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Graph states are quantum states of a system embodying several constituents, associated with a graph. Their structures can be described in a concise and fruitful way by mathematical graphs. They have been key instrumental tools in the development of models for quantum computing, of quantum error correction, and of grasping the structure of bi-and multi-partite entanglement. In addition to all these applications, graph states also play an important role in quantum cryptographic protocols. And some specific graph states are essential for several quantum communication protocols, including quantum key distribution, quantum secret sharing, teleportation and so on.
     The contributions of this dissertation are mainly on the remote preparation and applications of graph states.
     In our studies on the protocols related to remote state preparation (RSP), the remote preparations of a six-particle cluster state are consided with GHZ states as quantum channels, including common RSP, joint remote state preparation (JRSP) and controlled remote state preparation (CRSP). Moreover, the probability of success and classical communication costs in different cases are discussed. The resources and technologies used can be achieved, so the protocols are feasible.
     The study on the applications of graph state involves two areas in quantum cryptographic protocols, including quantum secret sharing (QSS) and quantum private comparison (QPC).
     In the field of QSS, four protocols on the problem of member changes in practice are developed based on different special graph states in theory. The first protocol is a one-to three-party quantum information splitting scheme with disenrollment capability. Before the reconstruction of the quantum information, the sender can delete any participant, and the remaining parties can share a new quantum key without setting a new quantum channel. Then it is generalized to the case of one-to n-party. In this protocol, the sender can delete n-2participants at most. The third and forth QSS protocols, which are based on star-cluster states, are discussed between a sender and a dynamic agent group for sharing classical and quantum information. Furthermore, these works are initiative in QSS, and they are more flexible and suitable for practical applications than existed schemes.
     With respect to the field of QPC, two new theoretical protocols are proposed. χ-type states are used to determine the equality of two secret information based on quantum technologies such as entanglement swapping and dense coding. This protocol provides the privacy of information and a high efficiency. In addition, the first QPC protocol for solving the millionaire problem is designed based on d-level GHZ states. The essence of the relative phase factor can guarantee the confidentiality of the data and fairness of the protocol.
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