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Yumen is a resource-based city which is constructed by exploiting oil in GuSu province. And it has had a positive effect on Anti-Japanese War, The Liberation War, The economy and Construction of new China, and the development of Chinese oil industry since its development and construction in 1939. After 70 years of development, the oil fields have experienced economic downturn and it is difficult to survive. Such the old oil fields whose development time is earliest and development course is longest, how to achieve a successful transformation through the industry transition, it has a significant meaning for creating“a hundred years oil field", inheriting“iron man spirit”and exploring a reasonable route for oil resource-based city to achieve sustainable development。
     In this essay, start with the origin , principal character and the laws of development of a resource-based city, marshaling relational research achievement and success mode of resource-based city in and out., Comparing and studying the measures, patterns, systems, results in the process of transformation which take place in America, Canada, Australia, Japan, European Union, former Soviet Union , and Fuxin in Liaoning, Daqing in Heilongjiang, Shuozhou in Shanxi, Jiaozuo in Henan which are the typicalresource-based cities. Through the research above,we found that the transformation of the past research, there is no transformation of resource-based cities in accordance with the choice of mode of scientific classification, leading to a variety of transformation models, no rules can be found. Based on the basic requirements and the relative theory of the resource-based cities’transformation, classifying the model of resource-based cities’transformation in innovative, which is divided into: Pigtail industry type, Substituted industry type, The continued industry and substituted industry mixed, Follow up service supporting type, Whole moves type five types, and these five types of cities in the scope of industrial restructuring, transformation conditions, the development of strategies were discussed, to provide for the transformation of resource-based cities can learn from the experience.
     On the basis of the above, this paper rationally analyze and predict the economic structure characteristics, the development present situation, the transformation prospect of YuMen, using the research methods which combined the specification and the empirical analysis, adopting The SWTO method, the rationally analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the process of industry transformation in YuMen , learnong from the experience of other cities in transition, at last put forward that only YuMen through using the substitution industry and to the development of the continued industry in mixed mode, can it realize the success of transformation.In the development of ideas, relying on oil field talent in Yumen, technology and infrastructure advantages, and extending the industrial chain, the development of petrochemical, oil refining and other alternative industries; Relying on rich natural resources in Yumen, developing wind power, photovoltaic and other new energy industries, fostering new growth pole;Relying on the advantages of land and water in Yumen, developing characteristics of agricultural cultivation and agricultural products processing industry, consolidating the foundation of the industrial transformation; Relying on the advantages of abundant mineral resources and large environmental capacity, speeding up the development of advanced energy carriers and mineral resources processing industry, to realize the transformation from resource advantage to the economic advantage;Relying on the advantages of YuMen’s unique position, abundant resources, human resources, strengthening the development of industrial tourism, economic channels, logistics,technology research and other supporting services, to expand its share in national income and ensure the sustainable development.
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