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     结果:入院时神经损伤重度组25例,中度组29例,轻度组22例,入院后第二天平均血糖值分别为(9.4±1.6)mg/dL、(7.6±0.9)mg/dL. (6.8±0.6)mg/dL数据两两相比均有显著性差异。预后差组22例,良好组54例,入院后第二天平均血糖值分别为(10.1±1.4)mg/dL.(7.1±0.9)mg/dL,两组数据有显著性差异。预后不同患者高血糖持续时间明显不同。
Objective:To study whether hyperglycemia after cerebral traumatic injury affects neural damage and the prognosis.
     Methods:76 patients with cerebral trauma were analyzed retrospectively by determining morning fasting glucose in the 2nd,4th,8th days after admission. Compare the blood glucose levels of groups with different degree of cerebral injury and prognosis, and research the relationship between the prognoses of patients and the duration of hyperglycemia.
     Results:The severe nerve injury group(25 cases) has a mean blood glucose level of (9.4±1.6) mmol/L in the day after admission, while the moderate group's(29 cases) and the mild group's(22 cases) mean blood glucose level are (7.6±0.9) mmol/L and (6.8±0.6) mmol/L respectively. The poor prognosis group's (22 cases) mean blood glucose level is (10.1±1.4) mmol/L in the day after admission, while patients of the good group (54 cases) has a mean blood glucose level of (7.1±0.9) mmol/L. The prognoses of patients who have different hyperglycemia duration are obviously different.
     Conclusion:The cerebral trauma patients tend to the high blood glucose level, which is proportional to the nerve injury degree. Further more, the long duration of hyperglycemia and the high blood glucose level will seriously affect the prognosis.
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