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随着互联网(Internet)发展的日趋成熟,网民的网络行为日益个性化和生活化;同时网民获取相关信息也不仅仅满足于“一搜了之”,开始倾向于和其他网民之间的交流和探讨。随之产生的网上问答类社区(online Q&A communities)由于能够很好地满足网民的需求,开始吸引更多网民的关注和使用,在当今社会非常受欢迎。新一代的问答服务,即基于web.2.0平台的问答社区,也因此成为现代问答服务的主要形式。这是因为这些问答社区不但给用户提供了一个交流和共享知识的平台,而且给社区拥有者带来了很多非常显著的好处,例如,给搜索公司提供信息搜索的新途径,为电子商务公司保留网上客户,通过促进顾客的互助而减少客户服务费用,口碑营销等。一个成功的网上问答社区必须有一定量网民去持续地回答社区里提问。大量的提问得不到回答的网上问答社区将不会再吸引网民,最终会以失败收场。如今许多网上问答社区由于缺乏用户持续的回答问题而逐渐被淘汰。这表明网上问答社区可持续发展的关键在于促进社区成员持续地回答社区上面的问题。然而迄今为止,这方面的研究还比较缺乏。为了填补研究上的空白,这篇文章主要研究目的是建立一个新的模型去研究并分析影响社区用户继续回答问题的意向(continuance intention to answer questions in online Q&A communities)的因素。这个研究模型是建立在社会交换理论(social exchange theory)以及过去对满意度(satisfaction),认证倾向(identity orientation)和自我效能(self-efficacy)的研究的基础上的。本文主要探讨以下三个问题:(1)用户在网上问答社区里继续回答问题(在网上问答社区中回答问题是主要的知识贡献方式)的意向与用户的满意度和知识自我效能之间的关系;(2)社区用户的满意度和知识自我效能是如何受到知识贡献(即回答问题)的绩效(performance or benefits)的影响的;(3)社区用户在网上问答社区中的认证倾向如何调节不同种类的知识贡献的绩效(即个人利益和社区利益)和用户满意度之间的关系。
     为了验证所建立的模型和提出的假设,在本文中,我们根据在“中国雅虎知识堂”上做的一个网上调查,利用PLS (Partial List Squares)对收集到的241份数据进行了结构方程模型分析。分析结果表明用户继续回答问题的意愿主要受用户满意度影响,其次受用户知识自我效能影响。用户越满意,对自己掌握的知识越自信,就越有可能继续回答网上问答社区中的问题。分析结果还表明声誉的提升(reputation enhancement),网上社区的进步(advancement of the online community)和用户的知识自我效能感(knowledge self-efficacy)是增加用户满意度的三个主要因子。另一方面,帮助他人的乐趣(enjoyment inhelping others)和社区的进步是增加用户的知识知识自我效能感的主要因子。此外,分析结果还发现只有当用户的集体认证倾向度(collective identity orientation)比个人认证倾向度(personal identity orientation)强的时候集体利益(如网上社区的进步)对用户满意度才有显著的影响。相反,只有当用户的个人认证倾向度比集体认证倾向度强的时候,互惠(reciprocity)(个人利益的一种)对用户满意度才有显著的影响。
The advent of web 2.0 provides new ways for question answering (Q&A) services. Web 2.0 enabled Q&A communities are online communities dedicated for users to exchange their knowledge in the form of asking and answering questions. They have been extremely popular in the nowadays, for they can be beneficial to both individual users and community practitioners. Previous research has widely claimed that the long-term sustainability of information systems and online social networks are determined by users’continued participate rather than first-time usage. This indicates that motivating members to continue answering questions in online Q&A communities is essential to the long-term sustainability of these communities. Given the importance of users’continuance answering questions in online Q&A communities, little work yet has been conducted on this issue. In order to fill in this research gap, this study develops a research model to investigate the antecedents of user intention to continue answering questions in online Q&A communities based on theories of social exchange, satisfaction, identity orientations and self-efficacy. In particular, this study examines (1) the relationship between behavioral Intention of continued knowledge contribution in online Q&A communities and users’feelings of satisfaction and knowledge self-efficacy; (2) how the post-contribution feelings of knowledge self-efficacy and satisfaction are increased by the outcome performance of knowledge contribution; and (3) how users’identity orientations moderate the relationships between different kinds of knowledge contribution performances (self-referent benefits and community-referent benefits) and user satisfaction.
     In order to test the proposed research model and hypotheses, a total of 241 returns collected from an online survey, which was conducted among users of a famous online Q&A community in China—“Yahoo! Answers China”, were analyzed using partial least squares. The results indicate that users’intention to continue answering questions in“Yahoo! Answers China”is primary determined by satisfaction and secondly determined by knowledge self-efficacy. The results also show that satisfaction is increased by reputation enhancement, enjoyment in helping others and knowledge self-efficacy. Knowledge self-efficacy is, on the other hand, affected by enjoyment in helping others and advancement of the online community. However, the direct influences of personal (extrinsic reward, reputation enhancement, reciprocity and enjoyment in helping others) or collective outcome performances (advancement of the online community) on continuance intention are insignificant. Furthermore, the results show that users’collective outcome performance (i.e., advancement of the online community) has a significant influence on satisfaction when users’collective identity orientation is higher than their personal identity orientation. In contrast, the relationship between reciprocity (one type of personal outcome performances) and satisfaction is significant when users adopt higher personal identity orientation. The findings of this study contribute to both theory building in the sustainability of online Q&A communities and practice in the management of online Q&A communities.
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