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The experiment was divided into two stages.In the frist stage, three hundred Allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerlings (average weight 60.0 g) was divided into five groups randomly,namely I, II ,III, IV and V group, everyone of which had three duplicates. The I group was contrast,fed with basic diet,the others were tested groups,fed with the basic diet added 250mg/kg,500mg/kg,750rng/kg and 1000mg/kg "kemzeme" preparation respectively. Raised for 120 days, the results showed the amount of 500mg/kg "kemzeme" preparation was best in all groups. Then in the second stage, the group with the amount of 500mg/kg "kemzeme" preparation in the basic diet was designed campared with the contrast in the feed for the frys of Allogynogentic crucian carp. 120 Allogynogenetic crucian carp frys (average weight 5.0 g) was divided two groups, namely the contrast and the tested group. Every one had two duplicates, the contrast was fed with basic diet, the tested one fed with 500 mg/kg "kemzeme" preparation in the basic di
    et., the second stage lasted 57 days. The results of the whole experiment showed:
    1. The effect of exogenous enzymes on the intestinal morphology of Allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerlings wao no significant. There was a tendency to increase the number of musoca, height of musoca, the height of columnar cell and make wall thickness and width of musoca decline when added the amount of 500pmm exogenous enzymes in the basic diet for Allogynogenetic crucian carp frys, which improved the development of the intestine.
    2. The effect of exogenous enzymes on the foregut, midgut, hind-gut and hepatic-pancreas of Allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerlings was a little significant, among which it was significant on the digestive enzymes in mid-gut
    and amylase in hepatic-pancreas,but it was no sinficant on the digestive enzymes in foregut and hindgut of Allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerlings .The amount of 500mg/kg exogenous enzymes added in the Allogynogenetic crucian carp frys diet made up for the lack of endogenous enzymes activity clearly, and promoted the endogenous enzymes to excrete,but there was no significant for amylase of intestine and heptic-pancreas enzymes .
    3. It was effective for Allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerlings to improve the digestivibility of the nutrition when the exogenous enzymes was added in the Allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerlings diet, among which the effect of p was significant and the amount of exogenous enzymes between 500mg/kg and 750mg/kg, when the added amount was over 750mg/kg, there was a tendency to make the digestivibility decline
    4. There was no significant for the effect of exogenous enzymes on the body composition of Allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerlings and frys.
    5. The effect of exogenous enzymes on the intestine length/body length and liver weight /body weight of Allogynogenetic crucian carp frys was no significant, which showed that the exogenous enzymes did not significantly affect the intestine length and hepatic-pancreas weight.
    6. The exogenous enzymes affected the velocity of evacuation of the Allogynogenetic crucian carp fingerlings, and there has a tendency to quicken its velocity when the amount became larger, which reduced the time for nutrition to stady in the intestine.
    7. Exogenous enzymes with the amount between 500mg/kg and 750mg/kg can significantly enchance the Allogynogenetic crucian carp to grow, but when the amount was over 750mg/kg, it will inhibite Allogynogenetic crucian carp to grow.
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