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     实证结果表明,VAR模型反映了中国股市与经济增长长期波动的影响,误差修正模型的差分滞后项反映了股票价格指数与经济短期波动的影响,不论就长期还是短期而言,经济增长越强劲,股市反而越可能疲弱,这恰好印证了中国“宏观热,股市冷”的独特现象,且这些系数的绝对值较大,表明长期及短期负向因果的力度不可小视。根据这一怪异现象,提出了“股市逆转之迷”(Stock Reversion Puzzle)。进一步对资本市场发展与经济增长均衡关系进行的实证发现,不论是在整个考察期还是在第一阶段或第二阶段,交易率、换手率、资本化率等衡量股票市场发展的变量与宏观经济变量之间基本上都存在负向线性关系。上市公司基
Starting from the concept of moral hazard in information economics, the dissertation sorts out the financial theories related to moral hazard, anatomizes the moral hazard disfigurements of modern financial theories. After analyzing the main characteristics of irregularity, breach and crime in Chinese securities market, it points out that the fundamental reasons leading to the decline and low efficiency of stock market are the immature foundation to establish the Chinese capital market, systematical deficiencies lying in property right, supervision, separation of ownership right of shares, governmental intervention and transaction, etc... Further it deeply analyzes the status quo of moral hazard and its causes of all principal participants in the securities market, raising a point that the crisis of Chinese securities market is a complex one, and putting forward the basic methods to govern the ecology of securities market.
     By using the methodology of game theory, it analyzes the major traits and typical behaviors of Chinese securities market in sense of game, indicating that Chinese securities market is at a status of“lemon”equilibrium, and the phenomenon of“bad money drives out good”will ultimately make the securities market in such equilibrium a very fragile and impotent one. Based on game theory, it sets up a dynamic model to supervise the violating behaviors in the securities market.
     At the macroeconomic level, it discusses the issues whether a market with moral hazard and systematical deficiencies can improve the efficiency of capital allocation and enhance economic development. Through cointegration analysis and Granger causality test, it demonstrates the cause and effect relation between the capital market and economic development and that between fundamental variables of listed firms and macroeconomic variables.
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