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The reinforced concrete structure plays a great role in engineering. The traditional finite element program is oriented process, resulting in some disadvantage such as bad expansibility and difficult maintainability. Utilizing the method of object-oriented programming(OOP), this thesis has implemented the finite element calculation of reinforced concrete structure, considering the effects of elastic-plasticity and damage.
    This thesis can be divided into six chapters. The first chapter introduces the background and significance of the research. In addition, the development history of OOP applied in FEM is also mentioned.
    The basic theory of nonlinear finite element analysis is mainly introduced in the second chapter, at the same time, the finite element elastic-plasticity constitutive model considering damage is proposed in this part.
    In the third chapter, the finite element static analysis is discussed and the program is designed and implemented. Based on the thinking of OOP, the author implements the finite element analysis program. Fully using the characters of OOP, combined with the basic notions of finite element method, the kernel notions of reinforced concrete finite element are abstracted into various basis classes, such as node class, element class, material class, load class, matrix class, and various application classes. The program can deal with static linear analysis and static elastic-plasticity analysis. Considering the damage factors of concrete, static elastic-plasticity damage analysis can also be carried out. Furthermore, parts of post-process are also implemented, including structure shape map, discrete structure mesh map, deformation map of structure, the first and third principle stress and vibration map.
    Based upon the thinking of layer design, the forth chapter discusses and implements the dynamic analysis program of object oriented finite element which can be used to carry out the modal analysis and dynamic response analysis. The development and consummation of finite element class library is referred in the part.
    In the fifth chapter, examples are utilized to verify the finite element program. The results show that the reinforced concrete finite element program based upon OOP has the advantages: short cycle in debugging, high recycle of codes, easy to expand and maintain, easy to realize excellent pre- and post-process.
    At last, the conclusion and prospect are discussed.
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