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Our study can be separated into two parts, one is the basic research on lactic acid bacteria' bio-accumulating Calcium, the other is the applicable study on Super-microsmashing Hogjxme Particles fermented by the lactobacillus. The first one can supply the fundamental data on the interaction of lactobacillus growing in the Calcium-adding culture medium to the last one, which is our design of producing the fermented bone food with the lactobacillus, which would be more efficient for persons to digest and absorb Calcium than non-fermented bone food or pure organic Calcium synthesized by chemical industry. The experiments in the basic research mainly concern about selecting species of lactic acid bacteria (LAB);analyzing the factors influencing the amount of Calcium absorbed (ACA) by the LAB, which include ACA difference due to species , culturing time arid Calcium concentration; detecting the Calcium distributed site in the cell and whether the lactobacillus is restrained by high Calcium concentration or not With the results got from the basic research ,we will choose the right species of lactobacillus to ferment the super-microsmashing hog-bone particles, through the experiments on fermentation, preferable techniques and recipes would be found ,which include the fermenting parameters which concern the fermentation time and temperature, the culture compositions, the ratio of bone particles to the culture, becasue the fermentation products designed by us should have not only abundant Calcium but lactobacillus, the experiments also concentrate on the techniques to protect the livability of lactobacillus after fermentation. The final work deals with the technology of producing the compound pill with bone Ca and active lactobacillus.
    The results got from the basic research on factors influencing the amount of Calcium in the cells(ACC),determined by atom absorption spectrophotometer, indicate that: after 30hrs cultured with 1.2mgCa2+/ml MRS ,there is significant difference(p<0.05) in ACC between LB.l and other three species of LAB ,the highest ACC occurs in group LB.4(Ca 1.023 u g/mg Cell Weight); the main period for the LAB to accumulate the Calcium comes during logarithmic growth phase of microorganism, in which ACC adds to 80% of the whole period of culturing; the increase tendency of ACC by the increase of Ca2 Concentration doesn't appear linear ,and the slope decreasing till zero; the distribution of 41% ACC of cell binding Ca is in cell wall, 59% in the rest (cytoplasma etc.) , viewed by dry cell, the highest concentration of Ca occurs in cell wall;
    Based on former study, we choose LB.4 to be the inoculated species of LBA to ferment superjnicrosmashing hog-bone(SMHB), during the fermentation, the diameter of SMHB and the ratio of amount of SMHB to culture volume significantly affect the Ca2 amount ionized from bone, the preferable fermentation parameter is: SMHB(<4u m) 45g/100ml, LB.4 2%, 36hrs at 42C. With automatic amino acid analysis eqiripment(BECKMAN), there is 63% protein hi SMHB hydrolyzed by fermentation, creating two functional amino acids: taurine and omitbine ; by viewing the microscopic SMHB with electron microscopy , the decomposition of SMHB is obvious and verifies the effect of fermentation to ionize Ca and hydrolyzes the macromolecule substrates. The final fermented product with 600mg weight comprising: Calcium 28mg, protein 6Qmg>amino acids 72mg, the active bacteria amount above 8.8 X106 cfu/g
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