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     2.以Ni和Fe粒子为催化剂,聚苯乙烯为碳前驱,微波法合成了高度石墨化的碳材料。得到了直径600、350、90和40 nm的一系列空心碳球以及直径小到8-13 nm的碳纳米管。当采用含氮的高分子材料(聚丙烯腈)为碳前驱体时,可以得到氮参杂的碳材料。尝试了在这种氮参杂的碳材料表面担载了Pd纳米粒子,展示了其在催化中的潜在应用价值。
The purpose of this dissertation was to find a facile way to the synthesis of carbon materials and demonstrate their application in catalysis.In summary,we obtained the following results:
     1.Synthesized hollow carbon nanorods and nanospheres using an one pot hydrothermal process,with iron oxide as template and starch,glucose,cyclodextrin as precursors.
     2.Produced highly graphitic carbon materials via a microwave induced solid-state process.Both hollow carbon nanospheres with a size of 600,350,90,40 nm and carbon nanotubes with a diameter of 8-13 nm were obtained.N doped carbon materials are also produced with PAN as precursor.Pd nanoparticles were supported on the N doped carbon materials.
     3.Pt,Pd,Au,Ru,Rh nanoparticles were encapsulated in hollow carbon spheres. Pd in carbon catalyst was used in hydrogenation of maleic anhydride.100% conversion and 100%selectivity to succinic anhydride were demonstrated.
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