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通过干热,苯酚,SDS等多种预处理方法对海南清澜港红树林、海南东寨港红树林、湛江红树林、深圳红树林、吊罗山原始森林、儋州橡胶林和海口火山口等7处热带不同生境土壤样品预处理,并采用多种选择性抗生素和培养基对这些样品进行稀有放线菌的分离。共分离到114株稀有放线菌。用显微镜形态观察和菌落形态观察对分离到的放线菌初步归类,从中选取38株菌进行16S rDNA序列分析和细胞壁氨基酸分析(薄板层析TLC),将分离到的稀有放线菌鉴定到属,并构建系统发育树进行类群分析。114株稀有放线菌分布在7个属,分别是链轮丝菌属、游动放线菌属、诺卡氏菌属、马杜拉放线菌属、链孢囊菌属、小四孢菌属、小单孢菌属。
In this research, soil samples collected from different environments including mangroves in Qinglan and Dongzai Harbors in Hainan province as well as those in Shenzhen and Zhanjiang; Tropical rain forest of Diaoluo Mountain, rubber tree forest in Danzhou、volcano area in Haikou, etc. Samples were pretreated with dry heating, adding phenol and SDS and then applied to selective media adding with different antibiotics. One hundred and fourteen isolates were selected and primarily classified by their morphology on the agar plates and under microscope. Thirty eight isolates were putatively identified to the genus level based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis and cell wall amino acid analysis by TLC. Neighbor-joining tree based on almost-complete 16S rRNA gene sequences showing the systematic relationship between the 38 strains.The 114 strains were classified to 7 genus of Actinomadura, Actinoplanes, Micromonospora, Streptosporangium, Nocardia, Microtetraspora and Streptoverticillum.
     Through detection of bioactivities on the 114 rare actinomycetes isolates, 22 strains showed activity against B16 cell, which was 19.3% of total strains; 25 strains were active against Candida albicans, which was 21.9% of total strains. Strains isolated from mangroves showed higher percentage of bioactivity than other envrironment, which was 33.3%.
     The distributions of rare actinomycetes in different environment in this research were different. In mangroves Micromonospora and Actinoplanes were of predominant genus. More diversity of rare actinomycetes was found in tropical rain forests of Diaoluo mountain, which are Actinomadura, Actinoplanes, Micromonospora, Nocardia, Microtetraspora and Streptoverticillum.
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