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Ecosystem theory is one of the most important theories of modern ecology. With the development of its study area, study on social ecosystem and economy ecosystem have become more and more important. Since the reform and opening-up in China, a large quantities of SMEs have been grown up very quickly. With flexible operation system, strong adaptability to market and advantages in technical innovation effciency, SMEs have played a crucial role in technical innovation, the transform of technology fruits and sustain our economy to grow stably and fast. But because of the faster technical innovation, more-frequenily-changed customer demand and swifter international industry movement, SMEs development is facing more and more difficulties.Hence, it`s very important and realistic to study on sustained growth of SMEs. The existing study mainly explained the growth behavior based on the competitive adavantage theory, trasacation cost theory and resource theory. But, they difficultly reveal the nature of enterpreses`s sustained growth.
     The paper aims to study the mechanism of SMEs growth based on enterprise ecosystem. The structure of the paper is arranged as follows.
     (1)Fistly, introduced the background of the study briefly, pointed out its theoretical and realistic meanings, reviewed the overseas and native literatures on the mechanism of SMEs growth and enterprise ecosystem, presented the basic approaches and structure of the paper.
     (2) By analying the characteristics of Chinese SMEs growth, the paper investigated the ractors arrecting the growth of SMEs from interior and exterior aspects and its coupling mechanism. The paper gave out the essential reason of SMEs growth mechanism study based on business ecolysetem, rethinked the characteristics of SMEs growth based on symbiosis relation.
     (3)Analyzed the runing mechanisims of business ecolysetem. The paper point out that the dynamic balance of business ecolysetem, synergy and adaptive innovation among symbiosis enterprises are main causes to enhance SMEs growth. Furthermore, the paper analyzed the operation target choice and mode of value realization.
     (4)Based on the theory of the enterprise, the paper rethinked the essence of enterprise and logic of SMEs growth. Organizational adaptation and strategic change co-exist and complement in creation of sustained SMEs growth. The paper founded the model of SMEs growth mechanism, and exposeed that SMEs growth is nonlinear.
     (5)From the point of economics and the theory of self-organization, the paper has an insight into the inherent mechanism on why enterprises implemented business transformation. The paper analyzed the behavior of synergy and competition among corporations and studyed competitive chioce based on symbiosis associate.
     (6)From the view of organizational adaptation, borrowing real options, the paper analysed the strategic chang influenced by enterprises` opportunity identifiability, studyed the operate mechanism of organise leaning ability, construction, performance and leader.
     (7)Business ecolysetem ethics incentive mechanism ensures SMEs` growth.Borrowing the contence and methods of organizational ethics incentive, dynamic game organizational ethics incentive model is established.The paper analized the effects of ethics incentive on SMEs` growth and studied the Business ecolysetem ethics incentive strategies.
     (8)An application example of Shandong Dachi Electric Co.,LTD shows that the methods of the dissertation are systematic, scientific and effective, which have important therotical and practial meaning for realizing the scientific and operable SMEs` growth.
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