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由于不满于传统实在论(包括传统的批判实在论)在主体与客体、事实与价值、结构与功能等问题上的二分法,英国科学哲学家罗伊·巴斯卡提出了“超验的实在论”(transcendental realism)和“批判的自然主义”(critical naturalism),随后这两种思想被其继承者们合称为“批判实在论”(critical realism)。由科学哲学领域到社会科学领域乃至哲学本体论等领域包括人的解放问题,批判实在论因其独特的理论视角和富有批判精神的方法论,成为继实证主义以及后现代主义之后的替代性选择方案之一,日益引起学界的关注,罗姆·哈瑞(Rom Harre)认为巴斯卡在科学哲学中制造了一个崭新的、强有力的、完美的原创性论证,安德鲁·克里尔(Andrew Collier)认为巴斯卡的成就可以与波普尔、拉卡托斯、库恩等并驾齐驱,普里森斯(Nigel Pleasants)也曾将巴斯卡与吉登斯、哈贝马斯等相提并论。同时,在“科学实在论与人的解放”(scientific realism and human emancipation),巴斯卡将批判实在论作为马克思主义的“帮手’'(under laborer),旨在为马克思主义提供科学的基础;在“辩证法:自由的脉搏”(dialectic:the pulse of freedom)中,对马克思传统特别是辩证法思想进行新的解读和思考,因而也成为当代西方马克思主义在后现代背景下的一种思想声音。
     巴斯卡将自己的思想发展划分为五个阶段:“超验的实在论”(transcendental realism),“批判的自然主义”(critical naturalism),“解释性批判理论”(theory of explanatory critique),“辩证的批判实在论”(dialectic critical realism),“超验的辩证批判实在论”(transcendental dialectic critical realism)。鉴于资料占有情况和思想成熟程度所限,笔者选取前四个阶段作为本文的基本结构。
     第一,“超验的实在论”(transcendental realism)。(1)巴斯卡认为科学研究的对象既不是古典经验主义的原子事实,也不是先验唯心主义的观念构造,而是事物现象背后的结构与机制;(2)科学研究的领域,既不是现实主义的事实,也不是经验主义的经验,而是产生现象和事实的更为深层的实在;(3)科学研究的条件上,与经验主义所设定的封闭系统相反,巴斯卡建立了开放系统的观念,主张自然和科学的分层性、差异性和开放性;(4)在科学发现的逻辑上,超越了经验主义的规律性发现和先验唯心主义的模型建构,明确了科学发现的逻辑,提出了科学发现的辩证法。
     第二,“批判的自然主义”(critical naturalism)。(1)自然主义强调自然科学和社会科学研究方法的同一性,反自然主义则强调社会科学的意义性,“批判的自然主义”认为社会科学完全可以进行科学式的研究,只是在具体的方法上有所不同;(2)在研究对象上,既反对方法论个人主义的个人观,也不赞成以整体为视角的整体观,认为社会科学的研究主题是人与人之间的关系;(3)与以人类行为为基点来解释社会的行为主体论和以社会为基点来解释人类行为的结构主体不同,巴斯卡创立“社会行为转换模型”,认为人类生活于社会结构中,社会结构是先在于人类而存在的,但是人类行为可以再生产和转换社会结构。(4)在身体-精神问题上,与传统的二元论和还原论不同,巴斯卡提出“共时态的突现力唯物主义”(synchronic emergent power materialism),认为思想及其他属性作为物质实体的特殊突现力,不能化约为物理学、化学和生物学的规律。
     第三,“解释性批判理论”(theory of explanatory critique)。(1)与实证主义、解释学以及历史主义的社会科学价值中立论不同,巴斯卡认为社会科学本身是批判的和内在批判的;(2)与理性知识论或理论主义认为社会科学在实践中具有直接的效用不同,巴斯卡指出社会科学的解释和批判是有条件的;(3)与休谟将事实与价值的二分的立场不同,巴斯卡指出事实陈述内含价值判断,价值判断引导事实陈述,事实与价值、理论与实践之间是螺旋式的上升过程。
     第四,“辩证的批判实在论”(dialectic critical realism)。(1)与传统辩证法(巴门尼德、柏拉图、康德)肯定存在、否认非存在的“本体论单一性”(ontological monovalence)不同,巴斯卡主张本体论的双面性或多面性(ontological bivalence or polyvalence),提出“实在的缺失或否定”(real absence or negation)概念作为世界的基础和辩证法的起点,认为“缺失”具有本体论上的优先性。(2)以对马克思辩证法的理解为起点,批判了黑格尔辩证法的唯心性、先验性和封闭性,认为黑格尔过分强调“同一性”而忽视了“实在”,同时“确定性的否定”对于理解实在是不充分的和矛盾的,而封闭的总体性也无法保存“实在的缺失”(real absence)观念;(3)以“非同一性”、“否定性”、“总体性”和“有改革能力的实践”范畴替代了黑格尔的“同一性”、“否定性”和“总体性”范畴,并且即使在相同的术语中,巴斯卡也注入了与黑格尔截然不同的涵义,从而对辩证法范畴做出了新的规定。
Due to his being discontented with the dichotomy of traditional realism (including traditional critical realism) on problems such as subject and object, fact and value, form and function, etc., Roy Bhaskar, the British scientific philosopher, put forward "Transcendental Realism" and "Critical Naturalism", the two of which were then named Critical Realism by his successors. Being one of the alternative options after Positivism and Postmodernism because of its special theoretical perspective and critical methodology from the field of philosophy of science to the field of social science, and even to the field of philosophical ontology including the issues of human emancipation, Critical Realism has increasingly got attention from the academia. Rom Harre thought that Bhaskar created a completely new, powerful, perfect and original argumentation. Andrew Collier stated that Bhaskar's achievements could be comparable to Karl Popper, Imre Lakatos, and Thomas Sammual Kuhn. Also, Bhaskar and Anthony Giddens、Jurgen Habermas were bracketed by Nigel Pleasants. Meanwhile, in the book of《Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation》, Bhaskar made critical realism as an under-laborer for Marxism, aiming at providing a scientific foundation for it, and in 《Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom》, he reread and rethought Marxism traditional, and especially the dialectical thoughts, thus his new ideas becomes a kind of thoughts of contemporary western Marxism in the postmodern context.
     Starting from the comparison between Bhaskar's thoughts and traditional ideas, this dissertation thoroughly explores his new dialectical thoughts in breaking through the dichotomy of traditional realism, re-comprehends, enriched and develops the theoretical character of (heterogeneous) inclusiveness, criticalness and transcendence of dialectics.
     Bhaskar divided his development of his thoughts into five stages:transcendental realism, critical naturalism, theory of explanatory critique, dialectic critical realism and transcendental dialectic critical realism. In a view of occupied relative materials and the limitations of thinking maturity, the author chooses the first four stages as the basic framework of this paper.
     First, in the field of the philosophy of science:(1) Bhaskar believes that the object of scientific research is neither the atomic facts of the classical empiricism, nor the concept structure of the transcendental idealism, but the structure and mechanism that generate phenomena;(2) the field of scientific research is neither the actual events nor the empirical experience, but the deeper reality contributing to the phenomenon and the fact;(3) as for the scientific research condition, contrary to the closed system of the Empiricism, Bhaskar established the concept of open system to advocate the stratification, the diversity and the openness of nature and science;(4) in the logic of scientific discovery, it goes beyond the regular empirical discovery and the model construction of transcendental idealism, defines the logic of scientific discovery, and puts forward the dialectics of scientific discovery.
     Second, in the field of social science:(1) Naturalism emphasizes the identity between the natural science and the social science in the scientific research methods, while Anti-naturalism emphasizes the significance of social science. Bhaskar, from the perspective of the critical naturalism, regards that the research of the social science could be conducted in a scientific way, although in the different specific method;(2) On the subject matter of social science, neither the personal view of the methodological individualism, nor the holistic view from the perspective of the Whole are agreed with. It is believed that the subject-matter of the social science is the social relation;(3) In opposition to the behavioral subjectivism with the human behavior as the starting point to explain the society and the structural subjectivism with the society as the starting point to explain the human behavior, Bhaskar sets up the transformational model of social activity, and believes that human beings live in the social structure, and the existence of social structure is prior to that of human beings, but human behavior can be reproduced and transform social structure.(4) In the mind-body problem, In opposition to the traditional dualism and the reductionism, Bhaskar puts forward'synchronic emergent powers materialism'. He argues that the thought and other properties as the special emergent power of the material entity cannot be reduced to the law of physics, chemistry and biology.
     Third, in the field of social scientific philosophy:(1) In opposition to t the view of value-neutrality of positivism, hermeneutics and historism on the social science, Bhaskar claims that the social science is critical and self-critique.(2) In opposition to the theory of rational knowledge or theoreticism which conceives social science as immediately efficacious in practice, Bhaskar points out that the explanations and criticism of the social science are conditional.(3) In opposition to Hume Law, Bhaskar states that value judgment is embodied in statements of facts, value judgment guides statements of facts, and there is a spiral progress between fact and value and between theory and practice.
     Forth, in the field of Dialectic:(1) In opposition to the traditional dialectics'(Parmenides, Plato, Kant) ontological monovalence which give a purely positive account of reality,Bhaskar advocates ontological bivalence or polyvalence, and proposes to take the concept of "the real negation or absence" as the foundation of the world and the starting point of the dialectic. Also he argues that absence or real negation takes priority in ontology.(2) Based on the comprehension of Marx's dialectics, he criticized the idealism, apriority and closure of Hegel's dialectics, and argued that Hegel overemphasized " identity " and neglected " reality ". Besides, he thought that "decisive negation" was inadequate and contradictory to understanding reality, while the close totality could not save the concept of "real absence".(3) The category of "non-identity","negativity","totality" and "transformative practice" replaced the category of "identity","negativity" and "totality". Even for the same terms, Bhaskar also introduced completely different connotations from Hegel's, and then made new rules for the category of dialectics.
     Through the above mentioned, the dissertation argues that Bhaskar's critical realism is a kind of dialectics, which bases itself on new explanations of "realism", aims at transcending dualism and dichotomy, and takes criticizing traditional dialectics as its carrier. Compared with the traditional dialectics, his implants "Non-identity" into the system of dialectic category, re-explains the category of "Negativity" of the traditional dialectics, and employs "the Transformative Practice" as the dynamic mechanism of his dialectics. His thoughts can not only make contributions to breaking through the problem of realist dichotomy, but also help to promote Hegel's and Marxism dialectic ideas into a higher level or to open up a new path. This new realism or dialectics provides beneficial reference for the solutions to dualism in contemporary philosophy of science and (philosophy of) social science, and also constructive plans for solving the dichotomy in Marxism (such as voluntarism versus determinism, humanism versus economism, agency versus struture)
① 本文所探讨的批判实在论是指20世纪70年代由英国科学哲学家巴斯卡所倡导的学术思潮,它区别于由德雷克创立的美国批判实在论。需要说明的是,“批判实在论”一词并不是巴斯卡所提出的,它是巴斯卡的支持者们将“超验的实在论(transcendential realism)和“批判的自然主义”(critical naturalism)两个术语糅合在一起而形成的一个简称,对此,巴斯卡认为这个术语很好地表达了他的哲学立场,于是表示欣然接受。
    ② 普利森斯(Nigel Pleasants)在1999出版的‘'Wittgenstein and the Idea of a Critical Social Theory:A Critique of Giddens, Habermas and Bhaskar"—书中就将巴斯卡与吉登斯、哈贝马斯等相提并论。
    ① Sean Creaven. Against the Spiritual Turn:Marxism, Realism and Critical Ttheory, London and New York: Routledge,2010, Preface.
    ② Ted Benton and Ian Craib, Philosophy of Social Science:The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought,Hampshire and New York:Palgrave,2001,p.119.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar, Reflections on Meta-reality:Transcendence, Emancipation, and Everyday Life, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.175.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York, Routledge,2008,p.9.
    ⑤ Andrew Collier. Critical Realism:An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy, London:Verso,1994, p.ix,
    ① Margaret S, Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al,(Eds), Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York:
    ② Josei Loipez, Garry Potter, After Postmodernism:An Introduction to Critical Realism.London and New York: The Athlone Press,2001, p.4.
    ③ 具体可参见本章第二节“国内外现状研究综述”中的国内研究现状,第7-9页。
    ① Jonathan Joseph, In defence of Critical Realism, Capital and Class,1998,22(2):73-106.
    ② Andrew Brown, Steve Fleetwood and John Michael Roberts (Eds), Critical Realism and Marxis,[C], London and New York:Routledge,2002, p.3.
    ③ 蒋天禅.批判实在论的起源和发展,俞吾金,国外马克思主义研究报告,北京:人民出版社,2012,第384页。
    ④ Andrew Brown, Steve Fleetwood and John Michael Roberts (Eds). Critical Realism and Marxism, London and New York:Routledge,2002,p.10-11.
    ⑤ Richard Marsden. The Nature of Capital:Marx Alter Foucault, London and New York:Routledge,1999, p.25.
    ⑥ 希恩·科瑞恩(Sean Creaven)著名的马克思主义批判理论家,曾在普利茅斯大学教授社会学和社会政策,在沃里克都大学取得博士学位,现任波斯顿西英格兰大学资深讲师,目前的研究兴趣包括社会理论、历史社会学和等级划分,代表性著作有Marxism and realism:A materialistic application of realism in the social sciences, Routlege, 2000; Emergentist Marxism:Dialectical philosophy and social theory, Routlege,2007; Against the Spiritual Turn:Marxism, Realism, and Critical Theory, Routlege,2009.
    ⑦ Sean Creaven. The Pulse of Freedom? Bhaskar's Dialectic and Marxism, Historical Materialism, 2002,10(2):78.
    ① 这些文献包括Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom,1991;From science to emancipation:alienation and the actuality of enlightenment,2002; Philosophy and the Idea of Freedom,2002; Reflections on meta-reality: transcendence, emancipation, and everyday life,2012.
    ① 该著内容主要包含四个部分Part Ⅰ, transcendental realism and science; Part Ⅱ, Critical naturalism and social science; Part Ⅲ, The theory of explanatory critiques; Part IV, dialectic and dialectical critical realism.
    ② 该著内容如下Part Ⅰ:The Self-Method and Ethics 1. Margaret S. Archer The Private Life of the Social Agent:What Difference Does it Make? 2. Nick Hostettler and Alan Norrie Are Critical Realist Ethics Foundationalist? Part Ⅱ:Social Science and Critique after the Linguistic Turn 3. Caroline New Feminism, Critical Realism and the Linguistic Turn 4. Jose Lopez Critical Realism:The Difference it Makes in Theory 5. Peter E. Jones Critical Realism and Scientific Method in Chomsky's Linguistics Part Ⅲ:Method, Politics and Policy 6. Justin Cruickshank Underlabouring and Unemployment:Notes for Developing a Critical Realist Approach to the Agency of the Chronically Unemployed 7. Robert Willmott New Labour, School Effectiveness and Ideological Commitment 8. Bob Carter What Race Means to Realists 9. Gary MacLennan and Peter Thomas Cultural Studies: Towards a Realist Intervention Part Ⅳ:Political Economy and Globalism 10. Paul Lewis Naturalism and Economics 11. Heikki Patomaki A Critical Realist Approach to Global Political Economy 12. Branwen Gruffydd Jones Explaining Global Poverty:A Realist Critique of the Orthodox Approach.
    ① 该著共包含九个部分Part Ⅰ, Varieties of realism; Part Ⅱ,'Looking for'and 'looking at' social structure; Part Ⅲ, Physicists and philosophers; Part Ⅳ, Theory,nature and society; Part Ⅴ, Computing power: de-gendered bodies and gendered minds? Part Ⅵ, Cultural and criticism; Part Ⅶ, Pragmatism and politics: philosophy and public policy; Part Ⅷ, Ways of knowing; Part Ⅸ, Dialectics.
    ① [英]安德鲁·布朗,史蒂夫·弗里特伍德等著,陈静等译,批判实在论与马克思主义,桂林:广西师范大学出版社,2007。本书是一本论文合集,译自《Critical Realism and Marxism》一书,共包括一篇导言和12篇论文。在导言中,编者给出了当今学界关于批判实在论与马克思主义之间关系的三种看法。
    ② 这些文献的详细信息为:常庆欣,张旭,“批判实在论”对主流经济学的批判,经济纵横2013年第7期;马国旺,马克思经济学方法论创新探析——批判实在论视域中的异端经济学启示,经济学家,2011年第4期:陈荣虎,经济学批判实在论述评,江苏社会科学,2005年第5期:贾根良,批判实在论:经济学方法论的新发展,自然辩证法通讯,2004年第2期;马国旺,抽象的方法论:从马克思纲领到批判实在论新发展评析,社会科学战线,2009年第8期:夏华,关于批判实在论的回溯法的研究——兼论马克思经济学的方法论,经济问题,2011年第2期;鲍伶俐,存在者与存在着之区别——地理学批判实在论对巴斯卡批判实在论的偏离,科学技术哲学研究,2010年第5期;胡天新、李平,批判实在论在城市空间研究中的应用,地理研究,2006年第5期;殷杰、安篪,巴斯卡的批判实在论思想——兼议哲学社会科学研究之第三条进路,哲学研究,2007年第9期;马国旺,评批判实在论社会科学方法论的创新与发展取向,天津学术文库,2011年;吴畏,批判实在论的社会科学哲学,自然辩证法通讯,2007年第5期;任晓明,批判实在论的因果机制思想探析,自然辩证法研究,2009年第9期;王志成,宗教批判实在论与宗教非实在论之争,复旦学报(社会科学版),2003年第3期;乔纳森.约瑟夫、强东红、陈春莉,判实在论有助于马克思主义发展的五条途径,求是学刊,2007年第3期;付文忠,一个批判实在论者对后马克思主义哲学话语的批评,学习论坛,2008年09期;付文忠,辩证法当代价值的新阐释——巴斯卡的自由辩证法探析,学术 月刊2011年10期:付文忠,《哲学基本问题的当代争论——批判实在论与话语理论的哲学对话解读》,学习论坛,2011年第10期,吴畏,批判实在论与马克思主义哲学的主要区别,北京行政学院学报,2009年2期;尼尔·柯里强东红,超越马克思主义与后马克思主义的对立,马克思主义与现实,2005年第3期:安德鲁·科利尔强东红陈静,马克思主义与批判实在论的辩证法,求是学刊,2006年第06期;胡笑雨、蔡仲,批判实在论对马克思理论科学性的辩护,河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版),2012年第2期.
    ① 这些文献的详细信息为:齐建媚,巴斯卡的批判实在论辩证法思想研究,山东大学,2011;安篪,巴斯卡之批判实在论思想,山西大学,2007;袁群莉,批判实在论及其作为经济学方法论的可能性,华南师范大学,2003。
    ② 该文献为:赵华,巴斯卡批判实在论研究,南开大学,2010。
    ③ 这些文献的原文为Jonathan Joseph,Five ways in which critical realism can help Marxisnr,Neil Curry, Critical realism:beyond the Marxism and post-Marxism divide,Andrew Collier,Dialectic in Marxism and critical realism
    ① 研究纲领是拉卡托斯正式使用的一个术语。在《科学研究纲领方法论》一书中,拉卡托斯(Lakatos)通过他的科学研究纲领方法论,具体地构想了一个多元理论系列历史竞争的合理性模式。拉卡托斯认为科学的事业是一种理性的事业。他的出发点是:利用历史主义的某些长处来弥补逻辑主义的不足,从而维护科学的合理性。逻辑主义学派主张科学发展过程的合理重建,但他们忽视科学史的实际;历史主义学派注重科学发展的历史再现,但他们否定科学发展的合理性。拉卡托斯则希望把这两者即“逻辑的重建”和“历史的再现”结合起来。他引用康德的名言以表明自己的方法论观点:“没有科学史的科学哲学是空洞的;没有科学哲学的科学史是盲目的。”拉卡托斯以科学研究纲领方法论对波普尔的逻辑重建方法做出了改进。他把证伪主义分为朴素的证伪主义和精致的证伪主义两种,认为前者是错误的而后者是正确的。拉卡托斯的科学研究纲领方法论,可以看成是对波普尔证伪主义的发展。在波普尔那里,理论的单位是单个的,容易被经验事实所驳倒,因而理论显得很脆弱,拉卡托斯吸取了关于理论具有“韧性”的观点,提出受检验的理论是一个整体结构,它是由一系列理论组成的科学研究纲领。这一整体结构是由硬核、辅助保护带以及方法论机制等组成,因此就具有相当的韧性,有能力抵御经验事实的挑战。科学研究纲领的方法论机制包括:正面启发法——它指示理论应该做什么,反面启发法——它指示理论不应该做什么。科学研究纲领方法论的正面启发法和反面启发法,使整个理论体系不断得到调整、发展,不会轻易地被证伪。所以,拉卡托斯的科学研究纲领方法论改进了波普尔证伪主义的理论。(http://baike.baidu.com/view/3191144.htm)
    ② 具体可参见拙文《科学与哲学:马克思学说的另一种解读》,广西社会科学2013年第10期;《批判实在论研究:文献与动态》,自然辩证法研究,2014年第2期。
    ① Roy Bhaskar. From Science to Emancipation:Alienation and The Actuality of Enlightenment, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.3-4.
    ① 希拉里·温赖特(Hilary Wainwright),英国社会学家、政治活动家、社会女权主义者,Red Pepper杂志主编,其代表作有Beyond the Fragments:Feminism and the Making of Socialism (Merlin Press,1980) (co-authored with Sheila Rowbotham and Lynne Segal); Arguments for a New Left:Answering the Free-market Right (Blackwell,1994); Reclaim the State:Experiments in Popular Democracy (Verso books,2003):Public service reform-But not as we knowit!(Compass/UNISON,2009); Reclaim the State:Experiments in Popular Democracy (Seagull books,2009)等。
    ① 本书主要内容如下Chaper1 Philosophy and Scientific Realism 1. Two Sides of 'Knowledge'; 2. Three Traditions in the Philosophy of Science;3. The Transcendental Analysis of Experience;A. The Analysis of PerceptionB. The Analysis of Experimental Activity4. The Status of Ontology and Its Dissolution in Classical Philosophy;5. Ontology Vindicated and The Real Basis of Causal Laws6. A Sketch of a Critique of Empirical Realism;Chapter; 2. Actualism and the Concept of a Closure 1. Introduction:On the Actuality of the Causal Connection;2. Regularity Determinism and the Quest for a Closure3. The Classical Paradigm of Action;4. Actualism and Transcendental Realism:The interpretation of Normic Statements; 5. Autonomy and Reduction;6. Explanation in Open Systems Appendix. Orthodox Philosophy of Science and the Implications of Open Systems;Chapter 3. The Logic of Scientific Discovery 1. Introduction:On the Contingency of the Causal Connection;2. The Surplus-Element in the Analysis of Law-like Statements:A Critique of the Theory of Models; 3. Natural Necessity and Natural Kinds:The Stratification of Nature and The Stratification of Science;4. The Social Production of Knowledge by Means of Knowledge;5. Objections to the Account of Natural Necessity Proposed;6. The Problem of Induction.
    ② 本书主要内容如下Chapter 1 Transcendental Realism and the Problem of Naturalism;The Problem of Naturalism; How is a Philosophy of Science Possible?Experiment and Application:The Intransitive Dimension;Discovery and Development:The Transitive Dimension;The Social Sciences and Philosophy;Towards a New Critical Naturalism; Chapter 2 Societies;Against Individualism;On the Society/Person Connection;Some Emergent Properties of Social Systems;On the Limits of Naturalism;Social Science as Critique:Facts, Values and Theories;Appendix. A Note on the Marxist Concept of Ideology;A Sciences and ideologies in historical materialism;B Science v. ideology in the critique of political economy;Chapter 3 Agency; Agents, Reasons and Causes Ⅰ:Objections to Naturalism;Agents, Reasons and Causes Ⅱ:Naturalism Vindicated;Emergent Powers and Materialism Ⅰ:Against Reductionism;Emergent Powers and Materialism Ⅱ:In Defence of Transcategorial Causality;Rational Explanation;Chapter 4 Philosophies;Metaphilosophical Preliminaries;The Critique of the Positivist Tradition:Explanation, Prediction and Confirmation;The Critique of the Hermeneutical Tradition I:Concepts, Reasons and Rules;The Critique of the Hermeneutical Tradition Ⅱ:Explanation and Understanding;The Hermeneutical Circle and The Logic of Emancipation.
    ① 该书主要内容如下Chapter One — Scientific Realism and the Aporias of Contemporary Philosophy; 1. Rifts in Recent Philosophy;2. Forms of Realism;3. Metaphysics and Method;4. Praxis and Ontology;5. Epistemology, Explanation and Scientific Change;6. Incommensurability and the Refutation of Superidealism;7. First Steps Towards the Metacritique of Irrealism;8. Some Implications of Realism;Chapter Two — Critical Naturalism and the Dialectic of Human Emancipation;Scientific Realism and the Emergence of the Social Order;Critical Naturalism and the Transformational Model of Social Activity;3. Socio-Evolutionary Concepts, Functional Explanation and Human History;The Problems of Topology, Conceptuality and Critique;5. Facts and Values; Theory and Practice;6. Reason and the Dialectic of Human Emancipation;7. Depth, Rationality and Change;8. A Note on History;Chapter Three — The Positivist Illusion:Sketch of a Philosophical Ideology at Work;l. Positivism in Context;2. Metacritical Preliminaries:Sociology, Science, Ideology;Ⅰ The Contribution of the Sociology of Knowledge;Ⅱ Ideology in the Marxist Tradition;Ⅲ Science versus Ideology in the Critique of Positivism;3. Coordinates of the Positivist Account of Science;4. The Grid of Phenomenalism;5. Synchronic Transformations of the Grid;6. Ideology in the Transitive Dimension:The Concept of a Fact;7. Ideology in the Intransitive Dimension:Constant Conjunctions and Social Atoms;8. Ideology in the Metacritical Dimension: Presence of an Absence;9. Equivocations, Problem-field, Generalisations, Displacements and Result.;
    ① 该书主要内容如下Chapter 1. Philosophy and Scientific Realism 1. Two Sides of Knowledge 2. Three Traditions in the Philosophy of Science 3. The Transcendental Analysis of Experience a. The Analysis of Perception b. The Analysis of Experimental Activity 4. The Status of Ontology and Its Dissolution in Classical Philosophy 5. Ontology Vindicated and The Real Basis of Causal Laws 6. A Sketch of a Critique of Empirical Realism Chapter 2. Actualism and the Concept of a Closure 1. Introduction:On the Actuality of the Causal Connection 2. Regularity Determinism and the Quest for a Closure 3. The Classical Paradigm of Action 4. Actualism and Transcendental Realism:The Interpretation of Normic Statements 5. Autonomy and Reduction 6. Explanation in Open Systems Appendix. Orthodox Philosophy of Science and the Implications of Open Systems Chapter 3. the Logic of Scientific Discovery 1. Introduction:On the Contingency of the Causal Connection 2. The Surplus-Element in the Analysis of Law-like Statements:A Critique of the Theory of Models 3. Natural Necessity And Natural Kinds:The Stratification of Nature and The Stratification of Science 4. The Social Production of Knowledge by Means of Knowledge 5. Objections to the Account of Natural Necessity Proposed 6. The Problem of Induction Appendix. Natural Tendencies and Causal Powers Chapter 4. Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science Postscript to the Second Edition Bibliography Index of Names Index of Subjects
    ② 该书主要内容如下1 IS PHILOSOPHY WORTH IT?§1 The Life-and-Death Struggle;§2 The Problematicity of Philosophy;§3 Further Illustrations;2 EXPLANATION AND THE LAWS OF NATURE;§1 Scientific Explanation;§2 The Generalization of the Problem of Induction:§3 The Collapse of the Arch and the Consequences of Actualism;3 REFERENCE. TRUTH AND MEANING;§1 The Linguistic Turn and the Inexorability of Realism;§2 The Critique of Ontological Monovalence and the Problems of Philosophy;§3 Truth. Judgement and Consistency;4 CAUSALITY. CHANGE AND EMERGENCE:§1 Space. Time and Causality;§2 Emergence and Totality:§3 Causality and Contradiction;5 MAKING IT HAPPEN (SOCIAL AGENCY);§1 The Problem of Naturalism and the Nature of Society;§2 Problems of Agency:§3 Alienation and the Problem of Value:6 DIALECTIC;§1 Hegelian Dialectic;§2 Marxian Dialectic:§3 On the Real Definition of Dialectic;7 LIVING WELL;§1 The Practical Presuppositions of Agency and Discourse;§2 The Axiology of Freedom;§3 Aesthetics. Politics. Ethics—and Economics:8 DIALECTICAL CRITICAL REALISM;§1 The Nature and Derivability of Dialectical Critical Realism;§2 Dialectics of Dialectical Critical Realism;§3 The Implications of Irrealism:9 SOCRATES AND SO ON?§1 The Ancient World;§2 The Consolidation of Epistemology;§3 The Humean Turntable Ⅰ:The Positivist. Perspectivist and Hermeneutical Traditions:10 PHILOSOPHY AND THE DIALECTIC OF EMANCIPATION;§1 The Humean Turntable Ⅱ:The Critical Tradition;§2 Counter-Conduct;§3 Philosophy and the Dialectic of Emancipation:APPENDIX:EXPLAINING PHILOSOPHIES;§1 Philosophies as Social Ideologies;§2 On the Metacritique of Philosophy;§3 On the Problems of Philosophy and Their Real Resolution.
    ① 该书主要内容如下PART IGeneral theoretical introduction;From critical realism to the philosophy of self-realisation; 1 1M:Ontology;2 2E:Absence;3 3L:Totality;4 4D:Transformative praxis or creative work;Odyssey of a soul;1 To the Promised Land;Life One:Crossing the Red Sea with Moses-the Teacher;2 Part A:Under the stars:re-enchanting reality;Life Two:In Ancient Greece Ⅰ-the Philosopher-from Pythagoras to Laozi Appendix to Chapter 2:Part A (L2);2 Part B:Under the stars:re-enchanting reality;Life Three:In Ancient Greece Ⅱ-the Orchard-or Orpheus in the Underworld and the perils of attachment;Interlude:From East To West: retrospect and prospect-sketches;3 On the path:or to the Promised Land Part Ⅱ;Life Four:Scrolling-(the Writer);Life Five:From Galilee to Kashmir-meeting the Master;4 The cement of the universe and the search for yoga;Life Six:Voyages of discovery-the itinerant cardinal;5 A Taoist dawn;Life Seven:The warlord-the Rising Sun and the divided mind;Life Eight:In China Ⅰ-the emergent heart and a life in bondage;Life Nine:In China Ⅱ - the middle truth - in search of balance,the dynamic being of emptiness and enlightenment in alienation;6 At the heartbeat of the Buddha;Life Ten:In Tibet-a Himalayan heartbeat-or compassion and the void;7 Transcendence and totality:or salted lasee with the Guru;Life Eleven:In India-the Guru-or from the path of renunciation to the path of action;8 Back to basics:life as a sultan and its karma;Life Twelve:The Sufi sultan;Life Thirteen:Poverty in southern Italy (Amalfi)-the outcast;Life Fourteen:The French philosopher-the sceptical mystic;9 The Dance of Shiva in the Age of Aquarius 1;Life Fifteen:The circle completed-from East to West-liberation or the path to enlightenment.
    ① 本书主要内容如下Chapter 1,From a philosophy of science to a philosophy of universal self-realisatipon; Chapter2, Critical realism and Marxism; Chapter3,Critical realism and Discourse Theory:debate with Ernesto Laciau; Chapter4,Critical realism and Ethnomethodology:debate with Rom Harre; Chapter5, Critical realism and Ethics;introducing transcendental dialectical critical realism;Chapter6. Critical realism, co-presence and making a difference; Chapter7, Part I:Reality check, Part Ⅱ, Critical realism and the Left;Chapter8,Critical realism, postmodernism and the Global Crisis; Chapter9,Left versus Right Brain, Creativity and Emancipation;Chapter10,The philosophy of Meta-reality:identity, spirituality, system; Chapter 11,Educating the educators-or, empowering teachers; Chapter12,The limits of thought; Chapter13, Unconditionality in love.
    ② 本书主要内容如下Chapter 1. Critical Realism:Beyond Modernism and Post-Modernism; Chapter 2. Who am I? Chapter 3. Social Science and Self-realisation:Non-duality and Co-presence;Chapter 4. Meta-Reality:In and Beyond Critical Realism.
    ① 该书具体内容包括1. Childhood and adolescence:dialectic of alienation and wholeness(1944-1963); 2.Oxford days:carrying through the Copernican revolution in the philosophy of science(1963-1973); 3.Beyongd empiricism and transcendental idealism:transcendental realism and the critique of classical modernism(1973-1975); 4.The critical realist embrace:critical naturalism(1975-1979); 5.Prolegomenon to a natural history of the human species: explanatory critique(1979-1986); 6.The Axiology of freedom:dialectical critical realism(1986-1994); 7.The spiritual turn:transcendental dialectical critical realism(1994-2000); 8.The philosophy of unity-in-difference: meta-reality(2000-2002); 9.Where do we go from here?:applied critical realism and beyond(2002-).
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.26.
    ② 伯纳德·朗尼根(Bernard Lonergan),(1904-1984)加拿大基督教牧师,哲学家,神学家,二十世纪最重要的思想家之一。朗尼根的著作包括Insight:A Study of Human Understanding (1957), Method in Theology(1972),两篇托马斯·阿奎那研究,基本神学教科书,以及很多随笔文章,其中有两篇关于宏观经济学的文章是在其逝世后出版的。多伦多大学出版社目前正在整理一部有25卷的文集。他曾在格列高里大学、瑞吉斯学院多伦多大学任职,在波士顿大学任职客座教授,在哈佛大学做终身神学教授。
    ① 阿瑟·奥肯·洛夫乔伊(Arthur Oncken Lovejoy,1873-1962)美国哲学家和知识历史学家,创建了众所周知的思想史学科。代表性著作有:Primitivism and Related Ideas in Antiquity(1935);The Revolt Against Dualism (1960); The Thirteen Pragmatisms and Other Essays (1963)等。1910年到1938年,洛夫乔伊曾任霍普金斯大学教授,期间创建并长期指出该大学的思想史俱乐部,吸引了大批的知识历史学家、社会历史学家以及文艺批评家。1916—1917年任美国哲学协会会长。1940年创办《思想史杂志》,坚持认为思想应该关注的是“单个的观念”以及单个的观念彼此之间是如何结合和再结合的。在认识论领域,洛夫乔伊对新实在论运动进行了富有影响力的批判。洛夫乔伊认为,认识对象客体本身并不是直接和客体发生关系的,而必须通过中介作用,他认为这个中介就是所谓“特性复合体”或感知的“直接材料”。洛夫乔伊主张,“材料”或“特性复合体”是心理的东西,就是正当知觉时的心理状态。按照这种说法,我们所直接认识的材料只是心理的状态或‘观念”,是“心理的存在”、“心理内容”。(陶银骠,武斌,王举忠.《中外哲学家辞典》:陕西人民出版社,1989年,第367页.)
    ② G.桑塔雅那(George Santayana) (1863-1952),哲学家、文学家,批判实在论的倡导人之一,代表作有:Three Philosophical Poets:Lucretius, Dante, and Goethe (1910); The Sense of Beauty:being The Outlines of Aesthetic Theory (1896); Interpretations of Poetry and Religion (1900); The Life of Reason:or the Phases of Human Progress,5 vols (1905); The Realms of Being,4 vols (1927-1940)。桑塔雅那在哲学思想上持怀疑主义的立场,主张怀疑一切,甚至怀疑笛卡儿的“我思”。但是他认为有两种东西无可怀疑的,那就是人类知觉中的“直接材料”(感性材料)和“本质”(抽象的概念或形式)。由此出发,他反对新实在论的“直接呈现说。他断言:认识的内容与认识对象并不像新实在论者所认为的那样是一个东西,而认识的过程也不是外在客体直接进入人脑的“直接呈现”过程,而是认识主体以“本质”(抽象概念)为媒介认识客体的过程,由于中介媒体的歪曲,人的认识有可能产生错误,甚至严重的时候根本不可能获得关于客体的真相,从而陷入了不可知论。在本体论领域,桑塔雅那肯定“本质”(即脱离具体事实的抽象的概念或形式)的客观存在,从而把“本质”本体论化,即认为在客观的物质世界之外还存在着客观的抽象的“本质世界”,并在此基础上提出了关于 四个“存在领域”的学说:本质领域、物质领域、真理领域和精神领域。桑塔雅那断言:“本质领域”是最高的实在领域,它是各种抽象的本质的统一,它永恒地存在于时间与空间之外。(http://baike.baidu.com/view/2315668.htm?fr=aladdin)
    ① 迈克尔·波兰尼(Michael Polanyi)(1891-1976)匈牙利的博学者,对物理化学、经济学和哲学做出了重要的理论贡献。他认为,实证主义为认知提供了错误的解释,如果认真来讲,实证主义和我们人类一样,破坏了我们的最高成就。代表性著作为Atomic Reactions,1932; Science, Faith, and Society,1946: The Logic of Liberty,1951; Knowing and Being,1969.
    ② Wright N T. The New Testament and the people of God. Fortress Press,1992. p.35
    ① 托尼·劳森(Tony Lawson),剑桥大学政治经济学教师。他经济学研究评论、剑桥经济学刊、牛津经济论文集以及经济学期刊上出版和发表了大量的著作。其代表作有Lawson T. Reorienting economicsfMJ. Psychology Press,2003; Economics and reality[M]. Routledge,2012.除托尼·劳森外,这些经济学家还包括:拉尔斯·派欧森·赛欧(Lars Palsson Syll)弗雷德里克·李(Frederic Lee)、.杰弗里·霍奇森(Geoffrey Hodgson)等.
    ② Jackson, Patrick Thaddeus. The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations,2011, Routledge, p. xi v
    ③ 代表性著作有Bob Jessop. State Power, Cambridge,2007; Milja Kurki. Causation in International Relations: Reclaiming Causal Analysis, Cambridge,2008; Colin Wight. Agents, Structures and International Relations: Politics as Ontology, Cambridge,2006; Jonathan Joseph, The Social in the Global, Cambridge,2012.
    ① 就批判实在论的发展阶段而言,学界说法不一。摩恩·哈特维格(Mervyn Hartwig)认为批判实在论经历了四个发展阶段:超验的实在论(transcendental realism)、批判的自然主义(critical naturalism)、解释性批判理论(the theory of explanatory critique)和辩证的批判实在论(dialectical critical realism)。(Mervyn Hartwig,Dictionary of Critical Realism[M], London And Newyork:Routledge,P96.)尼尔·库瑞(Neil Curry)指出,批判实在论包含四个主题:超验的实在论、批判的自然主义、解释性批评和辩证法的要素。(Neil Curry, Critical realism:Beyond the Marxism/post-Marxism divide[A], Andrew Brown, Steve Fleetwood and John Michael Roberts (Eds), Critical Realism and Marxism[C]. London and New York:Routledge,2002,P119.)艾伦·诺里(Alan Norrie)认为,批判实在论可以分为三个时期:初期的批判实在论,辩证法阶段以及与之相关的“精神转向”。(Alan Norrie,Dialectic and Difference:Critical Realism and the Grounds of Justice[M],2010,Pxii.)在维基百科网上,罗伊·巴斯卡批判实在论被划分为三个阶段:超验的实在论与批判的自然主义一起被作为第一阶段,合称“批判实在论”:以《辩证法:自由的脉搏》的出版为标志,批判实在论实现了辩证转向,发展到了“辩证的批判实在论阶段”;2000年,以《从东到西:一次灵魂之旅》为标志,批判实在论实现了精神转向(spiritual turn),发展到超验的辩证批判实在论阶段。(http://en,wikipedia,org/wiki/Roy_Bhaskar#Critical_realism.)罗伊·巴斯卡本人自称批判实在论的发展经历了五个阶段:(1)作为科学哲学叫做“超验的实在论”(transcendental realism); (2)作为社会科学哲学叫做批判的自然主义(critical naturalism); (3)探讨事实与价值关系的“解释批判理论”(theory of explanatory critique)(4)构建辩证法体系的“辩证批判实在论”:(5)以及探讨人的自我实现的(dialectical critical realism)“超验的辩证批判实在论”。(Roy Bhaskar, From science to emancipation:alienation and the actuality of Enlightenment, London and New York:Routledge,2012,P24.)
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom[M]. London:Verso,1993,p.xxxiii
    ② Roy Bhaskar, Reflections on Meta-reality:Transcendence, Emancipation, and Everyday Life, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.10
    ① 安德鲁·克里尔(Andrew Collier):南安普顿大学哲学教授,批判实在论中心理事,代表性性著作有:Scientific Realism and Socialist Thought, Hemel Hemsptead:Harvester Wheatsheaf,1989, Critical Realism:An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy, London:verso,1994, Being and worth. Routledge,2005.
    ② 安德鲁·赛耶(Andrew Sayer):英国兰开斯特大学的社会学和政治经济学教授,因其对社会科学领域的方法和理论研究的重大贡献而出名。其代表性著作为Method in social science:A realist approach. Psychology Press,1992; Realism and social science. Sage,2000.
    ③ 玛格丽特·阿切尔(Margaret Archer):她的学术生涯的大部分时间在英国沃里克大学度过,她在那里做了多年的社会学教授。现供职于瑞士洛桑联邦理工学院。因在《实在论的社会学:形态形成的方法》一书中创造了‘'elisionism"一词而出名。其代表性著作有Realist Social Theory:The Morphogenetic Approach. (1995) Structure, Agency and the Internal Conversation, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (2003) Being Human:The Problem of Agency, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (2000)
    ④ 阿兰·诺瑞(Alan Norrie)最近在沃里克大学的法律专业上占据一席之地。曾在伦敦大学玛丽女王学院做法学教授,在伦敦国王学院做刑法和刑事司法教授,他长期对批判实在论哲学感兴趣,是批判实在论国际协会的主席。他的新书Law and the Beautiful Soul在2006年赢得了SLSA哈特图书奖。其代表性著作有Dialectic and difference:Dialectical critical realism and the grounds of justice. Routledge,2011; Norrie A. Crime, reason and history:A critical introduction to criminal law. Cambridge University Press,2001.
    ⑤ 代表性文献有:Andrew Brown, Steve Fleetwood and John Michael Roberts (eds),Critical Realism and Marxism[C], London and New York:Routledge,2002; B O'Boyle, T McDonough, Critical Realism, Marxism and the Critique of Neoclassical economy[J], Capital & Class,2011; Roy Bhaskar and Alex Callinicos, Marxism and Critical Realism:A Debate[J], Journal of Critical Realism,2003; Richard Gunn, Marxism and philosophy:a critique of critical realism, Capital & Class,1989; JM Roberts, Marxism and Critical Realism:The Same, Similar, or Just Plain Different[J],Capital & Class,1999,1999; Sean Creaven, Marxism and Realism:A Materialistic Application of Realism in the Social Sciences[M],London and New York:Routledge,2001.
    ⑥ 代表性文献有Paul Lewis, Transforming Economics:Perspectives on the Critical Realist Project[M]. London:Routledge,2004; Tony Lawson. Economics and Reality[M], London and New York:Routledge,1997; Tony Lawson. Reorienting Economics[M], London and New York:Routledge,2003; Steve Fleetwood, Critical Realism in Economics:Development and Debate[M]. London and New York:Routledge,1999.
    ⑦ 代表性文献有Andrew Sayer, Realism and Social Science[M], London and New York:Routledge,2000; Margaret S. Archer. Realist Social Theory:The Morphogenetic Approach[M], London and New York: Routledge,Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995; Frank Pearce, Jon Frauley, Critical realism and the social sciences:heterodox elaborations[C], University of Toronto Press,2010; Justin Cruickshank, Realism and Sociology:Anti-Foundationalism, Ontology and Social Research[M], London and New York:Routledge,2007.
    ⑧ 代表性著作有Heikki Patomaki, After International Relations:Critical Realism and the (Re)Construction of World Politics, London and New York:Routledge,2002; F Chemoff. Critical Realism, Scientific Realism and International Relations Theory,[J] Millennium-Journal of International Studies,2007;
    ⑨ 代表性著作有Donald Judd, Critical Realism and Composition Theory, London and New York: Routledge,2003.
    ⑩ 代表性著作有Robert. Wilhnott. Education Policy and Realist Social Theory:Primary Teachers, Child-Centred Philosophy and the New Managerialism[M]. London and New York:Routledge,,2002.
    11 代表性著作有Stephen Ackroyd and Steve Fleetwood (Eds.). Realist Perspectives on Management and Organisations[M]. London and New York:Routledge,2001.
    ① 这个系列的代表文献有:Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York:Routledge,1998; Collier, A. Being and worth. Routledge.2005; Norris,Christopher. Quantum theory and the flight from realism:philosophical responses to quantum mechanics. Routledge,2002; Carter, Bob. Realism and racism:Concepts of race in sociological research. Routledge,2002; Dean, Kathryn. Capitalism and citizenship:The impossible partnership. Psychology Press,2003; Patomaki, Heikki. After international relations:critical realism and the (re) construction of world politics. Psychology Press, 2002; Ackroyd, Stephen, and Steve Fleetwood, eds. Realist perspectives on management and organisations. Routledge,2000; Danermark, Berth, ed. Explaining society:Critical realism in the social sciences. Psychology Press,2002; Fararo, Thomas J. Rational choice theory. Ed. James S. Coleman. Sage Publ.,1993等。
    ② 这个系列的代表文献有Creaven, Sean. Marxism and realism:A materialistic application of realism in the social sciences. Routledge,2012; Masters, Roger D. Beyond relativism:Science and human values. Hanover, NH: University Press of New England,1993; Archer, Margaret Scotford. Realist social theory:The morphogenetic approach. Cambridge university press,1995; Joseph, Jonathan. Hegemony:A realist analysis. Vol.4. Psychology Press,2002; Cruickshank, Justin. Realism and sociology:Anti-foundationalism, ontology and social research. Vol. 5. Psychology Press,2007; Cruickshank, Justin, ed. Critical Realism:the difference that it makes. Routledge,2004; Judd, Donald. Critical realism and composition theory. Routledge,2005; Collier, Andrew. In Defence of Objectivity. Routledge,2013等。
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.36.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.21.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.24.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.6
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge.2009, p.45.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge,2009, p.250.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge.2009, p.8.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.24-25.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.25.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.26-27.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.27.
    ② M.R.Ayers, The Refutation of Determinism, London:Methuen,1968, p.6.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.187.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993,p.181.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,993,p.393
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.182
    ② Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.17.
    ① 路德维希·维特根斯坦著;贺绍甲译.《逻辑哲学论》,北京:商务印书馆,1996,第5-6页。
    ② 此处转引自:付文忠.哲学基本问题的当代争论——批判实在论与话语理论的哲学对话解读,学习论坛.2011(10):63.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.36
    ② I Kant. Critique of pure reason.,trans. N.Kemp Smith, London:Macmillan,1970,p.724.
    ③ Ayer, Alfred Jules. Language, truth and logic.2nd ed., London:Victor Gollancz,1962, p.31-41.
    ① D.H.Mellor,'Physics and Furniture', AP.Q. Studies in the Philosophy of Science, ed. N. Rescher, Oxford: Blackwell,p.184.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.40.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.43.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.27.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.27.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.25.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.25.
    ① 《马克思恩格第选集》(第2卷).北京:人民出版社,1972,第178页。
    ② Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.56
    ③ 关于现实主义的形而上学一个最明确的表述发生在尼采的《道德谱系学》中:“就像流行的思想将光和灯分离一样,后者被作为行为的主体,流行的道德将力量与力量的表现形式分离开来,好像在强者的背后有一个中立的基础层面,它能决定是否自由地表达力量。但是并不存在这样的基层,在行为、影响、生成背后没有存在,行为者仅仅是强加到契约之上的虚构物,契约就是一切。”(Nietzsche, Friedrich. On the Genealogy of Morals and Ecce Homo, trans. W. Kaufmann and R,J,Hollijgdale. New York:Ramdon House,1969,p45)当然,尼采的道德是荒谬的,因为他为了被压迫和被践踏的人而要求对强者加以限制,为了成为猎物而创造猎物。但是他也做出了一般的行为上学的诉求:“科学依然谓语误导性的语言的影响之下,依然没有很好的处理主观性问题。”(同上)
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.56
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.58
    ② Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.229.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993,p.15.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.145-146.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.147
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.46.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.47.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.51.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.52.
    ① Checland,P. System Thinking. System Pratice,Chichester:Wiley,1981.
    ② Senge,P. The Fifth Discipline:The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization, London:Century Books,1990.
    ③ Maturana,H.and Varela,F. Autopoiesis and Cognition:The Realisation of the Living,Lawrence and Wishart, Springer,1980.
    ④ Checkland,p. and Scholes,J.Soft systems Methodology in Action,Chichester:Wiley,1990.
    ⑤ Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.70
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.45
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Reclaiming Reality:A Critical Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy, London and New York: Routledge,2011,p.9
    ③ Roy Bhaskar, Reflections on Meta-reality:Transcendence, Emancipation, and Everyday Life, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.79
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.119
    ① Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al,eds. Critical Realism:Essential Readings[C]. London and New York: Routledge,1998,P3.
    ② Pratten S. Structure, agency and Marx's analysis of the labour process. Review of Political Economy,1993, 5(4):404.
    ③ Andrew Collier,Critical Realism:An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy, London:Verso,1994,pix.
    ④ Rom Harre, A Realist Theory ofScience(book reviews), Mind,1977,85(340):627.
    ⑤ Tony Lawson. Development in Economics as Realist Social Theory. Steve Fleetwood (eds). Critical Realism in Economics:development and debate. London and New York:Routledge,1999,p.14.
    ① 这里需要说明的是,给后结构主义者或者一般的后现代主义者工作给予一个定性是不太容易的,因为多数情况下,在考察休谟或实证主义的本体论基础时,他们采用的是尼采式的认识论向度。具体可参见:Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.ⅹⅳ.
    ① Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998, p.ⅹⅴ.
    ① Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.322-323.
    ① Winch, P. "The idea of a social science and its relation to philosophy." 1958,p.45.
    ① 决定人性的主体是如此的众多和不同…总体上看不存在完全相同的两个主体…然而任何事实都应该与科学的主题相适应,以便使彼此都与恒常的规律相适应,尽管这种规律还没有被发现,甚至在我们现有的条件下永远也不可能被发现。J.S.Mill, A System of Logic (London 1961), bk.6, ch.3.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.19.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. From Science to Emancipation:Alienation and The Actuality of Enlightenment, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.19.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. From Science to Emancipation:Alienation and The Actuality of Enlightenment, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.19.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.21.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.21.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.21-22.
    ④ Watkins, J. W. N.'Methodological Individualism and Social Tendencies,'In May Brodbeck ed., Readings in the Philosophy of Social Sciences, The Macmillan Company,1968,p.270.
    ① Phillips, D.C. Holistic Thought in Social Science, Stanford, Calif.:Stanford University Press,1976,p.6-20.
    ② 参见Udehn L. Methodological individualism:Background, history and meaning. Routledge,2002,214
    ③ Weber, Max.1968. Economy and Society, ed. Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, Berkeley:University of California Press.p.13.
    ④ Weber, Max.1968. Economy and Society, ed. Guenther Roth and Claus Wittich, Berkeley:University of California Press.p.13.
    ⑤ 史蒂文,卢克斯,红文,等.《个人主义:分析与批判》,中国广播电视出版社,1993,第118页。
    ⑥ 卡尔,奥托·阿佩尔.《哲学的改造》,上海译文出版社,1997,第275页。
    ⑦ 史蒂文,卢克斯,红文,等.《个人主义:分析与批判》,中国广播电视出版社,1993,第121页。
    ⑧ Elster J. The case for methodological individualism. Theory and society,1982, p.463.
    ① Elster, Jon. Nuts and bolts for the social sciences. Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1989,p.13.
    ② 刘易斯.A·科瑟.《社会学思想名家》,中国社会科学出版社,1990,第9页。
    ⑥ 贾春增.《外国社会学史》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000年,第214页。
    ④ 贾春增.《外国社会学史》,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2000年,第300页。
    ⑤ 巴斯卡同时也表明:对自然主义的限制不仅是由社会科学研究客体的不可感知性引起的,也是由它们仅 仅在开放的系统中显现自身决定的,因为在开放的体系中,不变的经验规则性是不可获得的。具体可参见:Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.82-83.
    ① Andrew Sayer. Method in social science:A realist approach. Psychology Press,1992,p.76.
    ② Hempel, C. G.'Explanation in Science and in History,'In Drary, W. H.ed.Philosophical Analysis and History, Harper and Row:New York,1966.p.136.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. A Realist Theory of Science, London and New York,2008, p.30.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.70.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.30
    ④ J.-P.Sartre, Critique of Dialectical Reason (London 1976), bk.2, ch.1 and bk I, ch.4.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.34
    ① Roy Bhaskar. From Science to Emancipation:Alienation and The Actuality of Enlightenment, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.20.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility ofNaturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.32.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility ofNaturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.32.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility ofNaturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.32.
    ⑤ Berger P, Pullberg S. Reification and the sociological critique of consciousness. New Left Review,1966,35(1): 62-3.
    ⑥ Berger P, Pullberg S. Reification and the sociological critique of consciousness. New Left Review,1966,35(1): 63.
    ① E.Durkheim, The Rules of Sociological Method.New York:Free Press,1964, p.2.
    ② Berger P, Pullberg S. Reification and the sociological critique of consciousness. New Left Review,1966,35(1): 60.
    ③ Berger P, Pullberg S. Reification and the sociological critique of consciousness. New Left Review,1966, 35(1):61.
    ④ Berger P, Pullberg S. Reification and the sociological critique of consciousness. New Left Review,1966,35(1): 60
    ① 马克思较好地表达了这种历史的观念:历史不外是各个世代的依次交替,每一代都利用以前各代遗留下来的材料、资金和生产力;由于这个缘故,每一代一方面在完全改变了的条件下继续从事先辈的活动,另一方面又通过完全改变了的活动来改变旧的条件。(《马克思恩格斯文集(第1卷)》北京:人民出版社,2009,第540页)在巴斯卡的社会行为转换模型中,社会与个人之间的认识论区分表明了这样一种路径,其中,物质可以被放置到马克思著名的命题中:“人们创造历史,但不是在他们选择的条件下”。这里,“人们”当然必须被看作不仅仅是独特的行为者,同时也是具体、一般利益、特定阶级利益的表达,而这一切首先是由对生产资料的不同占有关系决定的。反过来,这些生产资料必须被加以概念化,以便除了纯粹的经济关系外,也能包含政治和文化关系。
    ② Mogan,J.,'Analatical philosophy's contribution to the problem of supervenience (emergence) illustrated using the mindbody problem'the review article, journal of critical realism,2004a,3(1).
    ③ Foster. T., The immaterial self:a defense of the Cartesian dualistic conception of the mind, London: Routledge,1991
    ① Nellhaus,T.'From embodiment to agency:cognitive science, critical realism, and communicative frameworks', Journal of Critical Realism 2004,3(1):103-132
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.101-102.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994,p.102.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994,p.102.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and N ew York:Routledge,1998, p.98.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.3.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences(3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.3.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.155.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar.The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.38.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences(3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.49-50.
    ① Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.93.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. From Science to Emancipation:Alienation and The Actuality of Enlightenment, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.20.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.28.
    ② 《马克思恩格斯全集》,第30卷,北京:人民出版社1995,第221页.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.178.
    ④ 在社会和个人之间存在着本体论的鸿沟这层意义上,社会和个人都是独立存在的,但是这并没有否认它们共在的相关性。参见Andrew Collier. Critical Realism:An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy, London:verso,1994, p.140.
    ⑤ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.28.
    ⑥ 巴斯卡认为,当且仅当a不是它本质上所是的东西而b却能够以同样的范式来替代它是,它们之间的关系才是内在的。参见Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.42.
    ① Andrew Collier. Critical Realism:An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy, London:verso,1994, p.150.
    ② 他也提到了持有这种立场的科莱蒂和奥尔曼。参见Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition),London and New York:Routledge. 1998, p.42.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.43.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.31
    ① Roy Bhaskar. From Science to Emancipation:Alienation and The Actuality of Enlightenment, London and New York:Routledge,2012, p.20.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.36
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.36
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.36.
    ② 具体可参见Margaret S. Archer. Realist Social Theory:The Morphogenetic Approach, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1995.
    ③ 具体可参见Margaret S. Archer. Being Human:The Problem of Agency, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000.
    ④ Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.426.
    ① Roy Bhaskar.The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.97.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.98.
    ① Andrew Collier. Critical Realism:An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy, London:verso,1994, p.156-157.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.98-99.
    ③ Andrew Collier. Critical Realism:An Introduction to Roy Bhaskar's Philosophy, London:verso,1994, p.158.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility ofNaturalism:A Philosophical Critique ofthe Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.99.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.100.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.101-107.
    ① Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.426 Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.92.
    ② Ted Benton and Ian Craib. Philosophy of Social Science:The Philosophical Foundations of Social Thought,Hampshire and New York:Palgrave,2001,P119.
    ① Jon Frauley and Frank Pearce. Critical Realism and the Social Scieces:Methoedological and Epistemological Preliminaries. Jon Frauley and Frank Pearce, eds. Critical Realism and the Social Sciences:Heterodox Elaborations, London:University of Toronto Press,2007,P6.
    ② Kevin Magill,'Against critical realism', Capital and class,1994:54, P125.
    ③ Allen, J. Property relations and landlordism:a realist approach. Environment and Planning D:Society and Space,1983,1(2),191-203.
    ① Searle J R. How to derive "ought" from "is". The Philosophical Review,1964:43-58.
    ② 参见Edgley R. Reason as dialectic:science, social science and socialist science[J], in Radical Philosophy 15, 1976; Reason in Theory and Practice, London:Hutchinson,1969.
    ① Edgley R. Reason as dialectic:science, social science and socialist science[J]. in Radical Philosophy 15,1976. p.7.
    ② 鲁道夫·希法亭(Rudolf Hilferding),(1877-1941),奥地利马克思主义经济学家,社会主义理论领导者, 魏玛共和国时期德国社会主义民主党政治学家和首席理论家,受到公认的社会民主党代表理论家。他于1902年4月对庞巴维克的卡尔马克思及其体系的封闭性一书(1896)写了一篇评论,来捍卫马克思的经济学理论,反对庞巴维克对马克思经济学理论的批判。此外,他还写了两篇影响重大的文章,主题是关于将罢工作为一种政治武器。其最为著名的Das Finanzkapital (Finance Capital)一书于1910年出版,是一个重要的理论里程碑,其重要性延续至今。这本书同时使希法亭成为一名有影响力的经济学家,成为社会主义国际一位重要的经济理论学家,同时也奠定了他在《前进报》上的首要地位,使其进入到德国社会民主党的国家决策层。此外,这本书的出版也使其在德国社会民主党的马克思主义研究中心占有一席之地,至今仍是该中心的重要人物之一。自从1912年,他便代表《前进报》参加党的委员会,并被允许其参与社会主义政治决策制定,直至一战前。(参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rudolf Hilferding)
    ① 这里的问题不在于马克思和弗洛伊德的理论在事实上是否是真理,而是在于他们对社会科学的处理是客观性的和建设性的。
    ① Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.409.
    ① M·韦伯:《社会科学方法论》,爱德华·希尔斯、亨利·芬奇编,纽约自由出版社,1949,第54页。
    ② 丹尼尔·贝尔.《后工业社会的来临》,北京:商务印书馆,1984年,第421页.
    ③ Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.409.
    ④ 可参见Taylor, Charles. "Neutrality in political science." Philosophy, politics and society 1967,(3):25-57.
    ① 例如,从费边主义的观点来看,“我们不相信个人,我们认为他除了抱怨之外什么也做不了,他也不可能做出任何的补救措施”,B. Webb, Our Partnership, entry for 24th December 1894, London 1948.
    ② Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.410.
    ① Bunnin, N., and J. Yu. " The Blackwell dictionary of western philosophy." Blackwell Publishing, 2004,p.361-362.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.66.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Possibility of Naturalism:A Philosophical Critique of the Contemporary Human Sciences (3rd edition), London and New York:Routledge,1998, p.68.
    ② Cooper, Neil. "The diversity of moral thinking." 1981.p.181.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge,2009, p.116.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge,2009, p.118.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Scientic Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge,2009, p.117.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge,2009, p.120.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge.2009, p.121.
    ② Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998, p.417.
    ① Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.418.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge,2009, p.188.
    ③ See also Lacey,'Explanatory critique', in Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London: Routeldge,2007, p.196.; T.Rogers,'The doing of a depth-investigation:implications for the emancipatory aims of critical naturalism', Journal of Critical Realism2004,3(2):238-269.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. The Formation of Critical Realism:A Personal Perspective, London and New York:Routledge,2010.Ch.5.‘相对的先验’被巴斯卡用于指称这样一个事实:来自人类意识的先验论证需要在它们的预设中加以确定。Roy Bhaskar. The Formation of Critical Realism:A Personal Perspective, London and New York: Routledge,2010,Ch.9).
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Scientific Realism and Human Emancipation, London and New York:Routledge,2009, p.203
    ② 趋势2是一种倾向于或准备好被实现的力,这个观念来自于《一种科学的实在论理论》。(pp.230-31).直到《辩证法》之前,巴斯卡一直没有对这种力与表现为过程的方向性的趋势区分开来。See also B.Pinkstone and M.Hartwig,'Tendency', in Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge, 2007,p.458-460.
    ① Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.389.
    ② Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.198.
    ③ Andrew Sayer. Realism and social science. Sage,2000,p.160.
    ④ 参见Lacey, Hugh.Is Science Value Free? Values and Scientific Understanding, London:Routlegde,1999。
    ① 马克思恩格斯文集,第10卷.北京:人民出版社,2009,第143页。
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:Verso,1993,p..ⅹⅲ.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:Verso,1993,p.ⅹⅲ
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:Verso,1993,p.ⅹⅲ
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:Verso,1993,p.ⅹⅳ.
    ⑤ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:Verso,1993,p.4-5.
    ⑥ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:VersoB1993,p.385.
    ① Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.ⅹⅹⅱ.
    ① 在辩证法的研究中,巴斯卡认为,我们要想理解社会存在必须依据四个维度,其中的每一个对于任何社会事件的充分理解都是必需的,这四个层面是:主体或自我的层化;人与人之间的相互作用和人际关系;个人与社会结构的关系;人与自然的相互作用。巴斯卡认为这四个层面对于任何行为的定位都是必需的,并将其命名为“四维的社会存在”。(Roy Bhaskar. From East to West, London and New York:Routledge,2000, p.22.)
    ② 简单地讲,在巴斯卡那里,“本体论的单一性”指的就是黑格尔之前的辩证法普遍否定“非存在”而只承认“存在”,或者说只承认肯定性,不承认否定性的存在,认为肯定具有本体论的地位,巴斯卡将其称之为“本体论的单一性”。
    ① 转引自Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007, p.497.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:Verso,1993,p.401.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:Verso,1993,p.392
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom, London:Verso,1993,p.354
    ⑤ Barnes,J.Early GreekPhilosophy,London:Penguin,1987:82
    ⑥ Barnes,J.Early Greek Philosophy,London:Penguin,1987:80.
    ⑦ Barnes,J.Early Greek Philosophy,London:Penguin,1987:81.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.177.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.177.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.55.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.59.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.45.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.7
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.401.
    ② Hegel, G.W.F. Science of Logic, in Houlgate, S. (ed.), The Hegel Reader, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1998p.175.
    ③ Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopaedia Logic, in Houlgate, S. (ed.). The Hegel Reader, Blackwell Publishers Ltd., 1998,p.168..
    ④ Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopaedia Logic, in Houlgate, S. (ed.), The Hegel Reader, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1998, p.169.
    ⑤ Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopaedia Logic, in Houlgate, S. (ed.), The Hegel Reader, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1998, p.10.
    ① Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopaedia Logic, in Houlgate, S. (ed.), The Hegel Reader,Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1998,p. 10.
    ② Foster, M.'Hegel's Dialectical Method,'in The Cambridge Companion to Hegel, Cambridge University Press, 1993,p.132.
    ③ Hegel, G.W.F. Encyclopaedia Logic, in Houlgate, S. (ed.), The Hegel Reader, Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1998, p. 19.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.15.
    ② 黑格尔.精神现象学(上卷).北京:商务印书馆,1979,序言,第10贞。
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse ofFreedom. London:Verso,1993,p.15. and Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution. London:Verso,1994, p.115.
    ① Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.579.
    ② Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.581.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.24.
    ① Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.581.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.27.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse ofFreedom.London:Verso,1993,p.27.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse ofFreedom.London:Verso,1993,p.27.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.24.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.5.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.23.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.5.
    ⑥ 辩证法传统中的“星丛”思想最早是由Theodor Adorno (1973),发展起来的,这个思想的缘起最早可追溯到Walter Benjamin (Coole, D. (2000) Negativity and Politics. Routledge:London.173-9)其意思相当于“思想与客体的关系就像星丛与星星的关系”,巴斯卡立足于实在论的本体论立场,赋予这个术语以特定的含义,在批判实在论的思想中,星丛是一个具有超越意义的术语,其中被超越的事物能够共时态的突现,例如认识论星丛似的包含在本体论中,将来星丛似的包含在过去中,理论星丛似的包含在实践中。
    ⑥ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.24.
    ⑦ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.26.
    ⑧ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.25.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993,p.15.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993,p.26.
    ③ 马克思认为在黑格尔那里,辩证法是倒立着的。必须把它倒过来,以便发现神秘外壳中的合理内核。参见《马克思恩格斯文集》第5卷,北京:人民出版社,2009,第22页。
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993,p.26-7.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993,p.27.
    ⑤ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.3.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso, 1993,p.28.
    ② 《马克思恩格斯文集》第10卷,北京:人民出版社,2009,第143页。
    ③ 《马克思恩格斯文集》第5卷,北京:人民出版社,2009,第22页
    ① Wood, A.W., Karl Marx, Routledge,2004,p.207.
    ② Wood, A.W., Karl Marx, Routledge,2004, p.209.
    ③ Wood, A.W., Karl Marx, Routledge,2004,p.213.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse ofFreedom. London:Verso,1993,p.1-2.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.345.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse ofFreedom.London:Verso,1993,p.346.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.346
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.124.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.126.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.127.
    ⑤ Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.130.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.128这种理解奠定了巴斯卡主客体非同一理论的基础。
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.129.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.55.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993,p.41.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.43.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994, p.58.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.45-47
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.47-48
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.3.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.3.
    ⑤ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.180
    ⑥ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.396.
    ⑦ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.98-9.
    ① Brown, Andrew 2001,'Developing Realistic Philosophy:From Critical Realism to Materialist Dialectics', in Brown, Fleetwood and Roberts (eds.) 2001., Critical Realism and Marxism, London and New York:Routledge. p. 173.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p. xiv.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.5.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p. xiv.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993, p.231
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993, p.392
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993, p.205-206.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse ofFreedom.London:Verso,1993, p.232
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993, p.233.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993, p.233.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993, p.234.
    ⑤ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom.London:Verso,1993, p.234.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.206.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.8.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994,p.56.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Plato, etc.:The Problems of Philosophy and Their Resolution, London:Verso,1994,p.38.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.39.
    ② Mervyn Hartwig.'Introduction' to Bhaskar, A Realist Theory of Science, fourth edition, London:Routledge, 2008., p.9.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.401.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.44.
    ⑤ Mervyn Hartwig. The Dictionary of Critical Realism, London:Routeldge,2007,13.
    ⑥ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.6.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.5.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.126.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.270-271.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.85.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.126.
    ④ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.55-56.
    ⑤ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.126.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse ofFreedom.London:Verso,1993, p.126.
    ② Alan Norrie. Dialectic and Difference:Dialectical Critical Realism and the Grounds of Justice, London and New York:Routledge,2010, p.91.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse ofFreedom.London:Verso,1993, p.393.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.278.
    ② Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.381.
    ① 真值真理在巴斯卡那里指的是这样一种观念:它是事物的真理、或者真正的原因、或者辩证法的基础,它区别于事物的属性,它的可能性在于世界的本体论区分,它的可理解性在于科学的动态性。Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.394.
    ③ Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.385.
    ① Roy Bhaskar. Dialectic:The Pulse of Freedom. London:Verso,1993, p.279
    ① Margaret S. Archer, Roy Bhaskar et al, (eds). Critical Realism:Essential Readings, London and New York: Routledge,1998,p.561.
    ② Hartwig, M., and R. Sharp. "The realist third way." Journal of Critical Realism2007,2(1):17.
    ① Andrew Collier.Dialectic in Marxism and Critical Realism[A]. Andrew Brown, Steve Fleetwood and John Michael Roberts (eds) Critical Realism and Marxism[C]. London and New York:Routledge,2002,p.162.
    ② Roy Bhaskar and Alex Callinicos,'Marxism and Critical Realism:A Debate,Journal of Critical Realism1,2003:(2),p.94.
    ③ Alan Norrie, Dialectic and Difference:Dialectical Critical Realism and the Grounds of Justice[M]. London and New York:Routledge,2010,p.ix.
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