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     采用目前较为成熟的超滤法提取羊胎中的活性物质,所得小分子肽为无色或微黄色透明液体,pH6.8~7.2,采用聚丙酰胺凝胶电泳测定其分子量介于3800~10 000Dal之间。紫外扫描分析,最大紫外吸收波长在256nm附近,紫外吸收光密度E_(260)/E_(280)≥2.0,表明该物质为核苷酸和肽类物质,多肽含量为797.22±107.07ug/ml。
    高,小分子肽的免疫活性降低。在 pH3-10的范围内,小分子肽相对稳定,
     大、,1、鼠经口急性毒性试验,羊胎素口服液 LDw均>10.00wg体重,属
    血液、生化、病理等指标未见异常,30天喂养最大无作用剂量>5 00()mgh
In this paper, we extracted the bioactive composition of goat embryos with the ultrafiltration and studied its physical and chemical characters; hydrolyzed the protein of the goat embryos with different proteases; selected the optimal hydrolyzed condition, screened the optimal strains and condition of lactic acid ferment; evaluated the function of the extract with water, extract with water and hydrolyzed products of protein, extract with water and fermented products of hydrolyzed products. The results of research are summed up as the followings:
    The extract with water of dark goat embryos is colorless or light yellow; its molecular weight is between 3800 ~ 10 OOODal. The maximum absorb wavelength is around 256nm; E260/E2go > 2.0 shows its nature is polypeptide; the content of polypeptide is about 797.22 ?107.07ug/ml.
    According to the DH% and recieval of nitrogen degree, we selected the pancreatin as the optimal enzyme from the neutral protease, pepsin, papain and pancreatin. The best hydrolyzed condition is 2.5g pancreatin/lOOgmaterial, 5.0g substrate/100ml water, reacting in 40 癈 for three hours. The hydrolyzed products includes nineteen kinds of amino acids; the total amount of free amino acids is 45.37mg/ml
    Fermented with Lactic acid bacteria, the sense of the hydrolyzed products is improved greatly. The optimal ferment condition is 1.1854:1.1855=4:1,inoculated amount 5%, 39癈 for 20 hours with 2% lactose, initial pH 6.5.
    The extract of goat embryos can effectively enhance the cellar immunity and
    humoral immunity, specific and nonspecific immunity of mouse. But the hydrolyzed products + extract and fermented products + extract have no distinguished difference with each other.
    Temperature, pH and pepsin all can influence the activity of the extract. With the Temperature advancing, the activity of the extract cuts down. Within pH3 ~ 10, the activity of the extract is relatively stable. Pepsin can hydrolyze the peptide to low its activity.
    The LD50 of Juice of goat embryos by the rat and mice is more than 10.00g/kg. The result of experiment of 30 days feeding shows the extract has no bad effect on the growth, development, blood, pathology and the maximum dose without action is more than 5 000mg/kg.
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