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The preparation and photo-electricity characteristics of DNA-CTMA films are mainly studied in this thesis. DNA-CTMA complexes were prepared by ion-change method,and DNA-CTMA thin film were fabricated by self-assembled and spin-coating methods, respectively. The photo-electricity characteristics of DNA-CTMA, such as the absorb spectra, refractive index, ac resistance and so on, were taken. The m lines were examined through prism coupling method.
     The unique photo-electricity characteristics and application as an optoelectronic film material of DNA-lipid complex are reviewed in the first part of the thesis. High optical transparency, low loss, thermal stability limit as high as 200-250℃are all the advantages of DNA-lipid complex film. Theπ?πstacking structure of the nucleo-base pairs of DNA not only form a tunnel ready for electron transfer, but also gives the film materials high optical transparency. Nanosize free space was offered for doping with functional dyes. And then , the application in optoelectronic field were summarized, including Bio-Organic Light Emitting Diode(BioLED), Bio-organic-semi- conductor-field-effect-transistor(BioFET) and application in host/guest waveguide and so on. The superior photo-electricity characteristics of DNA-CTMA are the basis of preparation super photo-electricity device.
     The intrinsic equation of TE and TM mode in plane waveguide were derived on the basis of ray optics and electromagnetic theory in the second part of this thesis. The condition of guided mode and radiation mode were summarized, offering the theory guide in designing and preparation of DNA-CTMA plane waveguide. The measure methods of index of refraction, thickness and loss of plane waveguide were summarized,which are the theory basic of measure in optical characteristics and analysis the experimental results of DNA-CTMA films. The characteristics of photo-electricity of dielectric waveguide material including LiNbO3 crystalloid, semiconductor complex, SiO2, SOI and polymer were summarized in the last nodule.
     The third part of this thesis is the experiment. DNA-CTMA films were fabricated use Salmon DNA, herring DNA, crucian DNA. 2000bp Salmon DNA-CTMA films were compared with 50bp Salmon DNA-CTMA films in terms of photo-electricity characteristics, including absorption spectrum with wavelength from 200nm to 25μm , m line, index of refraction of DNA-CTMA films and ac resistance. Results show, alike absorption spectra, refractive index and ac resistance were appeared among three kind of DNA. Different length of DNA molecule owed the same absorption spectra and refractive index. In addition, in the preparation process of the films, the some effect factors to the refractive index of film were analyzed, for example, the butanol remained in film, temperature and the dry time. And the ac resistivity of 50bp short DNA-CTMA thin film is less 2-3 orders of magnitude than the 2000bp longer DNA-CTMA thin film. The ac resistance of DNA-CTMA films decreases with increasing frequency of alternating current. Ac resistance of 50bp short DNA-CTMA film decreases at a much faster rate than that of 2000bp DNA-CTMA with frequency increasing.
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