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Many colliery in our country suffers from the Ordovician period Karst containing water outburst frequently due to the complex geology condition, so the engineering geology, hydrology, the deformation and breakage law of upper and down floor of coal layer, the character of formation, the character of hydraulics and the relation of each containing water layers, the inspecting and predicting theory of water out burst are the key problem for prevention the water outburst. Based on the science idea of coupling, this paper studied systematically the theory, mathematical model and technology of rock mass hydraulics in coal mining above aquifer, the numerical simulation method, the resemble simulation theory and method. A series of reciprocity law on the stress and displacement of upper and down floor of coal layer, coal pole, fault and the law of water pressure variety was analyzed thoroughly and particularly. Based on the relation of hydraulics character of multi-aquifer, the inspecting and predicting theory model
    , method and system of water outburst was founded. By used in the colliery, The results were ratified by colliery missionary.
    In situ test for the hydraulics character of the floor on hydrology observation hole was done. The test was carried out at the floor of Dongshan colliery. Form the point of view of fine hydrology, we discovered in the under of coal layer and above the Ordovician period Karst containing water layer, one or multi-aquifer exists in the Coal Measures of Carboniferous & Permian at large, and these aquifer distribute equality and ranged in a large area. In the condition of normally, these aquifers are unattached. And in the condition of mining, the original permeable conformation or the activating conformation and the new destroy zone by mining, these aquifer may attached and than solicits water outburst. Based on the above phenomenal, the inspecting and predicting theory and using technique were put forward, including the distinguish of inspecting layer, the resolution of distance of inspecting hole, the disposal principle and method of inspecting hole, the coupling mathematic model of water outburst based on the
     multi-aquifer and the system software of inspecting and predicting water outburst. The process of put in practice and using effect were made out by used on two collieres.
    The resemble theory on coupling of solid and liquid was put forward, a part of type material coupling prepare proportion was made. The resemble simulation experiment equipment of 3-D coupling on solid & liquid had been made, and the loading system, testing system, mining system, flow area simulation and its testing system had been
    perfected. The experiment system is origination in nation or outside nation.
    The mathematical model and numerical simulation method of 3-D coupling on rock mass Hydraulics in coal mining above aquifer was put forward, and the new idea and new method was put forward too.
    By using the 3-D coupling resemble and numerical simulation, this paper obtained the stress distribution law including the area of stress focus, the variety of stress focus coefficient, the water pressure influence on the wall rock, the variety law of stress of coal pole and fault.
    The work of this paper is very important to the theory and engineering application on coal mining above aquifer.
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