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     第一章是操作风险理论分析,包含操作风险的定义、操作风险的特征以及操作风险的产生原因三个小节。在操作风险的定义部分,按照时间顺序综述了操作风险常见的定义,具体包括英国银行家协会(BBA)、IBM(英国)公司、数学博士Jack King.巴塞尔银行委员会、全球风险专业人员协会(GARP)、美国银行、花旗银行、德意志银行以及我国的《商业银行操作风险指引》,之后给出了本文所研究的操作风险的定义并以表格形式从人员、流程、信息系统、外部事件四个一级因素对我国保险公司操作风险进行了详细归类。在操作风险的特征部分,总结出操作风险具有内生性、覆盖面广、难以分散、与收益没有明显的对应关系、厚尾、计量难度大等特征。在操作风险的产生原因部分,从行为经济学、委托代理以及信息技术等理论探索操作风险的根源。从行为经济学角度来看,“预期”理论、启发式认知偏向、心理账户、“自我约束问题”等都是产生操作风险的根源;从委托代理角度来看,信息不对称、不确定性和技术约束导致契约不完全、激励不一致、责任不对等都是产生操作风险的根源;从信息技术角度来看,硬件因素、软件因素、网络因素都是产生操作风险的根源。
Operational risk is not an alien concept in the financial industry, but for insurance companies of china, it is frontier to know and manage operational risk. According to the study of A.M.Best, (Best's insolvency study, U.S Life/Health insurers (1976-2002) and the Best's insolvency study, property/casualty), it is showed that a number of reasons of bankruptcy of U.S insurers are related to Operational risk, such as:for Life/Health insurers, less than price,22%; related party transaction,20%;rapid expansion,17%;failure investment,14%; business fraud,9%; for property/casualty, less than price and reserve,37.2%; rapid expansion,17.3%;business fraud,8.5%.Basel Committee and European Committee have paid more attention to Operational risk and deepen the research. Compared to the banks and insurance companies in the developed countries, the operational risk management of insurance companies of china is poor. The objective of this paper is to strengthen the capacity of operational risk management in insurance companies of China.
     The overall idea of this paper:analyzing the definitions, characteristics and causes of operational risk firstly, then analyzing the influence of the New Basel Capital Accord of Basel Committee and the Solvency ii of European Committee, then analyzing the status of insurance companies of China and discussing the possible management of operational risk of insurance companies in China at last.
     The preface contains the introduction and research background, which is the basis of this whole paper.
     Chapter 1 is the theoretical analysis. The main content is the definition, characteristics and the reasons of operational risk, In this part, we can get comprehensive information about operational risk.
     Chapter 2 elaborates the influence of the New Basel Capital Accord of Basel Committee and the Solvency ii of European Committee. All this tips are useful for insurance companies of China to construct the process of operational risk management.
     Chapter 3 analyses the reality of operational risk and its management. A number of cases are showed in this part, we can get related information, which are both specific and vivid.
     Chapter 4 is the most important part of this paper. There are 5 sections: general framework, operational risk identification, operational risk measurement, operational risk monitoring and operational risk solution.
     The main innovations of this paper are as follows:
     1,the topic of this paper is new, this article focuses on the actual situation of insurance companies of China, based on both theory and practice and tries to build the operational risk process. China's domestic exploration in this area is still relatively rare at present.
     2,in the part of theoretical analysis, the definition of operational risk reference to a lot of literature, the causes of operational risk are comprehensive.
     3,this article considered two international financial committees, it has a wider reference value.
     4,this article takes the Pacific Insurance Company as an example from the internal perspective, this case is relatively new.
     5,this article discusses the general framework of operational risk from the perspective of corporate governance and risk management technologies, such a study about insurance companies is rare at present.
     6,the last chapter of this paper summaries the operational risk identification, measurement, monitoring and solutions comprehensively, it has some practice significance.
     The main shortcomings of the paper are as follows:
     1,operational risk management theory is lack of specific guidance in China and the insurance companies do not have enough practical experience, so this paper will inevitably be omissions and limitations.
     2,because of the lack of operational risk loss data, this paper dose not have empirical analysis and only have a simple use about the method of stress testing and scenario analysis.
     3,it is still not clear that the solutions mentioned in this paper are useful or not, I hope to have more detailed study in the future.
1 A.M.Best,2005.Best's insolvency study,U.S Life/Health insurers,1976-2002
    2 A.M.Best,2004.Best's insolvency study,property/casualty
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    4 A.M.Best,2005.Best's insolvency study,U.S Life/Health insurers,1976-2002
    5 A.M.Best,2004.Best's insolvency study,property/casualty
    11 M. H. Tripp, H. L. Bradley, R. Devitt, G. C. Orros, G. L. Overton, L. M. Pryor and R. A. Shaw, Quanlifing operational risk in general insurance company, Presented to the Institute of Actuaries,22 March 2004
    12 Mark Verheyen, 《Operational Risk Management in a Property/Casualty Insurance Company》, May 2005
    13 Stephen Manning, Andrew Gurney, Operational risk within an Insurance market, Journal of Financial Regulation and Compliance; 2005; Vol.13, No.4;pp.293-300
    14 J. David Cummins, Christopher M. Lewis and Ran Wei, the market value impact of operational risk event US.banks and insurers
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    16 Nick dexter,Chris ford, Quanlifing operational risk in general life insurance companies 26/05/2006
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