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     试验一、用400只固始鸡公雏和同等数量的AA肉鸡公雏研究基础日粮中添加锌源(ZnSO4·H2O、ZnO和ZnAA)和锌添加水平(0、30、60和120mg/kg)对两个品种肉鸡生产性能、免疫功能、组织锌沉积、含锌酶活性及MT基因表达的影响,以筛选出两种类型肉鸡的适宜锌需要量,评价不同锌源在固始鸡和AA肉鸡的相对生物学利用率及表观沉积率。试验分生长前期和后期2个阶段,共进行42天。结果表明:(1)固始鸡对日粮锌添加的敏感度低于AA肉鸡,60mg/kg添加锌可满足固始鸡最佳生长和免疫需要,而AA肉鸡则需要添加添加120mg/kg。(2)胫骨锌浓度、肝脏锌浓度、MT浓度以及MT mRNA表达水平对锌添加呈线性上升反应,可作为适宜的锌源相对生物利用率评价指标。同时用肝脏MT浓度和MT mRNA表达水平评价锌源间的相对生物学利用率,结果一致性非常好。(3)综合各个评定指标,ZnAA和ZnSO4·H2O的相对生物利用率和表观沉积率没有显著差异,但都显著高于ZnO;相同锌源和添加水平时,固始鸡和AA肉鸡锌生物利用率相似。(4)肉鸡不同生长发育阶段,锌的表观利用率显著不同,2-3周龄显著高于4-6周龄,整个试验期中,添加到日粮中的锌约有85%以上被排泄到环境中。
     试验三、利用400只固始鸡公雏和同等数量的AA肉鸡公雏研究不同类型肉鸡在相同营养水平下腹部脂肪沉积规律,探讨锌源和锌添加水平对肉鸡肝脏中FAS mRNA表达的影响。基础日粮和锌源及添加水平处理同试验一,但不空腹称取体重,分别于2、3、4、5和6周龄末相同饲喂状态下屠宰摘取肝脏,立即放入液氮中冷冻12小时后转入-80℃低温冰箱中保存用于测定FAS mRNA表达水平。结果显示:(1)固始鸡3周龄和6周龄末腹部脂肪百分率显著低于AA肉鸡(P<0.01),随着周龄增长,两品种肉鸡腹部脂肪百分率显著增加(P<0.01);肝脏中FAS mRNA表达水平呈现相似规律,同周龄相比,AA肉鸡显著高于固始鸡,不同周龄但体重相同时比较,3周龄固始鸡肝脏中FAS mRNA表达水平显著低于2周龄AA肉鸡。(2)饲料中添加锌水平在60mg/kg以上时显著降低肉鸡腹部脂肪百分率(P<0.05)。与锌源无关,60和120mg/kg饲料锌添加水平对肝脏中FAS mRNA表达水平有一定的抑制作用。综上所述,肝脏中锌浓度、MT浓度和MT mRNA表达水平是评定锌源相对生物利用率的敏感指标。品种间锌需要量不同,固始鸡在饲料总锌95.53mg/kg时即可取得最佳生长指标,而AA肉鸡则高于固始鸡;饲料级ZnAA和ZnSO4·H2O的表观生物利用率没有显著区别,但都显著高于ZnO;饲料中添加微生物植酸酶能有效提高锌代谢效率,降低重金属对生态环境的污染;不同生长速度肉鸡脂肪代谢强度有显著区别。本研究成果对我国优质肉鸡的科学研究和产业化开发具有积极指导意义。
Three experiments were conducted to investigate systematically the effect of different sources and levels of zinc supplementations basic on corn-soybean diet on the performance, immunocharacterization, tissue zinc deposition, and expression of metallothionein (MT) and fatty acid synthase (FAS) gene of Gushi chick and AA broiler, which possess significant differences in the genetic background. Thus, the zinc requirements of Gushi chick and AA broiler and the bioavailability of different zinc sources can be evaluated better.
     In the first experiment,400one-day old male Gushi chicken and an equal number of AA broiler were randomly assigned to10groups respectively, and dieted a total of42days with basal ration that added three source of zinc (ZnSO4·H2O, ZnO and ZnAA) and4levels of each zinc(0,30,60and120mg/kg zinc), the performance, immune function, tissue zinc deposition, zinc enzymes activity and MT gene expression were detected, so that to study the suitable zinc requirements of two varieties of chicken, and the effect of different sources of zinc relative Bioavailability and apparent deposition rate on Gushi and AA broilers. The results showed that:(1) Gushi broilers appeared lower sensitivity of dietary additive zinc than AA broilers, Gushi broilers added60mg/kg zinc can meet optimal growth and immunity, the requirements for AA broilers120mg/kg.(2) The concentrations of zinc and MT, and MT mRNA expression levels in liver increased linearly response to the concentration of zinc added, and can be used to evaluate appropriately the relative bioavailability of zinc source. Comprehensive evaluation of all indexes, the bioavailability and the apparent deposition rate of ZnAA and ZnSO4·H2O were not significantly different, but both them were better than ZnO; it displayed similar bioavailability of zinc between Gushi and AA broiler chickens when the rations were supplemented the same zinc density and zinc origin.(3) In different broilers growth period, the apparent availability of zinc were notablely different,2to3weeks old broilers'were significantly higher than4to6 weeks ones, during the entire test period, more than85%dietary zinc was excreted into the environment.
     In the second experiment,400one-day old male Gushi chicken and AA broiler were divided randomly into10groups, fed2,3,4,5and6weeks with the rations that supplemented500U/kg of microbial phytase basic on experiment-one's diets, to study the influence of microbial phytase supplementation on broiler performance, tissue zinc concentration and zinc concentration in feces. The results indicated that:(1) microbial phytase increased significantly daily weight gain of Gushi chickens and AA broiler(P <0.01), had no effect on feed efficiency; Phytase×variety interaction showed that phytase raised a higher body weight gain in AA broilers than in Gushi chicken.(2) phytase improved significantly liver and tibia zinc concentration of two varieties of chicken (P <0.01), phytase×zinc level interaction analysis showed that tissue zinc concentrations of control group and30mg/kg of zinc group were higher than other two levels of zinc added processing; phytase didn't affect the zinc metabolism of organic and inorganic sources (P>0.05).(3) of dietary phytase, the zinc concentration in feces of Gushi chickens and AA broiler decreased20.37%.
     In the third test,400one-day old male Gushi chicken and AA broiler were use to research the effect of different broilers varieties on abdominal fat deposition under the same nutrition level, and investigated effect of zinc sources and levels on liver FAS mRNA amount. The diets treatment and zinc added were the same as experiment one, the livers were selected on2,3,4,5,6weeks old chickens, and stored in-80℃refrigerator temperature after immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen transferred12hours. The results proclaimed:(1) the percentage of abdominal fat of3-week and6-week old Gushi chickens were strikingly lower than AA broiler (P<0.01), as the age increased, the percentage of abdominal fat of the two varieties of chicken increased markedly (P<0.01). liver FAS mRNA levels showed similar regularity, AA broiler was significantly higher than that of Gushi chicken with the same weeks of age, compared with that of the same weight but different ages, the liver FAS mRNA levels of3-week old Gushi chicken was significantly lower than that of2-week old AA broiler.(2) dietary zinc levels above60mg/kg, the percentage of broiler abdominal fat significantly reduced (P<0.05);60and120mg/kg feed zinc levels inhibited the expression of FAS mRNA in liver,and had nothing to do with zinc source.
     In summary, the liver zinc concentration and MT mRNA levels were sensitive indicators to assess relative bioavailability of zinc source. different varieties of broilers displayed different requirements for zinc, Gushi chickens could gain optimization performances with95.53mg/kg of total dietary zinc, while that of AA broiler is higher than Gushi chicken; the apparent bioavailability of feed grade ZnAA and ZnSO4·H2O had no significant difference, but were significantly higher than ZnO; rations added microbial phytase could improve the rate of zinc metabolism and reduce the pollution of heavy metals on the ecological environment; the intensity of fat metabolism were remarkably different on different growth rate of broilers. The achievements of this research possessed positive significance to the development of scientific research and industrialization for country high-quality chickens.
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