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Entering into knowledge-based economy era, knowledge following after human laborand capital has been the most important special resource to the enterprises gradually.Competition status in modern enterprises gradually turned to regard knowledge as themain body of competition. Especially in high-tech industry, with the continuousdevelopment of IT, the renovating rate of the technology becomes faster and faster, and theproduct life-cyle is shorter and shorter. It is necessary for the survival and development ofenterprise to conduct knowledge innovation continously. Comparing with the other formsof innovation, knowledge innovation is particularly important in all the innovationactivities of enterprise.
     Online Crowdsoucing is some kind of revolution of innovation model. It takes the fulluse of popular Internet to give full play to the enthusiasm and ability of the cyber citizenswith reflecting the idea: Joint innovation with user. It looks on the user or customer not asthe passive product value receiver, but the active creator, and enterprise is the promoter ofcollaborative production as well, not the standard product producer. The key issue ofcrowdsourcing innovation model is the innovation knowledge transferred from the user toenterprise promptly and fluently.
     Based the current status of crowdsourcing in practical and academic area, this paperstudied the motives of the user acceptance of online crowdsourcing and the effect orperformance of knowledge transfer from crowsourcing online community to enterprise.
     My research aims to promote and enhance the understanding of the process ofknowledge innovation of the crowdcourcing platform with cyber citizen participation.Moreover, we think only the knowledge transferred from the cyber citizen to enterprise isthe key of the applying the crowdsourcing to innovation. Therefore, how the userparticipating in innovation affects the user value and innovation performance of enterpriseis the purpose of this study.
     By the methodologies of theory analyse and empirical study, we build up the useracceptance model for crowdsourcing platform services, and the knowledge transfer fromuser to crowdsourcing online community, these two models are respectively from the viewof individual and organization. In the user acceptance model, we analyze the effect of theuser acceptance on individual social capital. Besides this, we also discuss the evaluation of the performance of the knowledge transfer from user to online community.
     The results indicate that learning, direct compensation, self-marketing and socialmotives are motives to activate the participation in outsourcing activities. Participation notonly can increase company’s innovation capability but also accumulate social capital ofthe crowdsoucing community formed by online participants.But not all the three kinds ofsocial capital can be positively affected by the crowdsourcing using activity. The processof knowledge transfer in the internal crowdsoucing platform can be divided into threestages: knowledge preparation, knowledge transfer, and knowledge integration.Thisthree-stage process starts with the motives of the user knowledge transfer, and ends withthe transferred knowledge stored in the knowledge database.
     In the preparation stage before the knowledge transfer, the emotions of the both sides ofthe knowledge transfer positively affect the cognition matching; in the transfer stage, theabilities of the two sides siganificantly affect the cognition matching. In the integrationstage, the emotions, cognition and abilities matching have significantly positiverelationship. All the three stages positively affect the knowledge transfer performance. Asfor the evaluation of the knowledge transfer in internal crowdsourcing community, thefour indice: transfer frequency, transfer cost, transfer income and organization satisfactioncan be used to assess the effect of the knowledge transfer.
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