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     在本文理论的指导下用 Wsual++6.0开发的实验系统,配备有数据库管理,
Micrograph sclerometer is a useful tool that used to analyze the hardness of the metal surface and the metal tissues. Presently, there are many kinds of the micrograph sclerometers. And there are some difference between them in the aspects of their work modes and functions. The automatization of the control system and automatically analyzing some metal parameters are the main factors that affect the efficiency and precision of the all system. The current micrograph sclerometers are usually short of them.
    Wavelet goes by the name of the microscope of mathematics. It can efficiently locates the time and frequency for the signal. The multi-resolution theory that is a important one in the wavelet transformation theory, and using it we can analyze the signals' approximation and detail in multi-resolution. For the development of the digital image processing techniques and wavelet analysis, we can get more powerful ways to analyze metal parameters with computer. This dissertation primarily study the several important issues with regard to the automation extent and information extent of the measure system of the micrography sclerometers: first, the digital control system of the workbenches; second, the demarcation of the dimension of the metal image; third, automatically measuring the parameters of the metal image using the digital image processing technologies, fourthly, restoring the edges of the test impress fast and efficiently and so resolve the difficult problem that the common digital image processing technol
    ogies don't, and finally the automatic focus system. This dissertation lucubrates their difficult problems concerning the theories and the applications. And it have got some innovations in some aspects.
    This dissertation analyzes the test impress image in the sample material surface using the multi-resolution theory with some base knowledge about the impress. This dissertation also represents a strategy for analyses and then lucubrates the relevant theories, gets the edges of the impress fast and efficiently. So the system can
    automatically analyses the hardness of the region of the material surface. This analyses means is a innovation.
    Analyzing the proportion of the second tissue in the whole image region also is a innovation in the application of automatically analyzing the parameters of the metal material surface using the region growth and mathematical morphology. This means is more flexible and exact. In addition, this dissertation also represents another means for analyzing their proportion using the histogram technology, and then compares both in the aspect of their advantage and their application.
    This dissertation resolves the demarcation issue for the metal image dimension, and represents the measurement for the diameter of the single crystal or the average diameter of the crystals in the metal micro-tissue.
    This dissertation summarizes the current auto-focusing technique, and then represents a new strategy for the metal images. It can remarkably lessen the amount of the data to be computed with less affecting the analyses result. And so the auto-focus system can respond fast.
    A experiment system have been developed by Visual C++6.0 according to the relevant theories. In addition, it has a DBMS (Database Management System), and so has more practicability. The system has been applied to a factory in ShenZhen, and has a good effect. It is shown that the theories of this dissertation are right, and have more practice value by the effects of the analyses theoretically and the experiment.
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