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Deep-sea mining process is a very intricate process. The control subsystem of deep-sea collector is the key problem in the whole mining system. Principle - subordinate control mode is adopted in the deep-sea mining system in our country during the Eighth and Ninth five-year Plan. It's common that the efficiency of their decision is very low. Furthermore, the steadiness and effect of the hydraulic pressure control system of deep-sea mining collector cannot meet the control demands.
    In this paper, the control system of deep-sea collector is studied and devised. Firstly, based on the analysis of the technics of mining process and the collector's working process, the problems in the control system of deep-sea collector including collector path planning and control algorithm are briefly analyzed, the studying methods for them are introduced, and then the whole architecture is given in detail. Secondly, according to the working demands of collector, a path planning system is designed, which can complete the global path planning and the local path planning. Thirdly, fuzzy control algorithms are studied for the control of hydraulic system of collector's tracks. The emulational results indicate that the fuzzy algorithm is effective and desirable.
    At last, the system software is expatiated in its structures and functions. Here, the thoughts and the methods of the system design are emphasized. The system software, developed under the development of Visual C++ 6.0, comprises a main monitoring module, a communication module, database module, input and output module of control panel and so on. The precision and reliability is being proved.
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