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     第三,中国和美国股票市场之间联动性的原因分析。国家之间股价指数联动性的原因有两种解释。第一是传播,又称为溢出效应(Spillover Effect)。第二是传染效应(Contagion Effect)。所以本文首先定义溢出效应和传染效应,然后采用两阶段最小二乘法(TSLS:Two-stage Least Squares)来分析股价联动性的原因。笔者发现:1)中国A股股票市场(上海和深圳)和美国股票市场(S&P和NASDAQ)之间联动性的原因就是溢出效应。2)中国B股股票市场(上海和深圳)和美国股票市场(S&P和NASDAQ)之间联动性的原因就是传染效应。出现这种现象的原因是中国股票市场的开放程度、股票市场的规模等一些因素有着密不可分的关系。众所周知,因为中国股票市场分割了A股市场和B股市场,所以美国股票市场的影响力对中国B股比A股更强一点。这个意味着,即使中国国内的微观与宏观环境没有发生变化,一旦外国发生了危机,中国B股市就会遭受猛烈冲击。
     第四,中美同时上市股票之间信息传导。在财务理论中,关于美国存托凭证(ADR)和原股(Underlying Stocks)之间信息传导研究常见。但是,关于中国上司公司的ADR研究几乎没有。有鉴于此,本文目的在于考察美国和中国两地同时上市股票之间信息传导关系。因此本文首先研究了中国公司在美国上市的浪潮,接着中国公司在美国上市的现状;然后,采用MA(1)-GARCH(1,1)模型实证分析。笔者发现:1)信息同时传导模型结果:原股收益率会在ADR收益率上反映出来,而相反方向也有这种现象。还有,原股波动率会在ADR波动率上反映出来,而相反方向也有这种现象。这些结果意味着原股和ADR之间存在着相互互动关系。2)信息滞后传导模型结果:原股收益率不会影响ADR收益率,而相反方向也有这种现象。但是,原股的波动率会影响ADR的波动率预测,而相反方向却没有这种现象,则ADR的波动率不会影响原股的波动率预测。总之,我们的研究发现,中国原股和美国ADR之间存在着信息同时传导效应。
According to international finance globalization, Major international stock markets appear together rise or together down, so global investor attention to Co-Movement in stock market. The Co-movement is found not only in U.S., Japan, U.K and German in the advance country but also Korea, Singapore and Mexico in the Emerging Market.
     Specially, this study focuses on empirical test. This Thesis examines the stock return and volatility co-movements between China stock market and U.S. stock market, analyzing the phenomenon, the dynamic evolving process and the reason. The main results are as follow.
     First, This thesis investigates the stock return co-movements between stocks in the China and U.S., This study utilizes Vector Auto-Regression (Granger Causality Test, Impulse Response Function, Variance Decomposition) to investigate stock return co-movements between stocks in the China and U.S., We found that 1) From Granger Causality Test stock return in each index, we found that the S&P and NADAQ index have significant predictive power over the China B share market (Shanghai B and Shenzhen B). But China B index have not significant predictive power over the U.S. stock market. Also, we found not exit co-movement between China A share market and U.S. stock market. 2) From Impulse Response Function, Variance Decomposition, we found that the impact U.S. stock on the China B share market is greater than China A share market. These results are consistence with those of the Granger Causality results.
     Second, This study investigates whether mean and volatility co-movement between China and U.S. stock market. We employ EGARCH model to test the conditional mean and volatility co-movement between China and U.S. stock market. We found that 1) U.S. stock returns affect China stock returns but not vice versa. U.S. stock market only affects stock prices in China. 2) U.S. stock volatility affect Shanghai stock volatility but not vice versa. Also U.S. stock volatility affects Shenzhen stock volatility.
     Third, we had analysis reason for the co-movement between China and U.S. stock market. There are two the reason. One is Spill-over effect, the other is Contagion effect. We employ Two-stage Least squares analysis reason for the co-movement. We found that 1) The reason for the co-movement between China A share and U.S. stock is spill over effect. 2) The reason for the co-movement between China B share and U.S. stock is Contagion effect.
     Fourth, We investigates the pricing information between NYSE listed Chinese ADRs and their underlying shares by using MA (1)-GARCH (1.1). We found that 1) Contemporaneous Spillover model results: Both Underlying share and ADRs not only stock returns but also in the volatility of the returns response significantly to the change of each market. 2) Lagged Spillover model results: we found that it showed insignificant responses to mean between Underlying share and ADRs. But Underlying share volatility affect ADRs volatility but not vice versa.
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