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  • 英文题名:The Research and Application of the Linear Discriminant Analysis on Face Recognition Technology
  • 作者:崔丽
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:计算机应用技术
  • 学位年度:2004
  • 导师:周春光
  • 学科代码:081203
  • 学位授予单位:吉林大学
  • 论文提交日期:2004-04-01
随着社会的发展 ,各个方面对快速有效的自动身份验证的要求日益迫切。由于生物特征是人的内在属性,具有很强的自身稳定性和个体差异性,是身份验证的最理想依据。从而,“生物特征识别技术”,因其良好的安全性越来越多地应用于身份识别。自动人脸识别技术因造价低、使用友好等优点成为其中很有前景的一部分。由于在一个场景中找到一张脸并且能够识别它在人类生活中是很普通且非常重要的,因此将这项任务自动化是有重要意义的。计算机技术和人工智能领域研究的发展使得这方面的研究成为可能。同时,根据计算机技术的发展趋势,智能人机界面应该取代传统的键盘鼠标,成为更加安全方便的人机交互接口。
    在应用领域上,目前可能的识别任务主要可以归为两类:身份识别/辨认/匹配(Recognition/ Identification/ match)、身份验证/证实/监督(Verification/ Authentification /Surveillance)。前者在应用上的典型实例就是公安刑侦追逃。第二种应用情形的典型实例是身份证件的鉴别、自动门禁控制系统、银行ATM取款机、家庭安全等领域。简单讲,一个是判断他或她是谁,一个是判别他或她是不是某个人。目前,这一领域的产品正在受到越来越多的关注。
Biometric identification systems, which use physical features to check a person's identity, ensure much greater security than password and number systems. Identifying a human individual from his or her face is one of the most non-intrusive modalities in biometrics. The capability of finding and recognizing a face in a random scene is important in everyday activities. So it’s very significant that automate this task. Development in computer technology and artificial intelligence make research on these fields possible. At the same time, it also spurs the efforts on intelligent interface between human and machine. It is fundamental that computer should know who are in its eyeshot.
    However, it is also one of the most challenging problems. At first, the face images are obtained by different way or in different condition, so they have substantial difference in quality, geometry, illumination, etc. In addition, it also exits the makeup and face-painting influence. But the most essential reason is that face is a kind of non-rigid object that has highly similarity. Different person’s faces have similar shape and structure, and one person’s face has different state. In the past decade, many research groups make great efforts on it and a series of successes have made general personal identification appear not only technically feasible but also economically practical. However, no perfect solution can accomplish this task under the non-constraint condition.
    It is of particular interest in a wide variety of applications. In fact, face recognition technology has two kinds of application: recognition/ identification/ match and verification/ authentification/ surveillance. A typical example about the former one is applications in law enforcement for mug-shot identification. The latter application is also broad, such as verification for personal identification, gateways to limited access areas, authentification for ATM and family security, etc. In brief, one is concluding who is he/she and the other is deciding is he/she somebody.
    This paper is interested in doing some father work in theory research and practical experiment. It also outlined two instances concerned.
    A typical automatic face recognition system consists of the following function: image obtaining, face detection and location, image preprocessing, feature extraction, classifier designing and deciding. Most research focuses on face detection, feature extraction and classifier designing.
    According the practical application, an integrated, robust,real-time face detection and demographic analysis system. Faces are detected and extracted using the fast algorithm recently proposed by Viola and Jones . Detected faces are passed to a demographics classifier which uses the same architecture as the face detector.
    Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), or Fisher’s Linear Discriminant (FLD) is a class specific method in the sense that it represents data to make it useful for classification. Given a set of images with each image belongs to one of classes , LDA selects a linear transformation matrix in such a way that the ratio of the between-class scatter and the within-class scatter is maximized.
    We select classical Euclidean Distance method for recognition strategy. It is simple and efficient in many applications. However computing in recognition phrase is excessive. In order to achieve excellent performance, each axis is weighted by LDA's associated generalized eigenvalue.In- addition,other methods are also studied and tested.
    Based on the above theory and experiment, software has been developed to practical application. Automatic face recognition screensaver system is the kind of verification application. The system achieves the visitor’s face image then decides whether he/she has the access permission by matching the images features in database. The other software is concerned recognition application. It’s face image database searching system. Given an image, system finds an image set, which includes the most similar images.
    Some possible future research
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