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     在实证研究部分,论文运用SPSS 15.0与AMOS7.0软件,采用结构方程模型,通过对国内典型科技园区高技术集群中的500多家企业进行问卷调查,获得有效样本204份,实证分析了知识网络、企业知识能力对高技术集群企业成长的作用机理。实证结果表明,高技术集群知识网络各要素均通过企业知识能力的中介传递进而对高技术集群企业成长有显著正向影响。
In recent years, the high-tech industry cluster firms with high value-added and highly competitive are rapidly expanding; Owing to their important role in boosting regional economic growth and enhance international competitiveness, high-tech firms attract more and more scholars attention from all over the world. With the ongoing acceleration of global competition, firms seek growth through networking, formally and informally, with relevant organizations. It is one of the basic firm growth models and named the mechanism of networked growth.The great success in "Silicon Valley","The Third Italy", indicates that the networked growth model of clustered firm has powerful promising and vigorous vitality. So, this paper paid attentions to the networked growth model of high-tech clustered firm in previous research, and this model also shows much realistic meanings for China where high-tech industrial clusters are prosperous and active. After absorbing thoughts from theories of firm growth, knowledge management, industrial clusters and socioeconomic network, this dissertation makes some efforts to explore the mechanism of networked growth and its managerial implications in China.
     Combing the theories of firm growth, industrial clusters and socioeconomic network, and compared the three models of firms growth, which provides a theoretical basis for the paper to study high-tech clustered firms growth from knowledge network and firms knowledge competence. By looking back through the documents of knowledge network, the paper puts forward a new definition of high-tech industrial cluster knowledge network and analyzes its characteristic and elements.
     Then, the paper analyzes the relationship between firm knowledge competence and heterogeneity of high-tech firm growth, and considers knowledge competence is the source of heterogeneity of high-tech firm growth. Based on this, the paper discusses the immanence mechanism between knowledge network, firm knowledge competence and high-tech cluster firm growth. The evolution of knowledge networks is divided into three stages:primary stage, intermediate stage and advanced stage,and this paper also discuss the dynamic relationship between the evolution of knowledge networks and the high-tech firms'growth in industry cluster.
     By SEM, SPSS 15.0 and AMOS7.0 software, this paper demonstrates the immanence mechanism between knowledge network, firm knowledge competence and high-tech cluster firm growth by collecting the data of high-tech industrial cluster firms of inland model science parks. The research results show that knowledge network elements impact the growth of high-tech industry cluster firms positively but indirectly, and the inscapes of firm knowledge competence are positively and directly.
     At last, the paper puts forward approaches and relevant strategy measures for high-tech industry cluster firms'growth by discusses of the high-tech industrial clusters'development practice in China.
     The paper does some tentative work of theoretical innovation as follows:Firstly, by adopting the theoretic main points of knowledge-based view and Capability-based view, the paper explores the source of the high-tech firms'growth from the heterogeneity, and considers that firm knowledge competence is its heterogeneity factor, which enriched the theory of knowledge-baded view; Secondly, the paper exposes the immanence mechanism between knowledge network, firm knowledge competence and high-tech industry cluster firm growth from the theory after absorbing thoughts from theories of firm growth, knowledge management, industrial clusters and socioeconomic network; Finally, the paper makes quantitative descriptions of the knowledge network and knowledge competence, then, the paper demonstrates that mechanism between knowledge network, firm knowledge competence and high-tech firm growth by collecting the data of high-tech industrial cluster firms of inland model science parks, and puts forward relevant strategy measures for high-tech industry cluster firms'growth. Which provide a guide to action on the practice of industry cluster high-tech firms'growth in China.
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