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苎麻(Bochmeria nivea L.)为荨麻科(Vrticaceae)苎麻属(Bochmeria)多年生宿根性韧皮纤维作物。苎麻炭疽病(Colletotrichum spp.)是苎麻上发生普遍而严重的病害之一,一般发病率为20%-40%,重的病叶率、病情指数分别达90%、55.0%,可造成纤维损失10%左右。国内外有关苎麻炭疽病的研究报道比较少,尤其是国外。在中国,苎麻炭疽病的研究大多集中在上世纪八九十年代。因为炭疽菌属分类系统上发生过变化,所以作为引起苎麻炭疽病的病原需要重新确认。解析苎麻炭疽病病菌的分类地位、生物学特性以及苎麻受炭疽病诱导后的抗病防御反应机理,对创建具广谱持久的抗炭疽病材料,以及从苎麻中克隆抗病基因等具有重要意义。
     1.本研究从几个苎麻主产区(湖北武汉、湖北咸宁、湖南长沙、江西宜春和四川达州)采集炭疽病菌感染组织。已经成功分离到苎麻炭疽病菌株89个,分别为:湖北武汉20个,咸宁24个,江西18个,湖南长沙21个,四川达州6个。通过形态学和分子鉴定(ITS区序列,β-tubulin)序列和Actin序列的克隆)最后初步鉴定出苎麻炭疽菌病原为Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, C. fructicola, C. siamense和C.higginsianum。
     3.代表性菌株HN-3(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)生物学特性研究表明,菌丝在20~30℃之间可以生长,最适温度为25℃。分生孢子在20℃~30℃之间产量较高,28℃达到最高。菌丝在pH 4.0-10.0均能生长,在PDA、PSA和苎麻叶片培养基上生长最快。在牛肉膏培养基上产孢最多。菌丝对各种碳源的利用率都很高。其中对麦芽糖的利用效果最好。产孢方而,相同的氮源,碳源不同其产孢量差异很大,硝酸钾和葡萄糖的结合可以诱导大量孢子的产生,添加硝酸钙菌丝生长最快,在酵母膏为氮源的培养基里菌落直径较小,但是孢子数目巨大。维生素B2液体培养基里可以产生最多的生物量,同时也可以诱导大量分生孢子的产生。菌落在12小时光暗交替条件下生长最快,但是孢子产量却最低,而连续黑暗培养更利于孢子的生成。
Ramie (Boehmeria nivea L.), a perennial crop of bast fiber, also known as white leaf ramie belongs to Urticaceae Boehmeria.. Ramie anthracnose (Colletotrichum spp.) is one of the common and serious diseases occurred on ramie, which is caused a general incidence rate of 20%-40%. In the serious occurred period, the diseased leaves rate and disease index were reached 90% and 55.0%, respectively, causing 10% fiber loss. There are few researches on ramie anthracnose especially in abroad. In China the related reports the disease are mostly concentrated in 1980s and 1990s. It is of great significance on the analysis of biological characteristics of ramie anthracnose and the pathogen defense mechanism, for creating a broad-spectrum resistance to anthracnose and the clone of resistance genes from ramie.
     The main contents of this study are as follows:Identification, characterization of ramie anthracnose and analysis of polymorphism; build induced subtractive library of expression of pathogen-specific cDNA fragments using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technology. Ramie disease-related expression and gene fragments enhanced the expression of specific were screened out from the SSH cDNA library; through GenBank database searches, access to different expression of fragments of possible biological information. Finally, these fragments for further analysis and suggested the role in disease resistance and the relationship with the disease. Understand the level of resistance to anthracnose ramie involved in signal transduction, disease-related gene expression in the type and quantity. The level of initial establishment of disease resistance to anthracnose Ramie related gene expression profiles; for subsequent cloning, functional studies and disease-depth study of the mechanism of the establishment of technology platforms.
     We obtained the main outcomes as follows:
     1. In our research, we collected the pathogen-infected tissues from several main producing regions of ramie (Wuhan and Xianning of Hubei province, Changsha of Hunan province, Yichun of Jiangxi province and Dazhou of Sichuan province), and isolated 89 ramie anthracnose strains (of which 20 strains from Wuhan,24 from Xianning,18 from Jiangxi,21 from Changsha and 6 from Dazhou) from these tissues. These strains were identified basing on morphological and pathogenicity test as well as analyses of a partial sequence of the ITS,β-tubulin gene and Actin gene. Based on colony, conidial and appressoria morphology, and the molecular phylogenetics, C. fructicola, C. siamense, C gloeosporioides and C. higginsianum were identified as the causal agents of ramie anthracnose.
     2. RAPD clustering analyses among 45 strains from the main producing regions of ramie were performed using UPGMA average clustering method, the results showed abundant genetic divercity among these strains with no surprise, and at the identity level of 60%, the 45 strains were separated into two classes:the first contained WH-4, XN2-1 and XN2-4, and the second of WH-1, WH-9, WH-A, WH-B, WH-C, WH-D, WH-H, WH-J, JB-1, XN1-1, XN1-6, XN2-1, XN2-4, XN3-3, XN3-4, XN4-1, XN5, JX-1, JX-4, JX-6, JX-12, JX-14, JX-15, JX-16, JX-17, JX-18, JX-19, DZ-2, DZ-3, DZ-4, DZ-5, DZ-6, HN-1, HN-2, HN-3, HN-7, HN-8, HN-9, HN-12 and HN-13.
     3. We studied and measured the biological characteristics of a typical strain named HN-3 (C. gloeosporioides). The related results were as follows:the mycelium grew well from 20 to 30℃, best at 25℃; the yield of conidiophores came to a higher value also at the temperature from 20 to 30℃, best at 28℃. When under different pH values, the mycelium grew at pH 4.0-10.0; and different media, faster growth rates were obtained on PDA, PSA and ramie leaves (RLs) media, while most conidiophores on beef extract media (BE). Otherwise, when cultured on different media to measure its utilization ratio of different carbon and nitrogen sources, it showed high utilization ratios of every carbon sources and best of maltose, but it was not that similar if turned to sporulation. In short, we got widely different yield of conidia under the combinations of different carbon sources with one nitrogen source, e.g., a higher yield of conidia could be obtained on the medium combined of potassium nitrate (KNO3) and D-glucose; diameters on calcium nitrate [Ca(NO3)2] was high; Diameter on C-yeast was only 52.8mm, but its yield of conidia was highest by 3.16×107/ml. When adding VB2, its yield of conidia and the dry biomass of mycelia were significant higher than CK. We got a fastest growth rate in L/D condition (or, the 12-h/12-h condition) with a lowest yield of conidia, while in all dark condition, the conidia got a larger number.
     4. We constructed a subtractive library that abundant of anthracnose-resistant interrelated gene sequences by using suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH), and the reverse Northern dot-blot method was also performed for further screening to this library. As a result of it,132 EST fragments that representative of different genes were identified by sequencing and combination the screening differential expression clones. After that, we compared these sequences in NCBI, and the outcome showed that among the matched ESTs, the higher scores mostly came from that of Populus L., Prunus, Ricinus communis and Vitis vinifera, so had Glycine max and Vinca rosea, etc., but no that from ramie. Among these ESTs,37 of them (28%) were classified as disease-resistant and defense-related; 23 (17%) for unclassified; 15 (11%) for unclear classification; 10 (8%) for transcription; 7 (5%) for both transporter and metabolism; 6 (4%) for each function of cell growth/division, protein synthesis and transposons; and some EST ralated to signal transduction, energy, protein destination and storage, cell structure, secondary metabolism eg. In these ESTs, some ESTs from Poplar cDNA sequences (SSH library infected with rust fungus), metallothionein-like protein, heat shock protein, PR-1.2 protein, pathogenesis related protein.
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