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At present, the amendment work of procedural law in China has come and regarding the amendment to criminal procedure law, one important opinion in the academic circle is to enhance the litigation status of criminal victims in the process of criminal litigation, and ensure the implementation of relevant rights of criminal victims. Under the current criminal procedure law system of China, the victims are only regarded as criminal witnesses or lookers-on in criminal litigation, or are excluded outside the court, or give testimony in the court. They don’t have formal litigation status, and can not enjoy relevant litigation rights. Thus, some scholars put forward that protection of the rights of victims should be strengthened and“make the scale that is biased towards the defendant be balanced”. Under this circumstance, this paper will study the issue on the litigation status and relevant rights of criminal victims, especially the status and rights insurance issue in public prosecution cases. For the above issues, the paper is divided into four parts to study them from enquiry of principles to attempt of system design.
     In the first part, it studies the concept of criminal victim and rights source of victims. Through investigating the source and development of the concept of criminal victim, and combining the mainstream opinions in home and abroad, the writer defines the concept of criminal victim as the natural person whose just rights or legal rights and interests are infringed. At the same time, according to the key point of study of this paper, the writer defines the concept of victim within public prosecution cases. But for study on the source of rights, one important investigation is examining the motivation of victims in participating in the litigation and on this basis doing some targeted design on the procedures of criminal litigation. If these goals are realized, the rights of victims can be actually guaranteed. Based on this, the paper surveys one new perspective of the academic world’s study on the motivation of victims in participating in the litigation, the mentality of revenge and compensation-seeking of victims and thinks that this is the body litigation status of victims and the source of litigation rights around this positioning. Through examination of the producing mechanism of revenge and compensation-seeking mentality of victims, it gets the reasonability of the existence of revenge criminal led by the country. And combining the principle of statutory offence and fitness of crime and responsibility, it determines the principle of rights guarantee of victims: ensure victims participating in litigation, realize their interest appeal through litigation, deciding rights on the treatment of criminals within the legal scope, and ensure that the revenge and compensation-seeking mentality of victims are appropriately met.
     The second part is a historical analysis of the rights guarantee of criminal victims. In this part, with the development sequence of guarantee of victims’rights, the paper investigates that the initial stage of victims’rights is the maximum stage, development stage, decreased stage, recovery stage. Through analysis of the condition of victims’rights in each stage, combining the historical background at that time, it provides theoretical foreshadowing for the realistic analysis of victims’rights.
     The third part is a realistic analysis of the guarantee of victims’rights. In this part, the paper surveys the current condition of guarantee of victims’rights and the inadequacy of guarantee of victims’rights; analyzes the reason of inadequacy of guarantee of victims’rights; illustrates the realistic urgency and necessity of guarantee of victims’rights. The paper holds the opinion that the determination of the status of victims in litigation is the basis for confirming the guarantee of their rights, but there are different opinions on the litigation status issue of victims in the theoretical circle of China. Some think that victims are in the litigant status while others think that they are in the status of witness. Through examination of the current law, the paper thinks that victims in public prosecution cases are neither witness nor litigant in the complete sense. Actually they do not have full litigant status. In this case, the system design of criminal procedure law considers less for victims in the distribution of litigation rights, which causes the unbalanced litigation rights distribution of victims and defendant in criminal procedure law. This causes that the regulations on protection of criminal procedure rights in China have many weaknesses, for example lack of defining on the concept and scope of victims, not perfect regulations on the prosecution rights and appealing rights of victims, lack of regulations on providing legal relief for victims, and lack of regulations on compensation by the state to victims.
     The fourth part is about establishment of rights system of victims. The paper in this part mainly discusses the establishment of rights system of victims, and improvement of victims’rights in criminal procedures and emphases the importance of establishing state compensation system. According to the conclusion of“in the whole legal system, rights shall be the beginning point, core and leading part, and rights is the purpose”, the writer puts forward deciding the status of victims and guaranteeing the rights of victims needs each of the basic rights of victims in the litigation process, establish the rights system of victims, and defines the rights and obligations of each side based on this in order to achieve the purpose of victims. The rights system of victims includes four aspects: the rights of litigation of victims, the rights for getting relief and compensation, the guaranteeing rights of victims and the relevant deciding rights of victims in criminal litigation. Establishing the above rights system is also key measures for meeting and leading the revenge and compensation mentality of victims. After establishment of rights system, the paper tries to design the system for implementing the above rights system in legislature, including: endowing appealing rights to victims in legislature; endowing them with the rights to know in litigation process; endowing them the rights in executions stage, mainly including the suggestion of victims on measurement of penalty and manner of penalty execution and the right to object. The state compensation system for victims refers to before acquiring compensation or compensation is not enough, through certain procedure of the state, giving victims who are infringed due to criminal act proper economic compensation. Through examining the concept and historical development of this system, and combining the relevant legislature experience in foreign countries, the writer tries to study the specific operations of this system, including the fund source of state compensation to victims, compensation subjects and some relevant procedural issues in implementing this system.
     The guarantee of victim’s rights is the requirement of social development and mark of social progress. Concerning the underprivileged group means the civilization and prosperity of a society. When we gain the victory of fight for victims’rights in the conflict between punishing crime and ensuring the human rights, we should not forget the cry and suffering of victims who are infringed by criminal acts, and we have not any excuse to turn a deaf ear to this cry. We believe, only when the litigation rights of victims and defendants and their litigation status s are equally concerned, can the conception of guarantee of human rights be healthy and can the meaning of social civilization be really full, and can the love of human society for the underprivileged group be embodied. In order to fully realize that the criminal litigation law guarantees human rights, we should not only pay attention to the guarantee of the rights of defendants and criminal suspects, but also strengthens guarantee for victims’rights. Defendants possess important legal status in litigation and enjoy broad substantive rights and procedural rights. Guaranteeing the rights of victims is the embodiment and deepening of guarantee of human rights, and is important mark of civilization of criminal litigation. We should begin from the basic conception of guaranteeing the human rights of victims and realizing procedural justice, and realizing the balanced guarantee of the interests of the state, victims and defendants.
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