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The 21st century, with the service economy time coming, strategic position of service industry has become more and more important to developing national economy. Especially, the development of knowledge-based service industries influences the international competitiveness of a country. However, service industry is weakness and the output of it is about 30% of GDP in China. The marketization and opening up of service industry are really undeveloped compared with other industries. Service industry developed imbalancedly in different geographical part, for instance, is weak in west and middle area, and the knowledge intensive service industries which is in its cubhood has absolutely dropped behind labour intensive ones. Therefor we have to make progress from strategic perspective in developing and researching knowledge-based service industries. In this paper, the design and innovation of management model for knowledge-based service industries are mainly studied, details follow up:
     1、A brand new management model for knowledge-based service industries is set up. Based on the analysis of innovation value chain of knowledge-based service industries, an infrastructure for knowledge-based service companies’management innovation is brought up. Further more, management rule innovation based on structure optimization, management model innovation in process optimization are made, and knowledge-based service industries running will be reconstructed.
     2、The evaluating measurement for service quality of knowledge-based service industry is studied. That include description for the concept of service quality and the guideline of evaluation, working process for making a evaluation, discovery how to improve services quality of knowledge-based service companies.
     3、The sales strategy for knowledge-based service industry is made. Base on researching of customers relationship management of knowledge-based service industry, structure formula on relationship among service quality, company credit, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty, the customer satisfaction model for knowledge-based service industry is put up, and a brand cultivating and innovation strategy for knowledge-based service industry is made.
     4、The human resource management of knowledge-based service industry is optimized. According to characteristic of human resource in knowledge-based service industry, hiring management, losing risk management and inspiring management are improved. Assorted and calculated the cost of knowledge-based service industry and research the cost controlling method, finally got the basis for making price.
     5、Efficiency and innovation environment of knowledge-based service industry are evaluated. Through evaluating the static and dynamic efficiency separately, the differences between them are found. And the innovation environment is evaluated with Principal component analysis.
     6、Evaluating model for the core competence of knowledge-based service industry is constructed. The index system of core competence is built up based on analyzing mechanism on forming of core competence. Furthermore, a bar chart model and a three- dimensional evaluation model are brought up.
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