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     中国是统一的多民族国家,多民族、多语言、多文字是国情的基本特征。伴随少数民族语言文字规范化、标准化和和民族地区信息化建设的逐步推进,如何稳妥、科学、有效地管理随之产生的少数民族语言电子文件(Electronic Records),是民族地区档案管理工作迫切需要解决的问题。
     本文紧扣“少数民族语言电子文件集成管理的体系架构”这一主题开展论证。全文共分7章,除第0章的引言和第6章的结语外,主体部分的内容按照“战略层”、“战术层”和“实施层”的逻辑结构进行组织,重点探讨了“为什么要进行少数民族语言电子文件的集成管理?(Why to do)"、“少数民族语言电子文件集成管理体系如何构成?(What to do)"、“少数民族语言电子文件集成管理架构如何实施?(How to do)”这三个核心问题,主要内容如下:
This paper is the achievement of research on integrated archiving of electronic records in minority languages of China, it is a project hosted by the author and founded by Humanism and Social Science Found of Education Ministry of China (No.11XZJC870001)
     China is an united multi-ethnic country which is presented by features of multi-ethnic, multi-language and multi-character. With the progressing of standardization and application of minority languages information processing technology in ethnic minority resident regions, how to deal with electronic records in minority languages with reliable, scientific and effective method has becoming an urgent issue of archive and e-record management.
     The management of electronic records in minority languages is a comprehensive issue which contains multiple aspects, such as management, technology, law, politics and culture. Its characteristic can be shown from complex circumstance, multiple aims, diverse objects and subjects, heterogeneous technology, spread resources, integrated methods and other. Beside basic requirement of authenticity, integrity and readability, the special requirement such as cross-region sharing, cross-media integrating and remote collaboration should also taken into consideration. As parts of national archive manage system, the manage mechanism in ethnic minority resident regions constructed by principle of hierarchy has many advantages. However, it can not address the conflicts among management of electronic records in minority languages fundamentally, can not meet various special requirement, which leads to high risk of electronic records in minority languages and restraints their value realization.
     Integrated management is a new model formulated by macro-planning of electronic records in minority languages from perspective of national strategy. Guided by system and integrated management theory, based on existing mechanism, integrated model regards all kinds of electronic records in minority languages as whole, to establish integrated institution system, technological platform, organization structure, business flow, and to balance the requirement of diversity and integrity, to integrate resource from all kinds of organization such as agencies responsible for document, archive, languages, and ethnic affair, to resolve risks and conflicts which disperse management can not deal with very well. The purpose of all effort is provide integrated, effective, convenient service for all kinds of people and to meet multiple utilization demands of electronic records in minority languages of China.
     Focuses on architecture of integrated management system for electronic records in minority languages of China, this thesis is consisted by7chapters. Beside introduction (Chapter0) and conclusion (Caper6), the main part of thesis are organized in accordance with logic of "strategy"," tactics" and" implementation". There are3core questions are discussed: why electronic records in minority languages of China must be management with integrated model (Why to do)? What is the structure of integrated management system (What to do)? How the integrated management architecture can be implemented (How to do)? The main contents of them as follows:
     Firstly, the strategic thinking about integrated management for electronic records in minority languages of China, corresponding to Chapter1. Electronic record in minority language is a special type of electronic record, beside the attributes of general electronic records, they have some special characteristics. For example, none isolated application, diversity of social function, heterogeneous information processing technology, immature of supporting technology, geographical distribution. If common management mode of electronic records is applied to electronic records in minority languages, they will facing many challenges and major defects, such us the risk of long-term preservation, conflicts of coding and culture, barriers of understanding and access, and overall low efficiency. Integrated management is based on system science which take electronic records in all kinds of languages and from multiple regions as a whole, through sharing of public property elements to form new functions which single language and decentralized management hardly to realize, to achieve the effect of "1+1>2" and performance optimization. Integrated management is crucial to political, economic, cultural, archives, information, scientific research and others.
     Secondly, the structure of integrated management system for electronic records in minority languages of China, corresponding to Chapter2to Chapter4. This part is the core content of this thesis. After planning of integrated management system for electronic records in minority languages of China, the architecture model based on "value chain" is build. The basic value added activities of value chain model are analyzed in Chapter3while support activities of value chain model are analyzed in Chapter4.
     The integrated management of electronic records in minority languages of China can be divided into two phases, the management of electronic records in ethnic minority resident region and the management of electronic records in minority languages of China, which corresponding to unit arching and integrated archiving. Unit archiving is operated according principles of hierarchy and comprehensive archive, while integrated archiving is constructed by principles of user orienting and special archive. Unit archiving emphasis on history memory preservation, while integrated archiving pay more attention on cross-region, cross-language, and integrated information services.
     The architecture of integrated management system of electronic records in minority languages of China has3parts:value analyzing, essential activities, supportive activities. Value analyze is shown from multiple dimension values. Essential activities include4steps, they are front control, unit archiving, integrated arching and integrated services, which is called lifecycle of electronic records in minority languages of China. Supportive activities of integrated system mainly involve four aspects; they are infrastructure, institution system, and organization structure and workflow. Essential activities and support activities are combined to accomplish tasks of integrated management.
     Among lifecycle of electronic records in minority languages of China, four phases of the lifecycle are discussed:front control, unit archiving, integrated archiving and integrated service. In front control, the standardization of information code scheme, storage format, and data structure are discussed. Unit archiving mainly pay attention on bilingual description of electronic records in minority languages, the preservation of special software and hardware. In integrated archiving, issues such as distributed storage system based on distribute database, availability assurance centers, information safety and disaster recovery are analyzed. In integrated service, issues such as machine translation based on bilingual alignment corpus, integrated service platform are mainly discussed. The supportive system of integrated management of electronic records in minority languages of China mainly analyze issues related to integrated management such as infrastructure, institution system, organization structure, and workflow.
     Thirdly, the implementation tactics of integrated management architecture of electronic records in minority languages of China, Corresponding to Chapter5. Currently, the management of electronic records in minority languages of China is still on its initial and exploration stage, has not become an independent field to gain enough attention. Regardless the status of information technology development in ethnic minority resident regions, strategic planning must go ahead. According on types of electronic records, the management model will change with social development in ethical resident regions. Generally speaking, it need experience the stages of " virtual platform"," logical platform"," entity platform" and" cloud platform". Current effort should focus on the management of electronic records in minority languages which is used by larger populations and with greater influence, the early planning of project of integrated sharing of electronic records in minority languages of China (Tongxin Project) should also be done.
     Though above researches, the conclusion of this paper as follows:based on theory of diversity and integrity, architecture model of integrated management system for electronic records in minority languages of China based on Vain Chain is constructed. Its target is to build integrated management and sharing system for electronic records in multiple minority languages which take national general language as Interlingua. The conflicts of source orientated preservation with user orientated service could be solved successfully. Take the interests of the country and ethical regions into consideration, all kinds of contradictions and relations can be addressed with strategically arrangement. Based on exist mechanism, integrated mechanism for cross-region, cross-language, cross-media information sharing can be constructed. Under premise of minority culture and minority language rights protection, practice of integrated management system for electronic records in minority languages of China will promote national unity, strengthening national cohesion and centripetal force at same time. The implementation of this architecture has profound impact on political, economic and cultural and other aspects in ethnic minority resident regions.
     The innovation of this paper can be summarized from three aspects:(1) Put forward integrated management strategy of electronic records in minority languages of China and analyzed it systematically. It will provide a set of reference system for management of electronic records in minority languages of China, and play an important role in standardization and strategic alignment of follow projects.(2) Constructed an architecture model for integrated management of electronic records in minority languages of China based on value chain theory, discussed crucial content and practical approach of every part of the model. It will provide foundation for strategic planning of above integrated management system.(3) Provide some practice policy for integrated management architecture of electronic records in minority languages of China, which will give guidance to information sharing project of electronic records in minority languages of China.
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