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The publicity of Non-profitable government-invested project determines that the management performance of agent construction project shall be studied from the point of public management. This dissertation re-reviews the service object、goal establishment and forming process of management performance of angent construction project by the relevant theory and logical thinking of public management. Based on the new understanding of management performance of agent construction project, the specific measures of output process optimization and appraisal of management performance of agent construction project are put forward.
     Firstly, by reviewing existing research achievements on agent construction system, it is summarized that an important deficiency of research on agent construction system is ingoring the publicity of agent construction system. It is point out that agent construction system is the cooperation between public sector and private sector, which is within the research scope of public management. The goal of management performance of agent construction project is providing public benefit, so the analysis and research must apply public management theory.
     Secondly, the literature review on public management is done, in order to discuss the relationship between public management and agent construction system, and find out the applicable public management theory and idea for agent construction system. This paper does research on the relationship between public management & agent contruction system and management performance of agent construction project by theory、paradigm and framework of public management.
     Thirdly, this dissertation analyzes management performance goal for agent construction project, and points out the goal of management performance is service for public benefit. The difficulty of forming the same goal between public and private sector lies in different value orientiation. By public mental model, this dissertation states the process of coordinating and controlling the common goal of agent construction system. Based on the analysis of management performance goal of agent construction project, this dissertation analyzes the forming process of management performance of angent construction project, and puts forward the interactive relationship among the forming of performance of agent construction system、organization design and participants: maximizing input-outpput ratio by power and resource allocation; motivating effectively by conferring authority so as to play the subjective enthusiasm fully; building coordination mechanism by PPP, so as to achieve continuous self-improvement and active adaption to the environment and improve the management performance of agent construction project by interaction of organization design with participants.
     Finally, this dissertation gives concrete optimization measures to improve the performance of agent construction system, by analyzing how to seperate power during output process of management performance of agent construction system and how to form PPP combined with the specific situation and related theory in China. Combined with publicity of management performance of agent construction project, this dissertation establishes index system of management performance appraisal of agent construction project according to process+result model, and introduces means of management performance appraisal under uncertain environments.
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