的可溶性蛋白质,再用有机溶剂去除脂类,最后用NaCl溶液提取卵黄高磷蛋白。实验研究结果表明:从10g鸡蛋黄中提取卵黄高磷蛋白时,在用水量为100mL;乙醇与正己烷混合液为20mL;乙醇:正己烷(V/V)为1∶1;NaCl溶液的浓度为1.75 mol/L的条件下卵黄高磷蛋白提取率最高。
     探讨了碱性蛋白酶2709和中性蛋白酶AS1.398复合水解卵黄高磷蛋白的工艺条件。结果表明:用NaOH进行前处理15 min后,当样品在溶液温度保持50℃,底物浓度为2%,碱性蛋白酶2709浓度为4%,溶液pH值为11时的条件下水解150min;再在中性蛋白酶AS1.398浓度为6%,溶液pH值为7.5的条件下水解60min,卵黄高磷蛋白的相对水解度最好。
The new technology was put forword to extract phosvitin (PV) from egg yolk based on the methods of Losso. J. N and Naikai. S. The technology was simple with no other accretion, and the other components of egg yolk were considered to all-round using. The process conditions of hydrolysis of phosvitin by two types of proteolytic enzyme were studied. The performance of the production to prevent Ca2 + from deposition was studied too.
    For the components of egg yolk, water soluble proteins except phosvitin were removed with water firstly, then the lipids were eliminated with organic solvent, at last the phosvitin was isolated from the resulted granules with NaCl solution. Through experiments the optimal processing conditions were obtained as follows: the dosage of water and the organic solvent were 100 mL and 20 mL respectively, the ratio of ethonal and n-hexane was 1 : 1 (V/V) , the NaCl solution concentration was 1.75 mol/L.
    The technical conditions for hydrolysis of phosvitin by 2709 alkalescence and AS 1.398 neutral proteolytic enzyme were studied. The result showed that the degree of hydrolysis was high when phosvitin was hydrolysised as follows: phosvitin was dealed with NaOH for 15 minute firstly, then hydrolyzed by alkalescence proteolytic enzyme 2709 for 150 minutes and hydrolyzed by neutral proteolytic enzyme AS 1.398 for 60 minutes at 50 centigrade when the substrate concentration was 2%. The optimum pH value and concentration for alkalescence proteolytic enzyme 2709 was pHll and 5%, for neutral proteolytic enzyme AS 1.398 was pH7.5 and 6% respectively.
    The production of hydrolyzing phosvitin was phosvitin phosphopeptides (PPP). The performance of ppp to prevent Ca2+ from deposition was studied and compared with casein phosphopeptides (cpp). The result showed that PPP could prevent Ca2+ from deposition at a certain degree and the effect was better.
    Liu Xiaoli (Chemical Biology engineering Directed by Professor Zhang Xiaoyan
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