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In21st century, computer technology, automatic control technology, computer network and communication technology and spatial information technology are developing faster, which injects new vigor to old mining industry. Now, the general development trend in the mining industry is digital, intelligent, remote-control and automatic. Since the concept of "digital mine" was proposed at the end of last century, its definition, connotation and framework are continuously extended. The underground mine production3D visual management and control system (UMPMCS) is an important part of the digital mine, and it is the software platform of mine parallel systems, digital mine and sensory mine as well. While mine information construction in China has made great achievements, some problems have been revealed gradually. The UMPMCS is of important practical significance to promote construction of underground mine information.
     Based on related technologies, such as3D GIS, virtual reality, computer animation,3D modeling and visualization, etc., this UMPMCS involves all kinds of business and production system in the mine. So, it is a complex system with lots of functions, which will be developed further with digital mine construction course. Based on the informatization status and requirements of mines, this paper studies on several key technologies, such as the underground mine spatial data model, the method of spatial data organization,3D automatic modeling technology, real-time data integration technology, visualization technology about working conditions, roaming technology, software architecture technology and so on. It aims to establish a platform of the UMPMCS. The main contents and conclusions are as follows:
     1) From the perspective of building a mine parallel system, this paper represents the definition, objectives, functions and key technologies of the UMPMCS, and the position of UMPMCS in informatization for mining enterprises.
     2) The requirements for spatial data model in the UMPMCS are discussed, and the general design idea of the underground mine spatial data model is presented. According to this idea, a new parametric entity-network data model (PENDM) for roadways and production systems and a new multi-dimensional hybrid spatio-temporal data model for mines are designed. The models solved the some problems, such as analysis and visualization with the same model, support for multidimensional attribute and modeling the behavior of spatial objects.
     3) Technologic methods to organize underground mine spatial data are studied, a feature classification code system is designed to resolve coding problem for all features in underground mines. By introducing viewpoint concept, a viewpoint-based method of spatial data organization is presented to achieve quick localization and controlling over the information displayed in3D scene.
     4) An automatic modeling scheme based on the PENDM is proposed to realize quick modeling and dynamic update of roadways and production systems. A procedure and some quality control methods are established for setting up a3D scene of the underground mine. They can standardize modeling practices and improve the efficiency and equality of3D modeling.
     5) Visualization technology about working conditions and roaming technology are studied. A visualization scheme including production system simulation technology based on texture animation, device behavior simulation technique based on skeletal animation, personnel positioning simulation technique based on3D geographic network is presented. With this scheme, the visualization of production system state, device behavior, personnel positioning, environment-monitoring data and warning can be realized. A roaming method based on virtual full path roaming network and finite state machine is presented for fast roadway roaming.
     6) Real-time data collecting and integration technology and data-based effect-control mechanism are researched. An object-oriented hierarchical state passing mechanism and a general data-driving mechanism are presented. Then, the state can passed from bottom sensors to the higher level systems with the aid of associated objects, and the animation control of objects, updating information panels and updating personnel behavior and position are handled in a uniform way.
     7) Software architecture of the UMPMCS is researched, and a hierarchical system+plug-ins+service interface architecture is proposed. Based on the system architecture, the UMPMCS establish the fundamental status in the digital mine.
     Research results of this paper have enriched the digital mine theory and solved key problems of building UMPMCS. Software system based on these results has developed and the application in some underground mines has achieved good effect.
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