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It is necessary for every automobile manufacture enterprise to make choice of supply chain management to obtain competitive advantage.Trust is the base of supply chain cooperation.Research on operation mechanism of collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain helps to reduce or even avoid the abnormal interruption of supply chain partnership caused by trust crisis.
     Based on the characteristics of the automobile manufacturing supply chain in China and the related studies of the scholars at home and abroad,the paper studies operation mechanism of collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain from the dynamic perspective.The new ideas of the paper are as follows:
     (1)Bow-Sting-Arrow modeling of the collaboration trust′s power and the interpretative structural modeling of the factors affecting collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain are proposed.From the dynamic perspective,the collaboration trust′s power in automobile manufacturing supply chain is divided into the core power,the hard and soft power.The more appropriately the hard and soft power matches,the stronger the core power is.Consequently,collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain is built more easily.On the condition of the hard power being compared to bow,the soft power being compared to string and the core power being compared to arrow,Bow-Sting-Arrow modeling of the collaboration trust′s power in automobile manufacturing supply chain is proposed.By interpretative structural modeling in system engineering theory,the paper analyses relative structure of the factors affecting collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain . The factors affecting collaboration trust are divided into six levels.Consequently,the collaboration trust is divided into calculus-based trust,knowledge-based trust and identification-based trust,and it will be the reference for the further research on collaboration trust from the dynamic perspective.
     (2)Evolutionary game modeling of the collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain is proposed.From the model,only when the excess return which both of partners get when both of partners take the trust strategy is more than the speculative gains which both of partners get when either of partners takes the mistrust strategy alone,will the system evolve the trust-trust strategy.When the excess return which either of partners gets when both of partners take the trust strategy is less than the speculative gains which either of partners gets when either of partners takes the mistrust strategy alone,the system will evolve the mistrust-mistrust strategy at last.
     (3)Analysing the path by which the collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain takes an effect on the supply chain cooperation based on structure equation modeling, the black box of trust affecting cooperation is revealed.Three paths by which the collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain takes an effect on the supply chain cooperation are as follows:①calculus-based trust→knowledge-based trust→affective commitment→supply chain cooperation;②calculus-based trust→knowledge-based trust→identification-based trust→supply chain cooperation;③calculus-based trust→knowledge-based trust→identification-based trust→affective commitment→supply chain cooperation.
     (4)Evaluation method of the collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain is proposed based on vague set.Different from the traditional view that the demensions of trust are parallel relationship,the paper proposes that the demensions of trust ( calculus-based trust , knowledge-based trust and identification-based trust)are progressive relationship,and builds evaluation index structure which is progressive relationship.Based on vague set and above,the paper evaluates the collaboration trust in automobile manufacturing supply chain.
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