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     (5)研究海参体壁在25℃和46℃自溶过程中的鲜度变化。结果显示,pH随自溶时间延长呈先下降后上升趋势,在自溶20 h时最低。挥发性盐基氮(TVBN)的含量随着自溶时间的延长而逐渐增加,在25℃和46℃条件下分别自溶44 h和32 h时,TVBN超过20mg/100g。46℃自溶32h时,TVC超过106 cfu/g。上述结果表明,本研究所采用的4h自溶条件下的海参体壁自溶与微生物作用无关。
     (6)以TCA-可溶性寡肽含量(以干基计)为响应值,采用响应面法优化得到海参肠自溶的最佳条件为温度48.30℃、pH 4.43、料液比1:3和自溶时间4 h。
     (7)海参肠自溶水解物主要由分子质量小于3 kDa的组分组成,含有17种氨基酸,具有一定的DPPH自由基清除能力、Fe2+螯合能力和还原能力,其SC50、CC50和ACo.5值分别为4.04、5.91和8.06 mg/mL。
     (8)海参肠自溶水解物经Sephadex G-15分离纯化后得到4个组分,分别为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ和Ⅳ,其中组分Ⅳ的DPPH自由基清除能力、Fe2+螯合能力和对DNA氧化损伤的保护作用最强,这可能与其Ile和Leu等含量较高有关。
     (9)组分Ⅳ经ESI-MS/MS进行氨基酸序列分析,得到三种具有抗氧化活性的寡肽,分别为两种四肽Val-Thr-Pro-Tyr (479 Da)和Val-Leu-Leu-Tyr(507 Da)和一种六肽Val-Gly-Thr-Val-Glu-Met (635 Da)。在浓度为2mg/mL时,三种寡肽均对DNA氧化损伤具有明显的保护作用。说明利用自溶技术获得的海参肠抗氧化自溶寡肽作为功能性基料具有潜在的应用价值。
Sea cucumber is the most common invertebrate in the ocean with high nutritive value. It is susceptive to the environmental changes caused by physical, chemical and physiological factors and easy to undergo autolysis. The subsequent phenomena of gut vomitting and body wall softening will happened, which lead to severe deterioration in sea cucumber quality and bring great difficulties to the transportation and processing of sea cucumber. It is significant and necessary for the development of sea cucumber deep-processing industries to study the autolysis of sea cucumber systematicly.
     In the present study, the biochemical changes including main chemical composition changes and freshness changes were investigated and the influencing factors of sea cucumber autolysis process were determined according to the autolysis characteristic of sea cucumber body wall and guts. Meanwhile, the autolysis method was adopted to prepare oligopeptides from sea cucumber guts. The antioxidant activities of oligopeptides were evaluated and their amino acid sequences were identified. The main conclusions were as followed:
     (1) Both protein and sugar were changed during the autolysis process of sea cucumber body wall and guts. pH and temperature were found to be the two main factors by investigating the effects of pH, temperature, NaCl concentration and liquid to sample ratio on the autolysis process of sea cucumber body wall and guts. TCA-soluble oligopeptide was determined to be the evaluation indicator for the autolysis process of sea cucumber body wall and guts. Meanwhile, the reducing sugar content could also be used as the evaluation indicator for the autolysis of sea cucumber guts.
     (2) The activities of cathepsin B and cathepsin L from sea cucumber guts were enhanced by 6%~17% after autolysis under different temperatures (25℃and 50℃). The inhibitors of cathepsin B and cathepsin L including E-64, antipain and iodoacetic acid significantly inhibited the autolysis of sea cucumber guts. Their suppressing rates of TCA-soluble oligopeptides contents reached to 48.97%,47.24% and 12.24%, respectively. Meanwhile, dithiothreitol as a activitor of cathepsin B and cathepsin L obviously promoted the autolysis process of sea cucumber guts. These results suggest that cathepsin B and cathepsin L may play an important role in the sea cucumber autolysis process.
     (3) In order to control the autolysis the temperature should be low and the pH should be controlled in the alkaline range in the transportation and processing of sea cucumber. In addition, sea cucumber should be sheltered from direct sunlight to avoid the inductive effects of ultraviolet irradiation on its autolysis. When the ready-to-eat sea cucumber was produced, the heating treatment should be performed at the temperature higher than 60℃in order to inhibit the activities of endogenous enzyme and maintain good appearance. Ultraviolet irradiation could be used in utilization of sea cucumber autolysis, and the temperature and pH should be in the range of 37~60℃and 4-7, respectively.
     (4) The combined interaction of different influencing factors on the sea cucumber autolysis was studied by response surface methodology. The results showed that the two models which were established on the basis of temperature, pH, NaCl concentration and temperature, pH and substrate concentration, respectively, could reflect the interaction accurately. The combined effect of pH and substrate concentration on the autolysis process of sea cucumber was significant. The TCA-soluble oligopeptides content decreased more quickly as the pH got more lower when the substrate concentration was relatively low, which was worse for the autolysis of sea cucumber body wall.
     (5) The freshness changes during the autolysis process of sea cucumber body wall were investigated at both 25℃and 46℃. The results showed that pH reached to minimum at 20 h and then increased gradually. The contents of TVBN were increased gradually with the autolysis period prolonged, and reached higher than 20mg/100g when the body wall was autolyzed for 44 h and 32 h at 25℃and 46℃, respectively. When the body wall was autolyzed for higher than 8h, the TVC were increased gradually and reached to 106 cfu/g at 32 h. These results suggest that microorganisms were not involved in the autolysis process of sea cucumber body wall under the experimental conditions in the present study.
     (6) The optimum autolytic conditions of sea cucumber guts were obtained by response surface methodology. Temperature at 48.30℃, pH at 4.43, sample to ratio 1:3 and time 4 h were found to be the optimal conditions to obtain autolysis hydrolysates from the guts of sea cucumber.
     (7) The autolysis hydrolysates were mainly composed of components below 3 kDa and it contained 17 kinds of amino acids. The autolysis hydrolysates had DPPH radical scavenging capacity, Fe2+-chelating ability and reducing power. The values of SC50, CC50 and AC0.5 were 4.04,5.91 and 8.06 mg/mL, respectively.
     (8) Four different fractions, namelyⅠ,Ⅱ,Ⅲand IV, were obtained after the autolysis hydrolysates were separated by Sephadex G-15. Fraction IV exhibited the highest DPPH radical scavenging capacity, Fe2+-chelating ability and protective effect against hydroxyl radicals-induced DNA damage, which may be related with the high content of Ile, Leu and Val.
     (9) The fraction IV was analyzed by ESI-MS for molecular mass determination and ESI-MS/MS for the characterization of peptides. Three kinds of antioxidative oligopeptides, including two tetrapeptides Val-Thr-Pro-Tyr (479 Da), Val-Leu-Leu-Tyr (507 Da) and a hexapeptide Val-Gly-Thr-Val-Glu-Met (635 Da), were identified. All of them showed obvious protective effects against hydroxyl radicals-induced DNA damage. protective effect against DNA damage. These results suggest that antioxidant oligopeptides derived from the guts of sea cucumber by autolysis method could be utilized for functional foods.
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