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Trade Facilitation and Trade Safety is a couple of contradiction. How to balance them is key point to promote global trade development. Now a lot of countries and many international organizations have given high attention to trade facilitation and safety. Customs is national administrative organization of trade supervision, and also is a symbol of national sovereign rights. So customs should undertake more responsibility to ensure foreign trade safety and trade facilitation.
     But China Customs is also threatened by non-traditional security, such as terrorism (Tibetan Separation, East Turkistan Independence, East Turkistan terrorist etc.), smuggling, environmental protection and culture security (such as intellectual property). Because of the continuous deepen of global integration; various kinds of safety problems can spill over (extend) from one country or district to another. So the threat of non-traditional security should be highly paid attention by our customs.
     The paper first discusses trade facilitation evolution and trade safety problem, and introduces the concept of trade facilitation, origin and relation with trade liberalization. We discuss the trade facilitation theory foundation in the sight of theory of international relations. From Free Trade Theory, Interdependence, Neoliberalism, Transaction Cost Theory, Customs Union Theory to New Regionalism Theory, and the paper studies theory origin of trade facilitation. The author introduces the endeavors of every international organization and Regional Alliance on how to advance trade facilitation, and analyze the relationship between facilitation and safety.
     Secondly, through discussing customs' non-traditional security problems and analyzing World Customs Organization how to balance to trade facilitation and trade safety, the paper put forward the basic strategies to answer the non-traditional security threats:undertaking non-traditional function, strengthening international cooperation, and improving risk management. These are the main contents of the paper. Based on theory description, practical research and case study, the author put forward that customs should do the following things.(1) Changing traditional function, accepting the challenge and undertaking function to face non-traditional security;(2) Based on the further international cooperation, every country will resolve the non-traditional security as the global problem, and realize national cooperation to manage customs affairs;(3) Customs risk management will be the necessary choice to answer non-traditional security. In order to reducing non-traditional security threats, customs should be able to exactly predict and find all kinds of security problems in time, and offer effective solutions and strategies.
     At last, the author considered that customs should undertake the non-traditional function, such as anti-terrorist and environment protection etc. and ensure port security. In addition, depending on international cooperation, common safety should be realized in bilateral, multilateral and regional mechanisms. In the case of increased trade and shorted manpower source, risk management should be put into effect to enhance the customs supervision ability and ensure the trade safety.
3 Regulation (EC) No 450/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 April 2008-laying down the Community Customs Code (Modernised Customs Code). [EB]. p.7.
    8 U.S.Customs and Border Protection Fiscal Year 2009-2014 Strategic Plan. [EB]. p2
    13 Woo, Yuen Pau and John S. Wilson, Cutting Through Red Tape:New Directions for APEC's Trade Facilitation Agenda, Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada:Vancouver,2000.
    15 Trade Facilitation, TD/TC/WP(2002)17/FINAL[EB]. OECD.2002
    16 UNESC.2002. Trade Facilitation in a Global Trade Environment TRADE/2002/21, [EB].2002
    17 Report of the Fifth Senior Officials Meeting for the Fifth Ministerial Meeting[EB]. Seattle, Washington APEC.1993
    23 Ellsworth P.T., the International Econnmy of American, New York:Macmillan.1964, p.60-61.
    24 David Ricardo, Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, London:John Murray,1871, p.75-76.
    25 E1-Agraa, A.M., The theory of international trade, Croom Helm:St. Martin's Press,1983, p.77
    31 Richard Cooper, The Economics of Interdependence:Economic Policy in the Atlantic Community, New York: McGrawHill,1968, p.4-5.
    32 George Modelski, Principles of World Politics, New York:the Free Press,1972. p.72.
    33 Robert Cox, Production, Power and World Order, New York:Columbia University Press,1987, p.253; Robert Cox and Timothy J. Sinclair (eds.), Approaches to World Order, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1996, p.193.
    34 Robert O. Keohane and Joseph S. Nye, Power and Interdependence:World Politics in Transition, Boston, MA: Little, Brown and Company,1977, p.8.
    36 Robert O. Keohane, "The Demand for International Regimes", in Stephen D. Krasner (eds.), International Regimes, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1982, p.150-151.
    37 Robert O. Keohane, "The Demand for International Regimes ", in Stephen D. Krasner ed. International Regimes, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1982, p.154.
    38 Oran R. Yong, International Regimes, "The Rise and Fall of International Regimes", in Stephen D. Krasner (eds.), International Regimes, Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1983, p.93-113.
    42 Rolf Fare, Shawna Grosskopf, Mary Norris, Zhongyang Zhang, "Productivity growth, technical progress, and efficiency change in industrialized countries'", The American Economic Review,1994, vol.84, no.1.
    The White House. A National Security Strategy of Engagement and Enlargement[EB]. Washington DC.1994
    48参见:Allen Sens, Peter Stoett, Global Politics, Origins, Currents, Directions (second edition), Canada:Nelson Thomoson Learning,2002; John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage (eight edition), New York: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin,2001; John Baylis, Steve Smith, The Globalization of World Politics, An Introduction to international relations (second edition), Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001.
    50 Trevor C. Salmon (eds.), Issues in International Relations, London and New York:Routledge,2000, pp.61-62.
    51 United Nations. Human Development Report 1994[EB], New York:United Nations Development Programmer, 1994
    52人的安全”问题有很多人提出,但真正对这一安全新理念具有很大热情的是加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰和北欧国家。相关书籍参见:Caroline Thomas, Peter Wilkin (eds.), Globalization, Human Security and the African Experience, Boulder, CO:Lynne Riennre,1999; W. Tow, R. Thakur, I. Hyun, Asia's Emerging Regional Order:Reconciling Traditional and Human Security, Tokyo, New York, Paris:United Nations University Press, 2000; John Kirton, Human Security and the New Diplomacy, Kingston, Ontario:McGill-Queen's University Press, 2002.
    54 Gary King, Christopher JL Murray, "Rethiinking Human Security", Political Science Quarterly,2002, vol.116, p.585.
    57 即:The New Security Agenda:A Global Survey, Paul B. Stares. Editor,1998年创刊。
    58 Barry Buzan, People, States and Fear, Chapel Hill, N. C:University of North Carolina,1983, p.54-128.
    59 Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Sean, M. Lynn-Jones, "A Report of a Conference on the State of the Field". Internationa Security Studies.1988. vol.12. no.4. p.25.
    60 Zbigniew Brzezinski, "The Cold War and Its Aftermath", Foreign Affairs,1992, vol.71, no.4, p.31-49
    61 Barrie Paskins, "Security in a New Age?" In Michael Clarke (eds.), New Perspectives on Security, London: Brassey's,1993, p.17-35.
    62有关非传统安全的代表作,参见:Peter Katzenstein (eds.), The Culture of National Security:Norms and Identity in World Politics, New York:Columbia University Press,1996; Keith Krause, Michael Williams (eds.), Critical Security Studies:Concepts and Cases, Minnesota:University of Minnesota Press,1997; Emanuel Adler, Michael Barnett (eds.), Security Community, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998; Wyn Jones, Strategy, Security, Critical Theory, Boulder, CO:Lynne Reinner,1999.
    63 Steve Smith, "The Increasing Insecrity of Security Studies:Conceptualizing Security in the Last Twenty Years" Contemporary Security Policy,1999, vol.20, no.3, p.80-97.
    65 Paul B. Stares (Eds.), The New Security Agenda:a Global Survey, Tokyo:Japan Center for International Exchange,1998, p.11.
    69 Charles W. Kegley, Eugene R. Wittkopf, the Global Agenda:Issues and Perspectives (Sixth Edition), Beijing: Peking University Press,2003, p.484.
    70 Norman Myers, "Environment and Security", Foreign Policy,1989, vol.74, p.23-41; Marc A. Levy, "Is the Environment a National Security Issue? ", International Security,1995, vol.20, no.2, p.35-62; Richard A. Matthew, "Environment Security:Demystifying the Concept, Clarifying the Stakes", In P. J. Simmons (eds.), Environmental Change and Security Project Report, Princeton:Woodrow Wilson Center.1995, vol.1.
    71 White House, the National Security Strategy, Washington, D.C.:Government Printing Office,1994.
    72 Paul G. Harris, the Environment, International Relations, and U.S., Foreign Policy, Washington, D.C Georgetown University Press,2001, p.16.
    76 Barry Buzan, Ole Waever, Jaap De Wilede, Security A New Framework for Analysis, Boulder:Lynne Rienner Publishers,1997[英]巴瑞.布赞等著:《新安全论》,朱宁译,浙江人民出版社2003年版,第203页。
    96 Securing the Global Supply chain---Customs-Trade Partnership against Terrorism(C-TPAT)Strategic Plan[R]. PB2007112432.2001,p.3-4
    109 Brian L. Job, "Background Paper", Asia Pacific Security Outlook 1999, P3转载于金威:“从国际关系理论的发展看安全观的变化”,《国际关系学院学报》2000第4期,第10-14页。
    112 Staers, Paul B.(eds.), The New Security Agenda:A Global Survey, Toyko:Japan Center for International Exehange,1998, p.15.
    124 JayM. Vogelson, "MultinationalApp roaches to Eradicating International Terrorism", The International Lawyer, 2002, Vol.36, no. 1,p.69.
    125张毅,海关总署:中美加强在集装箱安全方面的反恐合作[OL].http://news.xinhuanet.com/zhengfu /2003-07/29/content 999462.htm.2011-7-12
    126 China Signs Declaration of Principles With Container Security Initiative to Target and Pre-Screen Cargo Destined for U. S. [OL]. http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/newsroom/news_releases/archives/cbp press releases/072003/07292003.xml.2011-7-12
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