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Over the past decade, supply chain disruption risk has been the primary threatto the operations, serviceability, and sustainability of manufacturing companies. Sup-ply chain disruptions have become increasingly jeopardizing under the background ofglobalization and current international situation. Study on supply chain disruption andits mitigating strategies is of great significance for Chinese companies to enhance theircapability of withstanding risks and international competitiveness.
     In this thesis, two important issues related to supply chain disruption are studied:dual sourcing policies with product substitution, and procurement auction with supplierdefault risk.
     Product substitution is an effective tactic in mitigating supply chain disruptions.However, in order to guarantee its effect under complete supply failures, multiplesourcing is required. We consider a supply chain with two downward substitutableproducts which can be sourced from an unreliable supplier and a reliable but more ex-pensive supplier. It is found that the higher-grade product should be preferred over thelower-grade one in the optimal sourcing policy. A su?cient condition is given, underwhich only the higher-grade product is dual sourced in the optimal policy. The e?ectof substitution is shown by comparison with the non-substitution case. We also use nu-merical results to show how the optimal sourcing policy and corresponding substitutionquantity are affected by demand variability.
     Procurement auction is the supplier selection and price determining mode in sup-ply chain management that has undergone the most rapid development and still has agreat potential in the future. However, people may argue that as traditional procure-ment auction only focuses on price, it may result in endangered supply chain reliability.We study procurement auction with supplier default risk, and formulate this problem asa Bayesian Game. For the cases of identical ordering cost and proportionate (in relia-bility) ordering cost we study the Bayesian-Nash Equilibrium of the game. For general reliability distribution, conditions are given to guarantee the most reliable supplier winthe supply contract. For the case where reliability follows uniform distribution, weprove that reliability is guaranteed under identical ordering costs, while the procurermust impose su?cient penalty to supplier default so that the most reliable supplierwill be chosen. Given an approximation between supply failure penalty and supplierreliability, we discuss the mechanism that leads to the optimal trade-o? between pro-curement cost and reliability.
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