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Oil is the basic energy for the development of modern industrial production andis called “blood” of modern industry. Oil plays an important role in China’s economicdevelopment. In recent years, as the oil consumption continues to grow driven byrapid economic growth, China has become the world's second largest consumer of oilafter the United States. As domestic oil production capacity cannot meet theincreasing domestic demand, the degree of dependence on the foreign oil has beenincreased greatly. China has surpassed the U.S. as the world's largest net importer ofoil and China’s oil demand is heavily dependent on external supply.
     This paper takes China’s international oil trade as research object and theresearch is based on international trade theory, risk management theory, analysishierarchy process, and genetic algorithm theory and so on. This paper determines therisk weight of various risk factors on oil trade by using Genetic Algorithm RevisedAHP (GA-AHP), which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative method.
     The risk factors of international oil trade are intricate and complex. First of all,this paper identifies risk factors and constructs a multi-layer indicator hierarchy whichincludes the overall goal, the criteria layer, the sub-criteria layer and the decisionalternatives, by making comprehensive literature reviews related to this subject athome and abroad and by consulting oil industry experts. This paper uses a systematic,hierarchical approach to assess the risk factors of international oil trade. Secondly,because of the consistency issue of AHP, this paper uses genetic algorithm method torevise the judgment matrix consistency and process all experts’ judgment matrixthrough crossover and mutation operations. Finally, this paper makes comprehensiveevaluation on important strategic countermeasures of international oil trade riskmanagement by using GA-AHP.
     This paper draws several main conclusions based on GA-AHP. First of whichsays that, while market and transportation risks are relatively small, the primary riskin the international oil trade comes from political factors, which accounts for thelargest portion of the overall weights, followed by factors about oil sources. Second,our paper indicates that, among the5decision alternaltives, energy diplomacy is themost efficient measure to manage the risks of oil trade, followed by diversificationstrategy, setting up oil finance market, reasonable transportation strategy, andestablishment of National Petroleum Reserve system, respectively. According to the results of this paper, we suggest that, in order to hedge the risks in the international oiltrade, China should play an active role in the energy diplomacy strategy, build andkeep strategic relationship with oil sources, and put the diversification strategy intopractice.
     This paper contributes in3ways. First, we analyse the risks factors in theinternational oil trade in a systematic and quantitative measure. Second, after literacyreviewing and consulting the specialists, we build up a multi-layer herarchy system ofrisk factors. Third, we revise the consistency problem in traditional AHP method withgenetic algorithm, by integrating GA into AHP.
     Although this paper makes some progress in AHP method to analyze risks of oiltrade, it has some limitations. AHP method requires that the influence between factorsin different layers is one-way directional, that is, from bottom to up. The effectivenessof traditional AHP method or even GA-AHP method is doubtful in network structureand feedback relations. However, network structure and feedbacks between factorsexists in one way or another. Dealing with network structure and feedback relations isthe next objective of the author.
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