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本实验筛选和鉴定了高效的具有特异亲和性的小麦根际促生菌并研究小麦根际菌在根部的定殖动态。通过使用异硫氰酸荧光素(FITC)标记的小麦凝集素为介导工具筛选小麦根际促生菌。共获得32株与小麦凝集素具有亲和性染色的高效根际菌,分别为固氮菌17株,解磷细菌4株,解钾细菌11株。通过生理生化鉴定,大部分菌落呈白色和乳白色,WS17菌株的菌落颜色呈蛋黄色。17株菌为革兰氏阴性菌,15株菌为革兰氏阳性菌,31菌菌具有接触酶的活性。其中,27株菌具有淀粉酶活性,有3株菌的M.R.实验呈阳性,4株菌的V.P.实验呈阳性,有9株菌可以产硫化氢,8株菌能够利用葡萄糖产酸。大部分菌株可以利用单糖和多糖为唯一碳源。对筛选获得的代表菌株进行了16S rRNA基因序列的分析和构建系统进化树。进化树主要由芽孢杆菌、假单胞菌和节杆菌等7个种属构成组成。其中最主要的类群是芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)和节杆菌属(Arthrobacter)。
     根际促生菌具有促生特性,对植物的生长具有重要作用,因此鉴定和分析32株菌的促生特性,如产吲哚乙酸、铁载体、溶磷活性和抑制霉菌的能力是获得高效根际菌的重要参考指标。筛选获得的32株中,有21(65.6%)株菌产吲哚乙酸,其中3株菌的产量超过80mg/l,菌株WS12产量最高为103.3mg/l。铁载体的检测采用平板法和液体培养法。32株菌在采用平板法检测时,只有5株菌具有铁载体活性,表现为菌落周围有黄色晕圈。采用液体培养法时,产铁载体菌株的培养基颜色变成淡黄色。通过使用CAS反应检测,19(59.3%)株菌可以产铁载体,12株菌的产量达到5+的水平。说明采用液体培养测定菌株的产铁载体活性更具灵敏性。平板法可能由于使用的产铁载体固体培养基对细菌生长具有一定的抑制作用。31(96.8%)株菌株具有溶磷活性,溶磷能力在9.38-57.5μg/ml之间,其中菌株WS31溶磷活性最高为57.77±1.03μg/ml。虽然这些菌株筛选自不同培养基,但均具有溶磷活性。检测了32株菌抑制植物病原真菌的能力,发现大部分菌株不具备抑制能力,菌株WS07对4种具有明显的抑制作用。菌株WS07对小麦赤霉病(Fusarium Graminearum)抑制率最大,达到51.40%,对棉花枯萎病菌(F.oxysporum)和玉米小斑病菌(Bipolaria maydis),分别为41.03%和39.32%,对水稻纹枯病菌(Rhizoctonia solani)的抑制作用达到37.7%。因此菌株WS07表现出较好的抑制植物病原真菌的效果。测定菌株的促生长特性对微生物肥料的开发和应用具有重要的研究价值。
     FISH是研究根际微生物有效的检测技术。设计种属特异性探针,研究了根际促生菌(Bacillus sp. WS24和Pseudomonas sp. WS32)在小麦根表的定殖动态。设计的探针具有种属特异性,可检测到目的菌株。使用溶菌酶处理芽孢杆菌WS24菌株提高了FISH检测的灵敏度。在不同菌株混合存在的条件下,不同的种属探针可以同时检测多个目标菌株。采用FISH检测目的菌株在小麦根表定殖,发现大量菌体吸附在小麦根表和根毛部位,菌体沿根表细胞间隙纵向分布形成致密的生物膜;其中根毛区的细菌密度最大,菌体分布在根毛的表面。通过激光共聚焦显微镜观察,细菌菌体也分布于植物细胞的周围和根表的间隙中。不同种属的细菌定殖在小麦根表的部位基本相同,说明细菌在小麦根表的定殖中存在一定程度的位点竞争。通过FISH技术的检测,可以直观地观察到细菌在小麦根表的定殖情况,为根际微生物的研究提供了详细的实验数据。
The aim of this study was mainly to isolate and identify high efficient plantgrowth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) with specific-affintity in wheat plant roots as wellas research the dynamic and adsorption of PGPR in wheat roots. In total,32high efficientisolates were obtained by wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) labeled with fluoresceinisothiocyanate (FITC). Out of the32strains,17ones were obtained from the modifiedAshby medium,11ones from the potassium-releasing selective medium, and4strainsfrom the modified Pikovskaya medium. Based on phenotypic characterization, mostbacterial communities were white and milk-white, etc. Seventeen isolates were gramnegative whereas fifteen ones were gram positive. The oxidase test was positive for31isolates. The starch test was positive for27isolates, and the M.R. test was positive for3bacterial strains while the V.P. test was positive for4bacterial ones. Nine strains couldproduce H2S and eight strains could utilize glucose to produce acid. Most isolates couldutilize monosaccharides and a disaccharide as carbon sources. Based on the phylogeneticanalysis of the16SrRNA partial sequences, the results showed that the whole phylogenetictree was consisted by seven genuses, such as Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Arthrobacter etc.The main genus in phylogenetic tree concluded Bacillus sp. and Arthrobacter sp.
     It is well known that plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria play important roles inplant growth processes, so it is necessary to identification of plant growth promoting (PGP)traits, such as production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and siderophores, phosphorussolubilization as well as inhibition to fungi pathogens. The results showed that out of32tested isolates,21(65.6%) strains were found to produce IAA. Three isolates producedmore than80mg/l IAA, and strain WS12showed the highest IAA production (103.3mg/l).Petri plate and liquid cultivation methods were employed to detect production ofsiderophores. The results showed that few isolated could produce siderophores on petriplates, which showed yellow-halo around the communities, this might attribute to the toxinof medium used. However, the medium could change to light-yellow when bacteriaproduced siderophores. Nineteen (59.3%) isolates produced siderophores by using CASreaction, with12strains producing them at high amounts5+. This indicates that detectionof siderophores by liquid cultivation is more efficient. In detection of phosphorussolubilization,31(96.8%) strains exhibited the ability to solubilize phosphate, arrangingfrom9.38-57.50μg/ml. Strains WS31showed the largest amount of solubilized phosphate,which was57.7μg/ml. The detection of phosphorus solubilization indicates that although isolates are obtained from different media, they have the same ability to solubilizephosphate. Most isolates showed nearly no inhibition to four fungi pathogens. However,strain WS07showed satisfied ability to inhibit four tested fungi. The largest inhibition wasdetected toward wheat scab (Fusarium Graminearum), the inhibition efficiency was51.40%, and the next were cotton fusarium wilt (Fusarium. oxysporum) and Maize(Bipolaria maydis), with inhibition efficiency of41.03%and39.32%, respectively. Thelowest inhibition was toward rice sheath blight fungi (Rhizoctonia solani), which inhibitionefficiency was37.7%. Overall, strain WS07showed satisfied inhibiting effect. It isimportant to determine growth-promoting properties of tested strains as it can be used inthe application of microbial fertilizers.
     Large tube cultivation method was used to determine the promoting effect of32strains on the growth in wheat seedlings. The results showed that the concentration ofbacterial cells had great impact on the wheat growth. Low concentration showed nopromotion whereas high concentration showed inhibition of wheat plant growth. Out of32tested strains,21isolates increased the lateral roots,22strains promoted the plant heightwhile23increased the root length. Inoculation with32isolates,11strains increased theshoot fresh weight and17strains promoted the root fresh weight. By determination ofwheat dry weights, the results showed that10strains increased shoot dry weight,19isolates increased the root dry weight. The proportion of promotion on wheat primary root,lateral root number, plant height, root length, total fresh weight, root fresh weight, shootdry weight and root dry weight were15.62,65.62,68.75,71.87,34.37,53.12,31.25and59.37%, respectively. The all promotions mentioned above reached significant differenceat p=0.05level. The results showed that tested strains did not show promotions in all testeditems, but in several indicators, such as number of lateral root, plant height, root length androot dry weight. After comparion of promotion items with bacterial PGP traits, the resultsshowed that most of bacteria (65.6%) possessing two or three PGP traits, the number inpromotion items which achieved significant difference were more larger, this indicates thatbacterial growth-promoting properties paly important role in plant growth. Theseexperimental results provide concrete data to facilitate research on biofertilizers.
     Electroporation was employed to transfer the plasmid pTR102to strain WS32in orderto make easier to study the adsorption in wheat root surface. The results showed that thelabeled strains had luminescence and the resistances to three kinds of antibiotics (tet, kmand chl). The transfer frequency was3.55×10-5~4.14×10-5while the lost frequency was19.7%, this indicate that luxAB gene shows well genetic stability. Therefore, the strain, which had resistance and was easier to detect, could be obtained by labeled with luxABgene and made more efficient in research the adsorption of microbial strains in plantrhizosphere.
     Attachment of bacteria to plant roots is a necessary and vital step when bacteriacolonize the wheat root surface. Strain WS32-L was chosen to study the adsorptionkinetics in wheat roots. The results showed that attachment of strains WS32-L to wheatroots reached the highest and stable amount (7.85±0.084lgCFU/g) in first60min. Theadsorption of strain WS32-L matched well with isothermal adsorption curve. The highestamount was6.47×108CFU/g and the adsorption coefficient α=4.5×10-9after calculation instandard curve. Herein, the attachment was significantly increased by treated the wheatroot with WGA when compared to the control treatments at p=0.01level. However,heat-treated WGA failed to increase the adsorption amount. Thus, WGA play an importantrole in attachment of bacteria in plant root. These findings expand the understanding of themechanisms which WGA is involved. In addition, the research on adsorption of bacteriacan give us a better understanding in colonization process of bacteria to plant roots.
     Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is a powerful tool to detect the rhizospheremicrobes. The colonization of plant growth promoting strain (Bacillus sp. WS24andPseudomonas sp. WS32) was investigated by FISH technique. Species-specific probeswere designed. The results showed that probes had specific toward the target strains andcould detected the tested strains. The detecting efficiency of Bacillus sp. could be greatlyimproved by pretreated strains with lysozyme. Under the mixture cultivation conditions,different specie-probes could well detect the target strains. By using FSIH technique, theresults showed that most bacterial cells adsorbed on wheat root surface and root hairs.Bacterial cells were distributed along longitudinal gap of plant root cells and formed in thepattern of dense biofilm. Moreover, the bacterial density in the root hair was the biggestand majority of bacterial cells were located on root hair surfaces. By using laser scanningconfocal microscopy, it also showed that bacteria were distributed in the peripheral surfacegap of plant root cells in wheat. This study also found that, regardless of different bacterialspecies, their colonization in wheat root position were most similar, this may indicate thatbacteria in wheat root colonization process possesses great competion of adhering sites.Herein, by using the FISH technique, we can visually observe the adsorption andcolonization of bacteria in wheat root surface. All the work performed here provides morespecific experimental data in the research of rhizosphere microorganisms.
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