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本文在 LaNi_5贮氢合金的基础上,以混合富镧稀土Ml和混合富铈稀土 Mm
On the basis of LaNi_5 hydrogen storage alloy, Mi_α Mm_(1-α)Ni_5 (α=1, 0.8, 0.6, 0.4,
    0.2, 0) alloys were Wared by means of substitution for La with Lthe-rich
    (Ml) and Cerium-rich(Mm)mishchmetal. The phase structure, crystal StructUe,
    microstrucfore, hydrogen storage property and the influence of rare earth
    composition on them were systematically investigated by means Qf X-ray diffiaction,
    light and SEM metallographic examination, energy spectrum analysis,
    electTochemical method and so on. The results Showed that:
    The main phases of Ml_αMm_(1-α)Ni_5 alloys as cast were hp6-CaCu_5 tyPe structure
    with occasional traces of rear earth oxide and Ni. The calculation of crystal
    parameter showed that, with the decrease of α, parameter 'a' and cell volume
    decreased, 'c' had sligh variation, and thus polyhedron interstice in the alloys
    reduced. The unit cell volume (V) was linear function to the Ml content α in Ml_α
    Mm(1-α)Ni_5 alloys, Which can be expressed as V= 83.8l474 + 1.96l28 α.
    Nonequilibrium eutectic led to small amount of Ni segregation at grain boundary and
    intracrystal during solidification process. The segregation of alloy elemellt formed
    precipitate phase and the composition of them at grain boundary and intracryStal was
    as same as corresponding grain boundary
    partial substitutions for La with Ce, Pr and Nd brought about increase in plateau
    pressures of alloys. The order of increasing degree from high to low was Ce, Nd and
    Prin truns. La, Pr and Nd reduced hysteresis of alloys. Its order was that Nd>La>Pr,
    whereas Ce enhanced hysteresis. The thermodynamic stability was deteriorated with
    partial substituions for La with Ce, Pr and Nd. Plateau pressure of alloys can be
    adjusted by means of change the ratio of different radium element, which led to the
    variation of cell volume.
    The order of activation rate (n_a) of Ml_αMm_(1-α)Ni_5(α=l, 0.6, 0) alloys can be
    expressed as Ml_(0.6)Mm_(0.4)Ni_5 (6 cycles) < MlNi_5 (8 cycles)< MmNi_5(l0 cycles). The
    discharge caPacity of Lanthanum-rich class hydrogen storage alloys was higher than
    that of Cerium-rich class alloys. The discharge capacity of Ml_αMm(1-α)Ni_5 alloys
    increased first and then decreased. The max value (228mAh/g) was gained at α= 0.6.
    During the process of first 30 cycles' charge-discharge, MlNi_5 alloys decayed raPidly,
    while MmNi_5, alloys decayed slowly. High rate discharge led to drop of discharge
    caPacity and voltage due tO stongly polarization.
    The electrochemical polarization determined the decay of potential at beginning
    of discharge. Then, the diffession polarization ialluened the polarization process
    and at lat becarne controIling step. OhInic polariZation eallibits a slight change.
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