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England is the first country which established the modern society of rule of law in the world. Edward Coke's thoughts of rule of law played the very important role in this historical course. Therefore, on the basic of analyzing Coke's works and judicial actions as well as parliamentary actions, the study of Coke's thoughts of rule of law will deepen our comprehending on rule of law in theory, which also could be beneficial to comprehend the making of the constitutional government and the modern society of rule of law.
     Coke's thoughts of rule of law included the thought of the supremacy of common law, the king under law, the sovereign of parliament and the liberties of subjects. The thought of the supremacy of common law was the foundation of the others. In practice, the supremacy of common law was the prerequisite and guarantee of realizing the king under law, establishing the sovereign of parliament and maintaining the liberties of subjects. The core of Coke's thoughts of rule of law was preserving the supremacy of common law in order to limit the kingship and maintain the rights of subjects. It is the essence of the modern constitutionalism that limiting power and maintaining rights by the law. Coke's thoughts of rule of law became the significant sources in the development of the constitutional government and the modern society of rule of law.
     There are three parts in the dissertation. The first part is the Introduction, which not only expounds the sense of this topic and reviews the history of studies on this topic of domestic and overseas scholars, but also introduces the methods and documents of the dissertation. The second part is the principal part of the dissertation, which includes four chapters. Chapter 1 discusses Coke's thought of the supremacy of common law, which contains the development history of common law, the artificial reason of common law and the resisting the prerogative courts. Chapter 2 discusses Coke's thought of the king under law, which contains the making of the tradition of the limited monarchy and rule of law and Coke's thought of the king under law in analyzing Magna Carta. Chapter 3 discusses Coke's thought of the sovereign of parliament, which contains the most honorable position of the parliament, the separation of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, the formation of the principle of "King in Parliament" and the liberties and privileges of the House of Commons. Chapter 4 discusses Coke's thought of the liberties of subjects, which contains the liberty of production and trade, personal freedom and the property right. Chapter 5 discusses the historical contribution and influence of Coke's thoughts of rule of law. It expounds that parliament and the community of lawyers of common law struggled with despotism for long time. In the end, Glorious Revolution was completed successfully, constitutional monarchy was established, courts and judges gained the independence really. So England established the morden society of rule of law. The third part is the conclusion. It sums up Coke's thoughts of rule of law, expounds the characteristic, evolution and historical influence of Coke's thoughts of rule of law.
① Coke, Edward. The First Part of the Institvtes of the Lawes of England [M]. London,1629.97.
    ②Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.179.
    ③ Coke, Edward. The Twelfth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1656.63.
    ① Coke, Edward. The Twelfth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1656.74.
    ② Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.36.
    ③Coke, Edward. The Eighth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1658.113.
    ① Dicey, A. V. Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution [M]. London:Macmillan,1885.
    ① Hobbes, Thomas. Writings on Common Law and Hereditary Right [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2005.ⅹⅵ-ⅹⅶ.
    ② Hobbes, Thomas. Writings on Common Law and Hereditary Right [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2005. 1-147.
    ① Holdsworth, William Searle. A History of English Law [M]:Vol.5. London:Methuen,1924. Appendix Ⅲ.
    ③ Holdsworth, William Searle. A History of English Law [M]:Vol.6. London:Methuen,1924.585.
    ④ Care, Henry. English Liberties, or, The Free-born Subject's Inheritance [M]. London,1680.
    ⑥ Wood, Thomas. An Institute of the Laws of England; or, the Laws of England in Their Natural Order, According
    ⑤ Penn, William. The Excellent Priviledge of Liberty & Property Being the Birth-right of the Free-born Subjects of England [M]. London,1687. to Common Use [M]. London,1720.
    ①实质上,布莱克斯通的这部著作是其在牛津大学讲授普通法的讲稿基础上形成的,既是研究普通法的法学著作,也是研究普通法史的著作,其中引用了格兰威尔(Glanvill,?-1190)、布拉克顿(Henry De Bracton,c.1216-1268)、福蒂斯丘(sir John Fortescue,1394-1476)、利特尔顿(Litlleton,1402-1481)以及柯克等英国历史上重要法学家的论著。
    ③ Blackstone, Sir William. The Commentaries on the Laws of England [M]:Vol.1. Oxford:the Clarendon Press, 1768.10-15.
    ④ Blackstone, Sir William. The Commentaries on the Laws of England[M]:Vol.1. Oxford:the Clarendon Press, 1768.72-73.
    ① Woolrych, Humphry William. The life of the Right Honourable sir Edward Coke, knt [M]. London,1826.
    ② Johnson, Cuthbert William. The Life of Sir Edward Coke:Lord Chief Justice of England in the Reign of James I [M]. London,1845.
    ③ Hallam, Henry. The Constitutional History of England from the Accession of Henry VII to the Death of George Ⅱ [M]. London,1827.
    ① Stubbs, William. The Constitutional History of England in Its Origin and Development [M]. Vol.1-3. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1875-1878.
    ② Maitland, F. W. The Constitutional History of England [M]. London:Cambridge University Press,1908. 258-301.
    ③ Dicey, Albert Venn. Lectures Introductory to the Study of the Law of the Constitution [M]. Macmillan,1885.
    ④ Holdsworth, William Searle. A History of English law [M]:Vol.6. London:Methuen,1922.
    ① Bowen, Catherine Drinker. The Lion and the Throne [M]. Boston and Toronto:Little, Brown and Company, 1957.
    ② White, Stephen. Sir Edward Coke and the Grievances of the Commonwealth,1621-1628 [M]. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press,1979.
    ① Hostettler, John. Sir Edward Coke:a Force for Freedom [M]. Chichester:Barry Rose Law Publishers,1997.
    ③ Stoner, James R, Jr. Common Law and Liberal Theory:Coke, Hobbes, and the Origins of American Constitutionalism [M]. Lawrence, Kansans:University Press of Kansas,1992小詹姆斯·R.斯托纳.普通法与自由主义理论——柯克、霍布斯及美国宪政主义之诸源头[M].姚中秋译.北京:北京大学出版社,2005.
    ④ Boyer, Allen D. Sir Edward Coke and the Elizabethan Age [M]. Stanford:Stanford University Press,2003. 2007.
    ⑤ Costa, Pietro and Zolo, Danilo eds. The Rule of Law:History, Theory and Criticism [M]. Dordrecht:Springer,
    ① Coke, Edward. The Sixth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1658. Preface.
    ② Coke, Edward. The Third Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1658. Preface.
    ③诺曼人意为“北方人”。12世纪的历史学家奥尔德里克·维塔尔(Orderic Vitalis)曾阐明诺曼人乃来自北方的人,他们异常勇猛彪悍,给柔弱的邻居带来了致命的打击,就像寒风摧残幼苗一样。诺曼人的名字源于维京人对欧洲大陆的长期侵袭劫掠,因为他们在9至11世纪期间往往从欧洲西北方向的海岸登陆侵袭大陆居民。后来诺曼人由入侵者变为定居者,他们的定居地被称为诺曼底(Normandy)。此后,诺曼人以诺曼底为中心对不列颠、西西里、西班牙乃至近东地区进行了征服。参见Chibnall, Marjorie. The Normans [M]. Oxford:Blackwell Publishing,2006.3-4.
    ② Douglas, David C. and Greenaway, George W. ed. English Historical Documents,1042-1189 [M]. London: Routledge,1981.19.
    ③ Coke, Edward. The History of the Successions of the Kings of England [M]. London,1682.5.
    ⑤ Heath, James. England's Chronicle, or, The lives and Reigns of the Kings and Queens [M]. London,1699. 65-66.
    ⑥ White, Albert Beebe. The Making of the English Constitution [M]. New York and London:G. P. Putnam's sons, 1925.256-258; Stubbs, William. The Constitutional History of England in Its Origin and Development [M]: Vol.3. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1878.532-533.
    ① Sherman, Charles P. The Romanization of English Law[J]. The Yale Law Journal,1914,23(4):318-319.
    ②查士丁尼在527年至565年间为东罗马帝国皇帝,其在位期间致力于恢复罗马帝国的法律和君权。于529年颁布施行了《查士丁尼法典》(Code),收集整理了自《十二铜表法》以来上千年的法律,随后又陆续编纂颁布了《学说汇纂》(The Digest)《法学阶梯》(The Institutes)以及《新律》(The Novels).《学说汇纂》收录了50余种法学著作,主要收录的是法学家盖尤斯和乌尔比安的著作;《法学阶梯》是仿照盖尤斯的《法学阶梯》为初学罗马法者编纂的教科书;《新律》是对查士丁尼在位期间颁布的敕令等所作的整理汇编。534年《查士丁尼法典》修订后再度颁布,这四部法律文献被合称为《查士丁尼大全》,较为完整地保存了罗马自颁布《十二铜表法》以来的法律和法学成果。参见Tellegen-Couperus, Olga. A Short History of Roman Law [M]. London:Taylor & Francis e-Library,2003.141-147.
    ③ Maitland, Frederic William, and Montague, Francis Charles. A Sketch of English Legal History [M].London and New York,1915.3-4.
    ④ Sherman, Charles P. The Romanization of English Law [J]. The Yale Law Journal,1914,23(4):319-322.
    ① Pollock, Sir Frederick and Maitland, Frederic William. The History of English law [M]:Vol.1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1898.136-137.
    ② Pollock, Sir Frederick and Maitland, Frederic William. The History of English law [M]:Vol.1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1898.174.
    ③ Douglas, David C. and Greenaway, George W. ed. English Historical Documents,1042-1189 [M]. London: Routledge,1981431-432.
    ④ Douglas, David C. and Greenaway, George W. ed. English Historical Documents,1042-1189 [M]. London: Routledge,1981,433-434.
    ⑤ Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.4. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.367-368.
    ②Potter, Harold. An Introduction to the History of English Law [M]. London:Sweet & Maxwell,1926.55.
    ③ Stephenson, Carl and Marcham, Frederick George eds. Sources of English Constitutional History [M]. New York and London:Harper and Brothers Publishers,1937.118.
    ① Douglas, David C. and Greenaway, George W. ed. English Historical Documents,1042-1189 [M]. London: Routledge,1981.443.
    ② Douglas, David C. and Greenaway, George W. ed. English Historical Documents,1042-1189 [M]. London: Routledge,1981.444-446.
    ③ Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.4. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.199.
    ⑤ Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.4. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.285.
    ① Pollock, Sir Frederick and Maitland, Frederic William. The History of English law [M]:Vol.1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1898.147-151[比利时]R.C.范·卡内冈.普通法的诞生[M].李红海译.北京:中国政法大学出版社,2003.39-42.李红海.普通法的历史解读[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2003.138-140.
    ③ Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.4. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.285.
    ④ Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.4. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.47-51.
    ⑤ Morrison, Wayne ed. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England [M]:Vol.3. London:Cavendish Publishing Limited,2001.275.
    ⑥ Pollock, Sir Frederick and Maitland, Frederic William. The History of English law [M]:Vol.1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1898.147-151李红海.普通法的历史解读[M].北京:清华大学出版社,2003.132.
    ① Stephenson, Carl and Marcham, Frederick George eds. Sources of English Constitutional History [M]. New York and London:Harper and Brothers Publishers,1937.77.
    ② Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.4. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.56-58.
    ③ Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.4. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.238-239.
    ④ Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.4. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.369.
    ① Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.2. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.300-301; Vol.4.51-52.
    ② Miller, S. J. T. The Position of the King in Bracton and Beaumanoir [J]. Speculum,1956,31(2):296.
    ③ Plucknett, T. F. T. The Relations between Roman Law and English Common Law down to the Sixteenth Century: A General Survey [J]. The University of Toronto Law Journal,1939,3(1):24.
    ④ Plucknett, T. F. T. The Relations between Roman Law and English Common Law down to the Sixteenth Century: A General Survey [J]. The University of Toronto Law Journal,1939,3(1):28.
    ⑤ Sherman, Charles P. The Romanization of English Law [J] The Yale Law Journal,1914,23(4):323.
    ⑥ Sherman, Charles P. The Romanization of English Law [J] The Yale Law Journal,1914,23(4):322-323.
    ① O'Sullivan, Richard. Natural Law and Common Law [J]. Transactions of the Grotius Society, Problems of Public and Private International Law, Transactions for the Year 1945,31.120.
    ② Plucknett, T. F. T. The Relations between Roman Law and English Common Law down to the Sixteenth Century: A General Survey [J]. The University of Toronto Law Journal,1939,3(1):32-33; Sherman, Charles P. The Romanization of English Law [J] The Yale Law Journal,1914,23(4):325.
    ③ Richardson, H. G. Azo, Drogheda, and Bracton[J]. English historical review,1944,59(233):27.
    ④布拉克顿曾是牛津大学的一名法学学生,并获得了罗马法和教会法的博士学位。参见Charles P. The Romanization of English Law [J] The Yale Law Journal,1914,23(4):326.
    ① Charles P. The Romanization of English Law [J] The Yale Law Journal,1914,23(4):326.
    ② Pollock, Sir Frederick and Maitland, Frederic William. The History of English law [M]:Vol.1..Cambridge Cambridge University Press,1898.197.
    ③ Strayer, Joseph R. On the Medieval Origins of the Modern State [M]. Princeton:Princeton University Press, 1970.44.
    ① Coke, Edward. The twelveth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1656.64-65.
    ② Gray, Charles M. Reason, Authority, and Imagination:The Jurisprudence of Sir Edward Coke [C]. In:Zagorin, Perez ed. Culture and Politics from Puritanism to the Enlightenment. Berkeley and Los Angeles:University of California Press,1980.28.
    ① Coke, Edward. The Selected Writings and Speeches of Sir Edward Coke [M]:Vol.3.Indianapolis:Liberty Fund Inc.2003.1310.
    ② Hostettler, John. Sir Edward Coke:A Force for Freedom [M]. Chichester:Barry Rose Law Publishers Ltd,1997. 91.
    ① Coke, Edward. The First Part of the Institvtes of the Lawes of England [M]. London,1629.97b.
    ③ Coke, Edward. A Book of Entries [M]. London,1614. Preface iii.
    ② Coke, Edward. The First Part of the Institvtes of the Lawes of England [M]. London,1629.97b.
    ① Coke. Edward. The eighth Part of the Renorts of Sir Edward Coke [M] London 1658 118a
    ② Coke, Edward. The Third Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1658.7.
    ③ Lobban, Michael. A Treatise of Legal Philosophy and General Jurisprudence Volume 8:A History of the Philosophy of Law in the Common Law World,1600-1900 [M]. Springer,2007.30.
    ④ lames I. The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince lames [M]. London:1616.512
    ② Coke, Edward. The tenth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1658. Preface.
    ③ Coke, Edward. The tenth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1658. Preface.
    ①Coke, Edward. The Second Part of the Institutes of the Lawes of England [M]. London,1642.599-600.
    ①Berman, Harold J. Law and Revolution, Ⅱ, the Impact of the Protestant Reformations on the Western Legal Tradition [M]. Cambridge:Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,2003.214.
    ① Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.78.
    ② Morrison, Wayne ed. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England [M]:Vol.3. London:Cavendish Publishing Limited,2001.40.
    ③ Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.79.
    ④ Morrison, Wayne ed. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England [M]:Vol.3. London:Cavendish Publishing Limited,2001.39-40.
    ① Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.81.
    ② Levy-Ullmann, Henry. The English Legal Tradition:Its Sources and History [M]. London:Macmillan and Co. Limited,1935.301.
    ③ The Statutes of the Realm [M]:Vol.1. Buffalo:William S. Hein and Co., Inc.1993.282-283
    ④ Levy-Ullmann, Henry. The English Legal Tradition:Its Sources and History [M]. London:Macmillan and Co. Limited,1935.296-297.
    ② Morrison, Wayne ed. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England [M]:Vol.3. London:Cavendish Publishing Limited,2001.42-43.
    ③ Levy-Ullmann, Henry. The English Legal Tradition:Its Sources and History [M]. London:Macmillan and Co. Limited,1935.292-293.
    ① Catherine Drinker Bowen, The Lion and the Throne [M]. Boston and Toronto:Little, Brown and Company 1957. 294.
    ② Maitland, F. W. The Constitutional History of England [M]. London:Cambridge University Press,1908.270.
    ③埃尔斯米尔男爵,原名为托马斯·埃杰顿(Thomas Egerton),1572年获得律师资格,拥有丰富的衡平法庭诉讼经验。1581年担任副总检察长,1592年任总检察长,1594年成为案卷保管法官(任期至1603年),1596年成为掌玺大臣。他深受女王信任并成为其顾问委员会成员。1603年他被封为埃尔斯米尔男爵,并出任大法官一职。在同柯克进行的普通法法庭和衡平法庭地位之争中,埃尔斯米尔男爵成功地维护了衡平法庭的最高地位。1616年被封为布雷克利子爵。参见[英]戴维·M.沃克.牛津法律大辞典[M].李双元等译.北京:法律出版社,2003.358.
    ④ Hostettler, John. Sir Edward Coke:A Force for Freedom [M].Chichester:Barry Rose Law Publishers Ltd,1997. 85.
    ⑤ Thomas Lord Elsmere. The Priviledges and Prerogatives of the High Court of Chancery [M]. London,1641. Part C.
    ① Hostettler, John. Sir Edward Coke:A Force for Freedom [M]. Chichester:Barry Rose Law Publishers Ltd,1997. 85.
    ② The Statutes of the Realm [M]:Vol.1. Buffalo:William S. Hein and Co., Inc.,1993.329.
    ③ Hostettler, John. Sir Edward Coke:A Force for Freedom [M]. Chichester:Barry Rose Law Publishers Ltd,1997. 86.
    ④记录法庭是指其活动和程序均被登记以作为永久记录的法庭,而且有权惩罚蔑视其权威的人。这类法庭不仅包括高级法庭,还包括郡法庭和某些依法律而设立的具有特殊管辖权的法庭。参见[英]戴维·M.沃 克.牛津法律大辞典[M].李双元等译.北京:法律出版社,2003.278.
    ① Hostettler, John. Sir Edward Coke:A Force for Freedom [M]. Chichester:Barry Rose Law Publishers Ltd,1997. 66.
    ② The Statutes of the Realm [M]:Vol.4. Buffalo:William S. Hein and Co., Inc.,1993.352-355.
    ③ Hill, Christopher. Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution:Revisited [M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1997.220.
    ② Fritze, Ronald H. ed. Historical Dictionary of Tudor England,1485-1603 [M]. New York and London: Greenwood Press,1991.238-239.
    ③ Coke, Edward. The twelfth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke [M]. London,1656.88.
    ① Hill, Christopher. Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution:Revisited [M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1997.220.
    ② Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.245-246.
    ③ Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.242-243.
    ①1536年至1537年,先后在英国北部林肯郡和约克郡爆发了反抗亨利八世和克伦威尔宗教和财政政策的叛乱,抗议其解散修道院。叛乱者将叛乱自称为“圣恩朝圣(the Pilgrimage of Grace)",集结了30000人的武装力量,亨利八世无力抵抗如此大规模的叛乱武装,则采取欺骗的手段承诺与其在伦敦谈判,并说服叛乱者自行解散。1537年1月再次发生叛乱,领导者被绞死;北部委员会因此被改组为常设机构,管理北方事务。这促使亨利八世和克伦威尔坚信在修道院中还存在支持教皇的叛乱者,于1539年解散大修道院。参见Fritze, Ronald H. ed. Historical Dictionary of Tudor England,1485-1603 [M]. New York and London:Greenwood Press,1991.371-372.
    ③ Fritze, Ronald H. ed. Historical Dictionary of Tudor England,1485-1603 [M]. New York and London: Greenwood Press,1991.124-126.
    ④ Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.60.
    ⑤ The Statutes of the Realm [M]:Vol.2. Buffalo:William S. Hein and Co., Inc.,1993.509-510. Maitland, F. W. The Constitutional History of England [M]. London:Cambridge University Press,1908.219.
    ⑥ Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.65. Potter, Harold. An Introduction to the History of English Law [M]. London:Sweet and Maxwell Limited,1926.69.
    ① Plucknett, Theodore F. T. A Concise History of the Common Law [M]. New York:Aspen publishers, Inc.,1936. 183.
    ② Potter, Harold. An Introduction to the History of English Law [M]. London:Sweet and Maxwell Limited,1926. 71.
    ③ Maitland, Frederic W. and Montague, Francis C. An Sketch of English Legal History [M]. New York and London:G P. Putnam's Sons the Rnickerbocker press,1915.118-119.
    ④ Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.65.
    ① Hill, Christopher. Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution:Revisited [M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1997.220.
    ② Maitland, F. W. The Constitutional History of England [M]. London:Cambridge University Press,1908.263.
    ③ Harold Potter, An Introduction to the History of English Law [M]. London:Sweet and Maxwell, Limited,1926. 68.
    ④ Morrison, Wayne ed. Blackstone's Commentaries on the Laws of England [M]:Vol.3. London:Cavendish Publishing Limited,2001.40.
    ⑤ Harold Potter, An Introduction to the History of English Law [M]. London:Sweet and Maxwell, Limited,1926. 69.
    ⑥ Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.134.
    ① Levy-Ullmann, Henri. M. Mitchell translated from the French. The English Legal Tradition Its Sources and History [M]. London:Macmillan and Co. Limited 1935.190.
    ② Levy-Ullmann, Henri. M. Mitchell translated from the French. The English Legal Tradition Its Sources and History [M]. London:Macmillan and Co. Limited 1935.191.
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    ③ Levy-Ullmann, Henri. M. Mitchell translated from the French. The English Legal Tradition Its Sources and History [M]. London:Macmillan and Co. Limited 1935.176-180作者在书中用大量篇幅论述了格兰威尔受到罗马法和教会法的影响。
    ⑤从1066年到1166年军役采邑提供的是真正的军役,然而,从1166年到1266年军役采邑主要以缴纳盾牌钱来供养国王的军队。Pollock, Sir Frederick and Maitland, Frederic William. The History of English law [M]:Vol.1. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1898.252-253.
    ⑥ Stubbs, William. The Constitutional History of England in Its Origin and Development[M]:vol.2. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1877.258.
    ①在同时代的法国,法律和司法都是极为分散和混乱的,王权局限于国王领地之内。Miller, S. J. T. The Position of the King in Bracton and Beaumanoir [J]. Speculum,1956,31(2):296.
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    ① Rothwell, Harry ed. English Historical Documents,1189-1327 [M]. London:Eyer and Spottiswoode,1975. 343.
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    ② The Statutes of the Realm [M]:Vol.1. Buffalo:William S Hein and Co, Inc,1993.189; Stephenson, Carl and Marcham, Frederick George eds. Sources of English Constitutional History [M]. New York and London:Harper and Brothers Publishers,1937.204-205.
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    ⑨托马斯·史密斯爵士1544年成为剑桥大学钦定民法教授,后两度出任国务大臣,当时人们普遍认为他是 当时最为优秀的政治家之一,同时还是一位著名的学者,著述颇丰。其著作《盎格鲁共和国:英格兰王国政府或政治行为方式》是一部阐述都铎王朝时期英格兰宪政的最为重要的论著,曾再版多次。参见[英]戴维·M.沃克.牛津法律大辞典[M].李双元等译.北京:法律出版社,2003.1042-1043.
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    ① Hostettler, John. Sir Edward Coke:A Force for Freedom [M]. Chichester:Barry Rose Law Publishers Ltd,1997. 10.
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    ① Coke, Edward. The Fourth Part of the Institutes of the Laws of England [M]. London,1644.8.
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    ①伊丽莎白一世曾授予拉尔夫·鲍(Ralph Bowes)生产和销售以及进口扑克牌的全权许可,此特许权的期限为12年。由此,伊丽莎白一世规定其他任何人不得进口扑克牌,也不得在王国内制造或销售扑克牌。期满之后,伊丽莎白一世又将生产和销售扑克牌的垄断特许权授予了爱德华·达西(Edward Darcy),期限为21年,达西为此向伊丽莎白一世支付了100马克。在未经达西授权的前提下,阿莱恩就擅自生产和销售了扑克牌。因此,达西对阿莱恩提起了诉讼。参见Coke, Edward. The Selected Writings and Speeches of Sir Edward Coke [M]:Vol.1. Indianapolis:Liberty Fund Inc.,2003.394-395.
    ② Coke, Edward. The Selected Writings and Speeches of Sir Edward Coke[M]:Vol.1. Indianapolis:Liberty Fund Inc.,2003.395.
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    ③ Maitland, F. W. The Constitutional History of England [M]. London:Cambridge University Press,1908.308.
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    ① Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.2. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.19.
    ② Woodbine, George E. ed., Thorne, Samuel E. tr. Bracton on Laws and Customs of England [M]:Vol.2. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1968.33,110,306.
    ③ Malcolm, Joyce Lee. The Struggle for Sovereignty:Seventeenth-Century English Political Tracts [M]:Vol.1. Indianapolis:Liberty Fund, Inc.,1999. Introduction ⅹlⅳ.
    ④1616年,詹姆斯一世和枢密院认为柯克的《判例汇编》包含很多不在法律之内甚至是出格的观点(extravagant and extravagant opinions),遂命其删除这些内容,但并未凑效。1621年,柯克被囚禁在伦敦塔之时,他的手稿被抢走,其中三部分再也没有找回。参见Hill, Christopher. Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution:Revisited [M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1997.218.
    ⑤ Hill, Christopher. Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution:Revisited [M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1997.218.
    ⑥ Coke, Edward. The Selected Writings and Speeches of Sir Edward Coke [M]. Vol.1. Indianapolis:Liberty Fund Inc.,2003. lⅹⅴ.
    ⑦ Coke, Roger. A Detection of the Court and State of England during the Four Last Reigns [M]:Vol.1. London, 1696.107.
    ① Hill, Christopher. Intellectual Origins of the English Revolution:Revisited [M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1997.218.
    ② Maitland, F. W. The Constitutional History of England [M]. London:Cambridge University Press,1908.275.
    ④苏格兰原属天主教国家,苏格兰宗教改革的领袖约翰·诺克斯(John Knox)得到了1560年苏格兰议会的支持,加尔文宗长老派在苏格兰得以立足,1567年玛丽女王被废黜之后,长老派成为苏格兰国教。
    ① Belloc, Hilaire. Charles I [M]. Norfolk:Ihs Press,2003.190王觉非.近代英国史[M].南京:南京大学出版社,1997.37.
    ② Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Selected and Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Paul Seaward. The History of the Rebellion:Anew selection [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2009.464. Seel, Graham E. and Smith, David L. The Early Stuart Kings,1603-1642 [M]. London and New York:Taylor & Francis e-Library,2005.80.
    ③ Gardiner, Samuel Rawson ed. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1628-1660 [M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1889.64-65.
    ① Gardiner, Samuel Rawson ed. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1628-1660 [M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1889.65.
    ② Whitlocke, Bulstrode. Memorials of the English affairs, or, An historical account of what passed from the beginning of the reign of King Charles the First, to King Charles the Second [M]. London,1682.35.
    ①蒋孟引.英国史[M].北京:中国社会科学出版社,1988.339Hyde, Edward, Earl of Clarendon. Selected and Edited with an Introduction and Notes by Paul Seaward. The History of the Rebellion:Anew selection [M]. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2009.464.
    ②斯特拉福德即斯特拉福德伯爵(Earl of Strafford,1593-1641),原名为托马斯·温特沃斯(Thomas Wentworth)。1628年,温特沃斯成为下院领袖之一,由于拒绝缴纳强制借款而遭到监禁,这是其议会职业生涯的顶峰。但是,他很快就被查理一世招安了,1628年议会休会之后就被封为温特沃斯男爵,并被任命为北部委员会首席大臣,成为国王在英格兰北部的全权代表。1632年,温特沃斯被任命为爱尔兰总督,他遂全力维护国王的权威,增加国王的财政收入。1640年11月,议会下院以叛逆罪对其提出控告,次年春天受到审判,并很快被处以极刑。Fritze, Ronald H and Robison, William B eds. Historical Dictionary of Stuart England,1603-1689 [M]. London:Greenwood Press,1996.545-546.
    ① Greenberg, Janelle. The Radical Face of the Ancient Constitution:St Edward's "Laws" in Early Modern Political Thought [M]. New York:Cambridge University Press,2006.178.
    ②劳德全名为威廉·劳德(William Laud,1573-1645),作为坎特伯雷大主教与查理一世的重臣之一,劳德在内战的爆发过程中扮演了重要的角色。早年事业并不顺利,在受到白金汉公爵赏识之后,才开始迅速发达起来。1621年,劳德被任命为圣戴维斯(St. Davis)主教,但詹姆斯一世对其心存芥蒂。然而,查理一世继位之后对劳德极为赏识。1629年,劳德成为牛津大学校长,1633年起开始担任坎特伯雷大主教,并且成为国王的重臣,参与管理王国事务。劳德由于推行倾向于天主教的宗教政策而受到普遍的质疑。1637年,劳德企图将《公祷书》强加给苏格兰,引起苏格兰的武装起义。1640年12月18日,劳德被长期议会以叛逆罪(high treason)弹劾,1641年被囚禁在伦敦塔,1644年3月被判处死刑,1645年1月10日被砍头。参见Fritze, Ronald H and Robison, William B eds. Historical Dictionary of Stuart England, 1603-1689 [M]. London:Greenwood Press,1996.284-285.
    ③ Hill, Christopher. The Century of Revolution,1603-1714 [M]. London and New York:Routledge,2002.109.
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    ② Coke, Roger. A Detection of the Court and State of England during the Four Last Reigns [M]:Vol.1. London, 1696.107.
    ③ The petition of right:exhibited to His Maiestie, by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, concerning divers rights, and the liberties of the subject [M].1642.
    ④ Gordon, Scott. Controlling the State:Constitutionalism from Ancient Athens to Today [M]. Cambridge and London:Harvard University Press,2002.254.
    ① Gardiner, Samuel Rawson ed. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1628-1660 [M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1889.74-82.
    ② Gardiner, Samuel Rawson ed. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1628-1660 [M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1889.87-88.
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    ④ Gardiner, Samuel Rawson ed. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1628-1660 [M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1889.106-107.
    ① Gardiner, Samuel Rawson ed. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1628-1660 [M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1889.107-108.
    ② Gardiner, Samuel Rawson ed. The Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution,1628-1660 [M]. Oxford: Clarendon Press,1889.113-115.
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