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The aluminum strip continuous roll-casting process is a highly efficient, energy saving, and environmental protection technology. Casting-roller is the key assembly of this system.With the development in the fast and ultra thin direction, roll-casting flatness problem becomes prominent gradually. According to the characteristics of roll-casting and its aluminum strip technology, and combined with non-linear thermal coupling finite element theory, calculation and analysis of the roll-casting thermal coupling elastic deformation are done through theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experimental verification, which provide basis for the determination of the best course roller type,and theoretical reference for the control of the roll shape.
     The content and structure of this paper is the following:
     According to the characteristics of roll-casting and its aluminum strip technology, the calculating theory domestic and abroad of roller deformation is systematically studied, and is briefly assessed.
     The calculation models of the roll-casting thermal coupling elastic deformation in manifold physical fields are established. For the contact mechanical behavior among the roll sets, roll core and slab, in order to enhance the efficiency, adopt the contact search strategy, which combines "determination of the initial contact search area" with "dynamic boundary conditions of access criteria". Based on the finite element theory of non-linear thermal coupling, coupledly analyse the interaction between temperature load and the deformation. Embodies the aluminum slab casting process is a large deformation, with material non-linear, geometry non-linear and contact nonlinear.
     The rolling force is calculated, to provide critical data of boundary conditions, and lay foundation for analysis of deformation
     Analysis of the elastic deformation and flexibility crushed of the casting roll is done, and the ground roller is obtained. In consideration of various practical problems during production, find the best original roll. And provide data reference and theoretic basis for the design,process and shape-controlling of the casting-roller.
     To provide data reference and theoretic basis for the design, process and shape-controlling of the casting-roller, the effect of different parameters on roller deformation is analysed.
     In view of the slide and dislocation phenomenon of roller core and roller shell during application and designing, the strain distribution in the binding area between the roller core and cover is analysed, thus provides theoretic data for the application and designing of casting roller.
     The measuring plan of the roller profile curve, rolled deformation and temperature field is put forward, and the non-contact measurement is adopted. The experimental values of the scene measuring are very consistent with the simulation values, and validate the correctness and feasibility of the calculation and analysis of this paper.
     The whole research work is summed up, and the creative methods of the research are pointed out, at the same time, the future research orientation is established.
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