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At present, knowledge staff has become the backbone of the enterprises in China. Inthe field of human resources management, enterprises are facing the urgent problem offorming and keeping competitive advantages in human capital competition by virtue ofcultivating and enhancing knowledge staff’s organizational identification. Organizationalidentification is effective and informal control, which can help enterprises improve theirefficiency in human resources management and strengthen the control over employees.Since organizational identification can ensure high employee loyalty and high employeeengagement, organizational identification can make employees consistent with theirenterprises in mentality and behavior. Considering the research of organizationalidentification in the academic community home and abroad, organizational identificationhas become a heated topic in the West, and systematic theories and views have beenestablished. As the research on organizational identification in China lags behind, nowthe research on organizational identification in China mainly models theoretical modelsand measurement scales in the West. Whether those theoretical models and measurementscales adapt to Chinese background or not still needs to be proved. Therefore, it isimperative to make systematic research on organizational identification under Chinesecircumstances in order to make contributions to the formation and improvement ofemployer brand competitiveness.
     As organizational identification reflects the relationship between individual andorganization, organizational identification is influenced by individual factors,organizational factors, and environment factors. Based on the differences among types ofemployees, organizational identification differs among different groups of employees. Byvirtue of literature review, the research on employee brand has just started in China,which is unsystematic and underdeveloped, and most of which is qualitative research israre. At present, is a new field, and its employer brand competitiveness, let alonequantitative research. There is no specific research on the relationship betweenorganizational identification and employer brand competitiveness now. Knowledge staffis a special group of employees, who are characterized by high knowledge, high skill,high innovation and low loyalty. In addition, knowledge staff holds the core knowledge of enterprises, and the key to forming and keeping competitive advantages in humancapital competition is to attract, keep and motivate knowledge staff. Therefore, it isnecessary to conduct the research on the knowledge staff’s organizational identification,expound the influence of knowledge staff’s organizational identification on employerbrand competitiveness, and explore the measures in improving employer brandcompetitiveness by way of improving organizational identification.
     Based on literature review of variables in the theoretical model, together withinterview and measurement scales of variables, the thesis draws up the preliminaryquestionnaire and formal questionnaire. Under the guidance of random sampling,615questionnaires are collected from the knowledge staff in more than30enterprises fromdifferent industries and cities. The research uses correlation analysis, regression analysisand structure equation modeling as main empirical analysis methods, to test thereliability and validity of measurement scales, and test the theoretical model andhypotheses. Based the conclusion, the research gives suggestions on human resourcesmanagement in enterprises. The contents of the research are as follows: Firstly, expoundsthe theoretical and realistic background, put forward the problem, and analyze thetheoretical and realistic meanings. And then, formulate the outline, structure and basicresearch methods of the thesis. Finally, clarify the innovative points. Secondly, make aliterature research and generalization of knowledge staff, organizational identification,employee loyalty and employer brand competitiveness home and abroad, and make acomment on it. And then, put forward the targets of the thesis on the above basis. Thirdly,expound ideas and practice of the social identification theory, social exchange theory andinternal marketing theory, and establish a theoretical framework which acts as thetheretical basis of theoretical model and corresponding study. Fourthly, expounds thefeatures of knowledge staff’s human capital and the features of knowledge staff’sorganizational identification, and then analyzes the causes of the features oforganizational identification. Fifthly, defines the meaning and features of employer brandcompetitiveness. On the basis of it, the thesis analyzes the components of employerbrand competitiveness. These components form employer brand competitiveness indifferent ways, and influence it in their own ways. Sixth, construct the theoretical modelof organizational identification, employee loyalty, employer brand equity and employer brand competitiveness, and then explain the theoretical basis on which the variables arechosen, put forward hypotheses, design measurement scales based on the needs ofempirical research, choose random sampling method and choose knowledge staff invarious enterprises as targets, finally analyze the data of preliminary survey. Seventhly,on the basis of interview and survey with knowledge staff from various enterprises, thethesis uses structural equation modeling, correlation analysis, regression analysis andother methods, proved the positive relationship among knowledge staff’s organizationalidentification, employee loyalty, employer brand equity, and employer brandcompetitiveness; most of the hypotheses and theoretical model of the thesis are provedand supported by facts. Eightly, discuss the proved hypotheses and unproved hypotheses,make management suggestions on the basis of the conclusion, and analyze theimprovement of employer brand competitiveness by implementing all-round salary, EAP,and career planning. Finally analyze the limitations and outlook into the future.
     The findings are as follows: Firstly, proves the positive relationship betweenknowledge staff’s organizational identification and employer brand competitiveness.Secondly, proves positive effect of knowledge staff’s organizational identification onemployee loyalty. Thirdly, proves positive effect of employee loyalty on employerbrand competitiveness. Fourthly, proves the mediating effect of employee loyaltybetween knowledge staff’s organizational identification and employer brandcompetitiveness. Fifthly, proves positive effect of knowledge staff’s organizationalidentification on employer brand equity. Sixthly, proves positive effect of employeeloyalty on employer brand equity. Seventh, proves positive effect of employer brandequity on employer brand competitiveness. Eightly, the mediating effect of employerbrand equity between knowledge staff’s organizational identification and employer brandcompetitiveness.
     The theoretical values of the research are as follows: Firstly, clarify the effect ofknowledge staff’s organizational identification on employer brand competitiveness. Upto now, there is no specific research on the relationship between knowledge staff’sorganizational identification and employer brand competitiveness. The research tests theeffect of knowledge staff’s organizational identification on employer brandcompetitiveness, tests the mediating effect of employee loyalty between knowledge staff’s organizational identification and employer brand competitiveness, tests themediating effect of employer brand equity between knowledge staff’s organizationalidentification and employer brand competitiveness, tests the influence of employeeloyalty on employer brand equity, studies organizational identification and employerbrand competitiveness from a new perspective, deepens the research on knowledgestaff’s organizational identification and employer brand competitiveness, and giveinstructions to human resources management in enterprises. Secondly, expounds thedefinition and components of employer brand competitiveness. At present, the researchon brand competitiveness is established, while the research on employer brandcompetitiveness is a new field open to further research. Based on the theories of brandcompetitiveness and features of employer brand, the thesis analyzes and expounds thedefinition, features and components of employer brand competitiveness, which deepensthe research on employer brand competitiveness. Thirdly, do research on knowledgestaff’s organizational identification. The thesis targets knowledge staff, generalizes thefeatures of knowledge staff’s organizational identification, and analyzes the causes ofthem. Such research broadens the view of further study, and serve the human resourcesmanagement in enterprises with organizational identification theories, which makesenterprises effectively attract, keep and motivate knowledge staff in order to improveemployer brand competitiveness. Fourthly, formulate effective tactics for theimprovement of employer brand competitiveness. The thesis chooses all-round salary,EAP and career planning as tactics for improving employer brand competitiveness,instruct enterprises to boost employer brand competitiveness by virtue of organizationalidentification, which is instructive to human resources management.
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