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  • 英文题名:Studies on the Syntheses and Catalytic Properties of Polymer-supported Cyclometal Complexes
  • 作者:贾俊
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:有机化学
  • 学位年度:2003
  • 导师:陶京朝
  • 学科代码:070303
  • 学位授予单位:郑州大学
  • 论文提交日期:2003-05-26
     化合物A_1-A_9 化合物B_1-B_8
     化合物C_1-C_6 化合物D_1-D_4
    ProPosed meehanism for Heck reaction catalyzed
    by Polymer一suPPorted eycloPalladated imine comPounds
1. In this thesis, four series, Twenty-seven polymer-supported cyclopalladated inline compounds have been prepared and characterized by IR and E.A.
    compounds A1-A9 compounds B1-B8
    compounds C1-C9 compounds
    2. The catalytic properties of the four series polymer-supported cyclopalladated compounds in the Heck reaction have been studied as follows:
    a. The results obtained indicated that all of the catalysts studied could catalyze the coupling reaction of iodobenzene with acrylates. The TON and TOP were as high as 104-105 and 21000, respectively. Compounds A1-A9 were used as catalysts to catalyze the coupling reaction of iodobenzene with butyl acrylate in different solvent, such as DMF or CH3CN, in which the coupling reactions could be completed at 100癈 in short time.
    b. The catalysts A1-A9 were also used to catalyze the coupling reaction of iodobenzene with styrene. About 10/1 of trans-stilbene/l,l-diphenylethylene were obtained .The activity of the catalysts catalyzing this Heck reaction was almost the same as the homocatalyst analogues reported in the literature.
    c. The coupling reactions of aryl bromides and aryl chlorides with butyl acrylate catalyzed by catalyst A8 were also studied. It was found that the catalyst was also efficient to catalyzed the Heck reaction in the case of aryl bromides and aryl chlorides. But their activities were much lower than the corresponding aryl iodides.
    d. The catalyst A8 used to catalyze the coupling of indobenzene with butyl acrylate could be reused at least five times.
    e. The coordination of coupling reaction was followed by GC. According to the results and the properties of the polymer-supported cyclopalladated compounds, the mechanism based ori Pd(0) /Pd( II) circle was proposed.
    Proposed mechanism for Heck reaction catalyzed by polymer-supported cyclopalladated imine compounds
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