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Environmental problems resulting from rapid economic growth received wide attention of scholars, but the existing research pay more attention to analyze global ecological environment problem, namely, the whole people, the whole country, the whole area suffered what kind of environmental pollution, pay less attention to different environmental problems and environmental protection responsibility between different regions and different groups.The study of environmental equity begin abroad, foreign research on environmental equity pay more attention to different groups suffering from different environmental risk in countries and regions that have outstanding ethnic and racial conflicts, while, in China there is no similar racial, ethnic tensions, by contrast, along with rapid economic growth in China, we should pay more attention to the problem of environmental inequity between developed eastern areas and backward western region,and environmental inequity between developed countries and developing countries including China.Thus the author of this paper selected the related research of interregional environmental inequity issues for final topic, the content include three parts, phenomenon analysis of interregional environmental inequity, the root cause of the interregional environmental inequity and countermeasures of interregional environmental inequity.
     The research content of this paper is divided into eight chapters. The first chapter is introduction, mainly discusses the background and significance of the selected topic, and analyze research methods, difficulty, innovations and shortcomings of the article.The second chapter is literature review of the environmental inequity. This chapter first summarizes general understanding of equity and environmental inequity, as the basis and reference for later analysis of environmental inequity, and then summarizes manifestation, reasons, research methods of environmental inequity, finally make a summarized review for existing research and put forward the framework for research of environmental inequity.The third chapter is present situation of China's interregional development gap of economy and environmental burden inequity. First, make a intuitive description of interregional development gap of economy and environmental burden inequity, then use the theil index, depicts the current situation of environmental burden inequity, and use the Theil index making decomposition of environmental burden inequity among eastern, central and western areas and within three regions, and the contribution of inequity among and within three regions to the whole environmental burden inequity, finally use environmental inequity index and green contribution coefficient analyze the environmental burden inequity in China more concretely.The fourth chapter is theoretical analysis and cause analysis of interregional environmental inequity. First, theoretical analysis of interregional environmental inequity, including following three aspects, countries and regions with different development level have different impact on environmental degradation, countries and regions with different development level suffer different influence of environmental degradation, rich countries get the ecological interests do not shoulder proper environmental protection responsibility. Second, cause analysis of interregional environmental inequity, on the one hand I analyze the cause of interregional environmental inequity based on the angle of interests, on the other hand I analyze the cause of interregional environmental burden inequity in China using the regression based approach empirically, and conclude that interregional development gap lead to environmental burden inequity.The fifth chapter is the relationship between environmental regulation and interregional environmental inequity, including following three aspects:Firstly, make a empirical analysis of the relationship of environmental regulation and interregional environmental inequity using Chinese provincial panel data, and make a conclusion that improve the level of environmental regulation promoting interregional environmental equity. Secondly, Environmental regulation policy will produce new social inequality, including environmental inequality, backward countries and regions should pay more attention to this point in the governance of local pollution. Thirdly, the choice of environment pollution treatment technology may produce different employment effect, terminal management technology promote employment, and the clean production technology weaken employment, although the anti-pollution effect of clean production is good, but the backward countries and regions can not only see the environment effect, they should also consider employment effect in the governance of local pollution, otherwise it will cause a new inequity. The sixth chapter is the interregional environmental responsibility sharing.This chapter build a nonlinear panel threshold model showing the relationship between environmental regulation and employment, verifies the efforts of environmental protection of developed regions are not only conducive to the sharing of environmental liability, but also lead to the job security of developed regions. Chapter seven is conclusion. This chapter summarizes the content of previous six chapters, lists the main research conclusion, and proposes future research direction.
     The innovation of this article may conclude four points described as follows.
     Firstly, this paper depicts the situation of interregional development gap of economy and environmental burden inequity in China.Choose typical industrial pollutants, make a comparison among different regions about environmental burden and pollution treatment investment.
     Secondly, this paper studies the cause of interregional environmental inequity using a regression based approach.The result indicates that interregional environmental burden inequity mainly caused by the development gap between provinces which measured by residents'per capital income and wastewater disposal investment this two index.
     Thirdly, this paper provides the basis for strengthening pollution governance to reduce local pollution and pollution transfer of developed areas. Uses the panel threshold regression model, take provinces panel data in China for example, concluded that the developed areas should strengthen region environment pollution control efforts, which is not only beneficial to promote the employment in the region, but also to achieve environmental protection and governance responsibility fairly shared between regions.
     Fourthly, I make a conclusion that the choice of environment pollution treatment technology should consider the effect of employment. Through the empirical test using Chinese provincial panel data conclude that terminal management technology has positive effect on jobs, clean production technology has negative effect on jobs, if developing countries and underdeveloped regions eager to reduce local environment pollution, just focus on the pollution environment effect of technology, and do not pay attention to employment effect, reduce the environmental burden gap at the national level and regional level can be achieved in a short period of time but it will cause new social inequity.
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